ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Input From Generated Text File?

May 10, 2008

I�m currently doing work for a local cinema that wants session times to be displayed as .swf's on a few monitors in the foyer, but I�m having difficulties writing the script for it, here's the situation:The session times are generated daily as a text file by the ticketing software, it looks like this:

12 1 0950 101 0 330 0 M MADE OF HONOUR
1 1 1000 95 0 400 0 M WHAT HAPPENS IN
6 1 1000 95 0 154 0 M SMART PEOPLE
9 1 1010 92 0 300 0 PG MISS PETTIGREW


Additional requirements are the times disappearing after the session has started as well as session times 13-16 being displayed as a separate .swf (first class seating)So i guess my main question is "can i dynamically load text from a multi-line txt file without editing the txt file to include variable assignment? ('content=' etc)" the txt file generated is intended for an led display and is apparently a Texas Instruments standard.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Some Text From An Input Dynamic Text To A File?

Mar 27, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Default Dynamic Text Auto-scale Font, Input From Input Text First

Feb 3, 2011

I have an issue with font scaling of a dynamic text box.

Currently i have one input box named input_1 with a variable attached to it named "choc_1".

Also, i have a dynamic text box named dynamic_1 with variable "choc_1".

When the user types something on the input box then the dynamic box changes instantly and displays what the user has written.

auto scale-size the fonts to a smaller size if the user types many letters.

The input_1 box has a 13 character limit. My initial font size is 200, i want to scale down so when the user types 10 letters they fit the box and they don't go out of screen. I want to use one line, so wrap or multiline is not possible.

here's a code that i'm trying to fix but i can't get the dynamic box to change:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Auto-scale Font, Input From Input Text First

Feb 3, 2011

I have an issue with font scaling of a dynamic text box.

Currently i have one input box named input_1 with a variable attached to it named "choc_1".

Also, i have a dynamic text box named dynamic_1 with variable "choc_1".

When the user types something on the input box then the dynamic box changes instantly and displays what the user has written.

I've googled a lot, but i can't find a solution to auto scale-size the fonts to a smaller size if the user types many letters.

The input_1 box has a 13 character limit. My initial font size is 200, i want to scale down so when the user types 10 letters they fit the box and they don't go out of screen. I want to use one line, so wrap or multiline is not possible.

here's a code that i'm trying to fix but i can't get the dynamic box to change:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Box To Dynamic Text Output - No Cursor, Can't Input?

Apr 28, 2011

the last of many problems, is that at the very end of the test, you're shown your score, and you have the option to type your name in a text box and click "save". Doing so will apply you score data (time elapsed, date, correct answers and percentage) along with the name you typed in, and output in a form, that you can save or print off, or whatever. The problem is, the input text box will not let you type in it. If you mouse over it, the mouse stays a pointer, you don't get the text tool. If you click on it, the cursor appears for a split second after you release the mouse button, but you cannot type anything in it.This is the actionscript for the output form:

function saveRecord(record:String, field:String, now:Object, score:Object):Void {


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IDE :: Have 4 Dynamic Text Boxes Which Duplicates The Text From A Main Input Text Box?

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Real-time User Generated Input Text Field

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Dynamic Text Color Based On Input Text

Aug 29, 2011

I have an input text box (txtInput) and a dynamic text box (dynTxt). I want the dynamic text to stay black but highlight a segment of that text in yellow depending on certain characters.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Box To Dynamic Text Output - No Cursor?

Apr 28, 2011

you have the option to type your name in a text box and click "save". Doing so will apply you score data (time elapsed, date, correct answers and percentage) along with the name you typed in, and output in a form, that you can save or print off, or whatever. The problem is, the input text box will not let you type in it. If you mouse over it, the mouse stays a pointer, you don't get the text tool. If you click on it, the cursor appears for a split second after you release the mouse button, but you cannot type anything in it.This is the actionscript for the output form:

Actionscript Code:
//function saveRecord(record:String, field:String, now:Object, score:Object):Void {  var so:Object = Object(SharedObject.getLocal(record)); = record; = field;


Everything looks in order, all the variables are correct, the input text box is set to input - it just wont let you write in it. I even went into a blank project, created a rudimentary setup, with an input text box one frame and a button, with the simple script:

Actionscript Code:

Setup a button that moved to the frame with the designated output dynamic text box, tested it, it worked. So I tried moving the input box to the program - will not work.... It does the same thing, cannot type in it. I tried moving the text box to a different frame, used the simpler script to output, made no difference.

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ActionScript 3.0 ::show Value In Dynamic Text From Input Text Filed?

Aug 18, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Dynamic / Static Text To Input Text?

Feb 18, 2011

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Jul 24, 2009

I'm trying to pass text from an input text in frame 1 to a dynamic text field in frame 10. Thus when the user enters text and clicks the submit button it takes them to frame 10 and shows them what they typed. It's not working but I'm not getting any errors. Here's the link:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Input Text To Dynamic Text?

Mar 23, 2009

I have two separate text input fields (line1 and line2) that I want to pass their contents to two dynamic text fields (result1 and result2) within the same frame. line1 ---> result1line2 ---> result2I would like to do this so that when you type in the text it updates at the same time as you type).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Input Text To Dynamic Text?

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btn.onRelease = function()
DynamicField.text = InputField.text;


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Where: textOutput is the instance name of the output dynamic box writtentext is a variable that gets passed But it doesn't work. How can I get this UpperCase thing to work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Number From Input Text To Dynamic Text?

Dec 5, 2009

I'm having trouble passing a number from an input text box to a dynamic text box after a button is clicked.
In timeline I have two frames labeled: 1) inf, which starts with an input text box and a button, and 2) closing, which receives data from inf section.
INF SECTION has an input text box (age_txt) and a button (inf_bt).
var userAge:Number;age_txt.text; 
inf_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPg1);
function gotoPg1 (evt:MouseEvent): void{age_txt.text=String(userAge);// user


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Pass Input Text To Dynamic Text?

Nov 26, 2009

I am currently creating an application with multiple pages. These pages have several textInput instances on which the user enters data into. There is a final page that asks the user to confirm the data they have entered which is a page full of dynamic text fields that should display the previously entered data. What I need to do is, to be able to pass whatever is entered into my textInput instances and pass that data to my dynamic text fields to be displayed as text on that final confirmation page.

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IDE :: Display Input Text In Dynamic Text Boxes?

Jul 25, 2009

I have a INPUT TEXT inside a mc called "txt mc" and DYNAMIC TEXT in the main time line.I'm trying to display what's typed in the INPUT TEXT (my_Input_Txt) in the DYNAMIC TEXT boxes (my_Dyn_Txt1, my_Dyn_Txt2, my_Dyn_Txt3).Here's the code. But it won't simply work perhaps because the INPUT TEXT is inside a MC. I need to have the INPUT TEXT INSIDE THAT MC while having the DYNAMIC TEXT boxes out in the main time line.

my_Input_Txt.onChanged = function() {
my_Dyn_Txt1.text = my_Input_Txt.text;
my_Dyn_Txt2.text = my_Input_Txt.text;
my_Dyn_Txt3.text = my_Input_Txt.text;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Xml Generated Text In 2(or More) Dynamic Textfields?

Feb 19, 2009

Im attempting to display xml generated text in 2(or more) dynamic textfields. One textfield under the thumbnail and 2 or more textfields next to the large image that loads.Ive posted an example where I put text in the dynamic text fields just to show location and how it should work:[URL]

I keep getting undefined errors. I've made minor adjustments from the original source: [URL]I think the error might be a typo. Ive pasted the AS and you can click the link for the zip if any want to take a crack at this issue: [URL]

----------------ERROR I KEEP GETTING----------------------------
1120: Access of undefined property arrayThumb.
1120: Access of undefined property arrayThumb.
1120: Access of undefined property thumbsDescription.


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I've created a form-like input to receive user input in the form of text in a frame. Now, I would like to pass that input into an external text file. I hope to get help to implement this. Let's assume that this app will be only used locally and not over the web.

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Jan 22, 2009

I'd like any text typed into an input field to be traced in a dynamic textfield at runtime?

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Php :: Html - Import Text From A User Generated Txt-file To A Div With PHP?

Feb 23, 2011

This is my first experience with PHP, so bare with me. I've made an Ecard using Flash and Dreamweaver. On the Ecard is a form to fill out, your name, your email, a comment, and the name and email to the person you are sending the ecard to.[URL].. When you push the "Submit"-button it sends an email to the receiver, and it creates a .txt file on my server with the info.

The .txt-file has a unique name generated by:

$mailCount = $_POST['me_count'];
$senderName = $_POST['me_name'];
$senderEmail= $_POST['me_email'];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHPBB - Login Through Flash Using One Dynamic Text Field And One Input Text Field And No Buttons?

Jul 17, 2003

Is it possible to login through flash using one Dynamic Text Field and one Input Text Field and no buttons? If so how? I have seen many tutorials dealing with logging in to PHP using flash but it requires you to make your own php scripts which i am not familiar with. Can some one tell me how to do this with PHPBBs existing php scripts... I want to be able to login thorugh a Input Text Field box and have it verify it in PHP and also be able to register and view other PHP info such as users online and FAQ..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input A Dynamic Text Field Into Many Dynamic Movies

Jul 17, 2010

I'm trying to input a dynamic text field into many dynamic movies. I use a for loop to successfully create 18 movies. I can't seem to get the text to be input dynamically however. The dynamic text field in the dynamic movies is named eventText. This code in the for loop successfully creates 18 movies:


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I know this is a tutorial on this site but I'm having trouble finding it, and its been a while so I can't remember exactly how to do it. I just need to make a dynamic text field that you can edit via text file.

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Feb 14, 2005

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Bold Text In A Dynamic Text Field Fed By An Xml File?

Nov 2, 2011

I have a dynamic textfield being populated with an xml files' content. I then have a css stylesheet loaded into format the text. This all works great, but what doesn't work is the ability to bold some of the words in that text. I have both the regular and bold versions of the font embedded into the swf, I can test out just a bold block of text and it works fine. The css is also working as it will change the size of the text that I tell it to. Everything is working, but for some reason I am not able to get the bolder version of the font to display in the same text box as the regular one. I have also tried to change fonts but had the same outcome.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dynamic Text Field That Can Edit Via Text File

Nov 9, 2003

I know this is a tutorial on this site but I'm having trouble finding it, and its been a while so I can't remember exactly how to do it. I just need to make a dynamic text field that you can edit via text file.

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