ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedded SWF Dynamic Text Load?
Mar 1, 2004
I followed the loading embedded SWF file tutorial and it works fine. I followed the loading external data dynamic text box tutorial and it works fine.... My problem lies when I combine them both. My main.swf contains an embedded about.swf. The about.swf contains a dynamic text box that reads an external text file. by its self, the about.swf works fine. For some frustrating reason (probably super simple), I cant see the dynamic text when I load my main.swf. On my main.swf the dynamic text scroll bar even able to scroll (as if something was there), but I cant see it or highlight it with my mouse.!
I have my main stage, and into this main stage I am embedding another .swf file (multiple instances on a map). I would like to be able to load dynamic text from an array (addressA) on the main stage into the embedded .swf - can this be done?
Here is what I have tried, and failed with:
1) Creating a dynamic text box on the embedded .swf, giving it an instance name of markeraddy_txt, and writing AS in that .swf for markeraddy_txt.text = addressA;
2) Creating a dynamic text box on the embedded .swf, giving it an instance name of markeraddy_txt, creating a variable on the main stage of var embed = {url:'embed.swf'};, and writing AS in the main stage for embed.markeraddy_txt.text = addressA.
3) Creating a dynamic text box on the embedded .swf, giving it an instance name of markeraddy_txt, and writing AS in that .swf for markeraddy_txt.text = addressA[i];
Code: addressA = []; function parseXML(){ addressA.push(this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue);
So, I have some basic actionscript code. It's a legacy site, so I'm using AS2. The line of code simply does this:
myField.text = "some text"
So, I select the text field on the stage, then ensure the font is embedded. All the glyphs I want are checked, but then when I compile and test, the fonts don't show up when the code is executed. Instead, the textfield is blank! What happened?! Where did the text go?
I should mention that the .swf which I compile is loaded into another parent .swf during runtime. If that parent .swf does not contain embedded fonts, is that why it's broken?
I have a main flash movie that loads each link as seperate swf's inside an empty mc.. and inside THOSE swf's they load another swf for each section, like this..
Now my question is, can I use a dynamic text box with Verdana for my font in the "content" sections and have it come out looking sharp, or would I only be able to use a font if it's embedded??.. After a lot of trial and error I found the latter of the two to be right until I checked out 2advanced's site and noticed that they (I'm assuming) are doing they same thing as me as far as embedding their swf's so it looks POSSIBLE..
I have a main flash movie that loads each link as seperate swf's inside an empty mc.. and inside THOSE swf's they load another swf for each section, like this..
The desired affect is simple: I have a single button... with each click I want it to load text into a dynamic text field and load a corresponding picture or movieclip.There are only three unique text/image combinations- after its displayed the third, with the next click I want it to just start over. All the text functions perfectly with each click.
The problem is:I use "createEmptyMovieClip" then use the resulting clip as a loader clip.. With the first click I want a movieclip from the library to load, so I use the "attachMovie" method- it displays the first library fine.With the next click I want to load an external swf- so I call the "loadMovie" method of the loaderclip... The external swf loads just fine replacing the first library clip.The third clip is where I have problems... now I want to load another library item into the loaderclip... so I tried using the attachMovie method again but the external swf remains static... then with the next click, I discover the first library item no longer loads and the external swf remains still playing- it's like once it's been loaded into the loaderclip it cant be moved...
So I tried adding the "unloadMovie" method in the code for the third click.. it successfully removed the swf... but the next line of code immediately after the unload statement, doesn't work. The line calls the attachMovie method for the loaderclip... but the library item doesnt load... Oddly enough, with the next click, the first library item now does load as if everything's fine... It seems like you cant use the unloadMovie and attachMovie on the same executing code? if that makes any sense... the basic idea was that if I couldnt get the attachmovie method to replace the loaded external swf, then I would use the unload method to remove it, then have code immediately after, to then execute the attachMovie method... but it still doesnt load the library clip. and I know it's not a type-o, because when I comment out the loadMovie and unloadMovie statements, it loads both the library items perfectly ? The code is below
var increment:Number = 1; var verbiage1:String = "Hello World1"; var verbiage2:String = "Hello World2";[code].............
I have a series of dynamic text fields that do not show text when published. The fonts for these text fields are embedded and I do not get any errors on publishing. The project worked perfectly in CS4, but now in CS5, I had to re-embed all of the fonts in the dynamic text fields, but they won't show. What could be the problem?
I have created a movieClip and placed two dynamically created text fields within it. These fields use embedded fonts and work when I first add text and the format to themThe issue I'm having happens when I change the _alpha of the containing movieClip to 0. After that I can not get the text to appear again, even though the _alpha on the containing clip traces out to 100.I am not using the tween class on the textFields or containing clip to achieve the _alpha. I am however using the tween class elsewhere.
on my site I have a dynamic text field and text is coming in from XML the xml I embedded an image. Every time you click a button on the menu it changes the text and the image to correspond with that xml file. So here is my problem. When you click on a button it first tries to load all the text then resizes it in order to accommodate the image causing this "flicker" effect everytime you click. [URL]
I have the img tag at the top of the xml in the "main" section flowed by the wont let me paste the code here cause i havent been on long enough
I am trying to create a text box with actionscript, using an embedded font, and populating it with HTML text. It seems I can either use an embedded font, or HTML formatted text, but not both. To illustrate the problem, I have created a little test.
1. Create a font symbol in the library. Export it for actionscript as "_mainFont".
2. Create a dynamic text box on the stage using _mainFont and type some random text in it, including the use of bold and italics. Set the font size and colour to whatever you like. Name the instance "templateText".
3. On the first frame, type in these actions:
The textbox should display correctly, using the correct font, colour and all the HTML formatting. Unfortunately, I need to create text on the fly. So modify the actionscript to create a new text field instead of using the template text:
What happens? I get the right font. The < font color > tag works OK, I get the breaks and the underline, but I get no bold and no italics. Finally, let's make some use of the templateText box by using its formatting. Replace the line:
var textBoxFormat = new TextFormat(); with var textBoxFormat = _root.templateText.getTextFormat();
Now the text is formatted with the right font, the same colour and size of the templateText box, but I've lost the HTML font colour and underline in addition to the bold and italics.If I take out the Embed Fonts, I get back bold and italics, but loose font colour and underline, as well as the wrong font.
embed 20 fonts into a movie. Upon the user typing a word in an input text field AND checking a box or radio button indicating a font style, could Flash generate the input text to an output field with the font choice in the next frame?
I have a static textfield using Myriad Pro bold font that, when set to STATIC TEXT works absolutely fine, in the correct font. If I set it to DYNAMIC TEXT and test the SWF, the text shows up as a system font; not Myriad Pro If I set it to EMBED CHARACTERS the text doesn't show up at all on ANY system, whether the font is installed or not.
I have tried adding the font to the Library and using that "Family" for Properties>Character in my dynamic text box, but get the same results as when I don't set that to EMBED CHARACTGERS. I've tried selecting the font for the textfield as both the standard OS Font, as well as the one with the Asterisk next to it, but get the same results both ways. The library font is set to "export for actionscript" and "on frame 1". I don't think it's an issue with the font not being available, as I'm able to see it when setting textfield to STATIC type, and I use the font in other CS4 products (Photoshop, etc.).
i'm trying to use htmlText on a dynamic text field with embedded fonts. i've searched for an hour for an answer and i still don't have one.
on stage, there is a dynamic text field with no text. i've embedded both regular and bold versions of Myraid Pro. the text field on stage is set to regular (have to choose something). "Render Text As HTML" is selected.
the following code in my document class doesn't work:
I'm having some trouble getting my fonts to show up correctly. I have the fonts embedded properly, being read from an xml file. Attached is a screenshot - don't mind the terrible colors; it's all brought in through xml. The alignment of the text boxes are not complete, but I have the top headers set up properly, yet the right header is squished down.
If you're creating a htmlText field via the createTextField method, is there a way to get html formatting like <b></b> to show up if you are also embedding a font? I'm guessing not, since you can only embed a single font in a TextFormat, and you would have to embed both italic and bold variants too to make it work. Is this true?Maybe I'm better off creating a generic text field on the stage with both bold and italics embedded, and use the attachMovie method instead?This is my code:
ActionScript Code: myformat = new TextFormat(); myformat.font = "Akzidenz_Grotesk_BE_Light";
I have a block of html text which is displayed to the user in a TextArea. Currently, the I have embedded the HTML as an XML object within one of my classes, but this seems like a terrible design. I would like to put the HTML in an embedded file and load it into an XML or String object.
I've tried to search for how to do this, but my searches return information on embedding images and fonts, not text which can be loaded into Strings.
Is it possible to embedded text or xml files and load them into variables in Flex?
I've got a number of related projects set up in Flash Builder. Each project gets its graphical assets from an exported SWC file (or multiple SWC files.) This works fine, but I wanted to create a shared project that contains stuff used across all projects. The first item in there is a screen with a number of clips containing dynamic text fields on them. This screen (and associated assets) are exported to a SWC and then I have written code in the shared project to add functionality to the screen and buttons. I'm using 2 fonts, both are embedded.
Both show up just fine in my test harness, but when I link the shared SWC and src folder (which is required in order to use this code/assets in the other projects) the textfields blank out if I try to set their text properties. If I leave the default text (set in the FLA) it shows up, and the static text fields in the FLA also show up, it's only when I set the text property.
I've tried a number of combinations, including removing embedding, exporting for ActionScript, setting all textfields in the shared project to dynamic, all with no luck. The main project does have the same font embedded, and I've checked that the same glyphs are selected in both the main and shared projects. I realize this is a rather complicated setup, but I have yet to find a workflow to allow a designer and developer to work on large projects that is better (but I'd love to hear one!)
I made a flash mp3 player and it works fine in any other test pages. but when i embed it onto my site it just shows blank. what do i do? my site is [URL] and the flash player i tested here [URL] and it plays. What im i doing wrong? i tryed everything. right now i just got it in a iframe but i dont want that iframe.
Is there any way to make line breaks when you load text into a dynamic text box, other than using html? And if not, could someone give me an example of how to do it using html?
So I'm loading text from an external file I've uploaded onto the internet. It loads absolutely fine when I test the movie from my computer, but when I upload it and embed it onto an html page, all of the dynamic text refuses to load. Can someone enlighten me as to what's going on? Or at least tell me how to fix it? XD;
I'm using Flash 8 and I'm trying to load new text into a dynamic text box already populated by a xml file.
I have a home page with 5 different buttons on the top menu.
1. Home 2. News 3. Tips and a few more.
Upon my home page loading, I have a dynamic text box with the welcome text which is populated by my xml file, here is my code for AS2:
function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { _root.home = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; = this.firstChild.childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
What I want to do is load the news and tips text into the same dynamic text box on the home page when the news or tips button is clicked, so I don't have to load a whole new swf for each category thus making the site faster.
What code would I have to use to clear the text from the xml file and how would I load my new text upon clicking the button?
I cant load and external text file into my dynamic text box...when i trace the loaded var it can be found, but when it's loaded inside the text box, the value that appears is really strange.i tried to load the vars into the MC and on a level, the result is the same, it can be traced but does not appear correctly on the textbox..the code i used is here..i made a text box with about_us instance name, loaded the variables and tried to load my text inside it by setting the text property of the textbox but as u will see...
am setting up a webpage with Flash MX. On the homepage I have a dynamic text box with links to the left (currently the links are just typed words). We want it to setup so that when a user clicks a link (such as "HOME") it will access text from a .txt file and load it into the dynamic text box. We want all of the links ("HOME", "PERSONNEL", "RECRUITS", "CONTACT US") to load their text from a seperate .txt file into that same dynamic text box.
When a user enters the website, it will pull text from some location (possibly an XML file) and load it into a text field. The trick is that I want it to randomly load a different chunk of text in each time the user opens the site. There are about 25 different small pieces of text I want to randomly load.
I'm thinking of using XML to store the 25 different text sentences, but am open to other ideas.
I need text to be displayed with some movie clips or smileys with it in dynamic text box. Like the below but when i tried to do this i am getting some thing like this it is registering with left or right only. how to rectify it? I am using html output for attaching the clip with text for output