ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Text - Dynamic Text Refuses To Load

Oct 8, 2011

So I'm loading text from an external file I've uploaded onto the internet. It loads absolutely fine when I test the movie from my computer, but when I upload it and embed it onto an html page, all of the dynamic text refuses to load. Can someone enlighten me as to what's going on? Or at least tell me how to fix it? XD;


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IDE :: Loading External Text Into A Dynamic Text Box Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a scrollbar that uses a movieclip-instance name "text" to display dynamic text.On the main timeline I used the following code:

myLoadVars = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars.onLoad = function() {
dynamictextcontent.htmlText = myLoadVars.dynamictextvariable_html;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Load And External Text File Into My Dynamic Text Box?

Jun 1, 2010

I cant load and external text file into my dynamic text box...when i trace the loaded var it can be found, but when it's loaded inside the text box, the value that appears is really strange.i tried to load the vars into the MC and on a level, the result is the same, it can be traced but does not appear correctly on the textbox..the code i used is here..i made a text box with about_us instance name, loaded the variables and tried to load my text inside it by setting the text property of the textbox but as u will see...

loadVariables("about.txt", "this");
about_us.text = about;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Loading External Files

Jun 9, 2008

I've literally done everything to try and load txt in from file and nothing works (undefined messages)[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Dynamic Text Won't Show Up After The MC Which Contains The Textbox Is Loading In An External .swf

Jul 30, 2007

why dynamic text wont show up after the MC which contains the textbox is loading in an external .swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Txt File Into Dynamic Text Field?

Sep 21, 2006

Got a huge issue with a website , and the problem is that I am not able to load in external text files into a dynamic text field..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Load Text Into A Dynamic Text Field And Load A Corresponding Picture Or Movieclip?

May 1, 2009

The desired affect is simple: I have a single button... with each click I want it to load text into a dynamic text field and load a corresponding picture or movieclip.There are only three unique text/image combinations- after its displayed the third, with the next click I want it to just start over. All the text functions perfectly with each click.

The problem is:I use "createEmptyMovieClip" then use the resulting clip as a loader clip.. With the first click I want a movieclip from the library to load, so I use the "attachMovie" method- it displays the first library fine.With the next click I want to load an external swf- so I call the "loadMovie" method of the loaderclip... The external swf loads just fine replacing the first library clip.The third clip is where I have problems... now I want to load another library item into the loaderclip... so I tried using the attachMovie method again but the external swf remains static... then with the next click, I discover the first library item no longer loads and the external swf remains still playing- it's like once it's been loaded into the loaderclip it cant be moved...

So I tried adding the "unloadMovie" method in the code for the third click.. it successfully removed the swf... but the next line of code immediately after the unload statement, doesn't work. The line calls the attachMovie method for the loaderclip... but the library item doesnt load... Oddly enough, with the next click, the first library item now does load as if everything's fine... It seems like you cant use the unloadMovie and attachMovie on the same executing code? if that makes any sense... the basic idea was that if I couldnt get the attachmovie method to replace the loaded external swf, then I would use the unload method to remove it, then have code immediately after, to then execute the attachMovie method... but it still doesnt load the library clip. and I know it's not a type-o, because when I comment out the loadMovie and unloadMovie statements, it loads both the library items perfectly ? The code is below

var increment:Number = 1;
var verbiage1:String = "Hello World1";
var verbiage2:String = "Hello World2";[code].............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Externals : Load ClassDesc.txt Into The Dynamic Text Field?

Apr 6, 2004

I am using mc and few scenes. I am trying to have a button in one mc load an external txt in another mc with the dynamic text field.this is the script for the button classDescription in a MC called nav_menu

on (release) {
var style_sheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var css_url = "photo_style.css";[code]....

I want it to load classDesc.txt into the dynamic text field (instance name is holder) in a MC called body_dynamic.What is needed to get it to load the external when the button and the text field are in different movies?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Box Refuses To Display Given Variable?

Dec 15, 2010

So in my game I have a text box that tracks ammo, using this code:

ammocount.text = String(this.ammo);
called every frame

I have used Trace to determine that String(this.ammo) does produce the correct value every time, however the text box after each shot displays either "1", "11" or is blank at random

no other lines of code address the .text value of the box

Setting ammocount.text to any manually entered value results in a blank text box, ammocount.text must be the property I'm looking for otherwise the 1s and 11s could never get into the text box

We can logically deduce hence that this is a bug in AS3 and since gutting whichever retarded adobe employee is responsible isn't an option I'm wondering if its documented, and if so what workarounds are known, and how best to avoid the issue

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Text(for Example A Text From Notepad) To "text Area" In Flash?

Feb 22, 2009

been wondering if it's possible to load external text(for example a text from notepad) to my "text area" in flash.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Text From A Server Into A Dynamic Text Box In Movie?

Jun 14, 2004

I need help dynamically loading text from a server into a dynamic text box in my movie. If i use the loadVariables it works, with the Html rendering.. if i use it with loadVars it works but now the html doesn't render. What i want is to load some text from my server into the text box and have the html to render. Also, is there a way to display the progress as the text loads, for people with slower connections?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Text From A Server Into A Dynamic Text Box In Movie

Jun 14, 2004

I need help dynamically loading text from a server into a dynamic text box in my movie. If i use the loadVariables it works, with the Html rendering.. if i use it with loadVars it works but now the html doesn't render. What i want is to load some text from my server into the text box and have the html to render. Also, is there a way to display the progress as the text loads, for people with slower connections?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Text Field Line Count External Text?

Jan 30, 2012

I made a scrollbar, but now I have a problem, need to read the number of lines of Dynamic text field and if it is greater than x show the scrollbar and hide if is less. Like this:

scrollbar._visible = true;
scrollbar._visible = false;

My problem is how do I count the total lines of dynamic text field after  load a external text.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Field That Displays Text From An External File?

Feb 14, 2005

I have a dynamic text field that displays text from an external file. The text file has lists of text such as a1=(text here)&w1=(text here)& etcI want to be able to make a button so that will add one to the word count, such as, a button that says "Next" and when i do that, it loads the text string A2, when i click it again, it loads A3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Over Specific Word In Dynamic External Text Show Button Over Text?

Aug 26, 2011

Attachment 54101my problem is in bitmap explained:1. after loading external text into dynamic text field,2. how to call/make visible "button over text" on the Scene by pointing a mouse over specific word in loaded external text?3. javascript, html, actionscript (asfunction, variable)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Text Into Dynamic Text Field?

Feb 22, 2009

this is should be pretty simple but I have had a lot of trouble figuring this out..

I have one dynamic text field called "content_txt"
I have 3 buttons with 3 different instance names (btn1 btn2 btn3)
I have 3 text documents in a folder (1.txt 2.txt 3.txt)

I am able to have 1.txt loaded into content_txt, but here is the problem.

I would like btn2 to load 2.txt and btn3 to load 3.txt into content_txt.

I have looked for an answer for this problem (and found many close answers) but when I try and make my code fit, it just doesn't work. I'm really new to this so any help would be amazing. (or if this has been answered somewhere else and I have missed it..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Text Variable To Dynamic Text Field?

Jul 10, 2009

Go into the 3D Studio Max link and in there you'll see my problem.....How can I get the text to format to the width of the dynamic text field? What I have are variables set up to load text from an uploaded .txt file, into the dynamic text field... it seems to run each line way over to the right...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml File Loading Text Into A Dynamic Text Field?

Mar 28, 2004

I have an xml file loading text into a dynamic text field. What would the AS be to fade it in?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Random/dynamic Text Into A Text Field?

Jan 18, 2005

When a user enters the website, it will pull text from some location (possibly an XML file) and load it into a text field. The trick is that I want it to randomly load a different chunk of text in each time the user opens the site. There are about 25 different small pieces of text I want to randomly load.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Text / Variable Used Before Populated With Loaded Text

Nov 29, 2009

I have a class that loads data from a text file and puts it into an array called tdv.importedTxtArray (public var).In a separate class i have written [code]The infoArray does not then contain the imported text however because tdv.importedTxtArray is not given its popper contents until about 1/2 a second after the tdvLoader class executes (i.e: when Event.COMPLETE is run and the array is populated with strings from the external text file). Subsequently in the code above infoArray is set to a blank array.How can i get the code in my separate class to ''wait' until tdv.importedTxtArray is properly populated before accessing it.

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Professional :: Loading External Text Form XML - Text Has Special Characters?

Jul 14, 2010

in my projects i often use some xml files to load external text that i can format in css and it worked fine till now..i have a site that i am prograaming in italian and german and in both languages there is much text that contains special characters as "à" "ò" "è" "ù" "ä" "ü" and so on .. the problem is that when i write some text with this special characters in xml when the text is loaded in the flash this special characters are not recognised and instead of them a small square is displayed ..
i tryed to load the text from a html file instead of a xml file (because in HTML i know how to write theese special characters and let them display right in my html pages .. for example à = à but no way .. the flash now loades the text à instead of à ..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Line Breaks When Load Text Into A Dynamic Text Box?

May 11, 2003

Is there any way to make line breaks when you load text into a dynamic text box, other than using html? And if not, could someone give me an example of how to do it using html?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load New Text Into A Dynamic Text Box Already Populated By A Xml File?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm using Flash 8 and I'm trying to load new text into a dynamic text box already populated by a xml file.

I have a home page with 5 different buttons on the top menu.

1. Home
2. News
3. Tips
and a few more.

Upon my home page loading, I have a dynamic text box with the welcome text which is populated by my xml file, here is my code for AS2:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.home = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; = this.firstChild.childNodes[1].childNodes[0];


What I want to do is load the news and tips text into the same dynamic text box on the home page when the news or tips button is clicked, so I don't have to load a whole new swf for each category thus making the site faster.

What code would I have to use to clear the text from the xml file and how would I load my new text upon clicking the button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Text From A .txt File And Load It Into The Dynamic Text Box

Mar 29, 2004

am setting up a webpage with Flash MX. On the homepage I have a dynamic text box with links to the left (currently the links are just typed words). We want it to setup so that when a user clicks a link (such as "HOME") it will access text from a .txt file and load it into the dynamic text box. We want all of the links ("HOME", "PERSONNEL", "RECRUITS", "CONTACT US") to load their text from a seperate .txt file into that same dynamic text box.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Random/dynamic Text Into A Text Field?

Jan 18, 2005

When a user enters the website, it will pull text from some location (possibly an XML file) and load it into a text field. The trick is that I want it to randomly load a different chunk of text in each time the user opens the site. There are about 25 different small pieces of text I want to randomly load.

I'm thinking of using XML to store the 25 different text sentences, but am open to other ideas.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Field That Will Load English Text?

Oct 17, 2006

I am trying to have a dynamic text field that will load English text. using

loadVariables("content/english/text.txt.", this);

I want to have a button that on user click it would change the loaded text to spanish lets say or german.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Clip Or Image With Text In Dynamic Text Box?

Oct 18, 2007

I need text to be displayed with some movie clips or smileys with it in dynamic text box. Like the below but when i tried to do this i am getting some thing like this it is registering with left or right only. how to rectify it? I am using html output for attaching the clip with text for output

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load The External Text Into The Movie From That Dynamical Text Field?

Dec 17, 2011

I have this test1.txt that I want to importIn my movie I have a dynamic textfield called example1 with the value test1I want to load the external text into the movie from that dynamical text field.Something like that:loadVariablesNum("(example1.text).txt", 0, "GET");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box That Is Loading In A Text File?

Sep 7, 2004

I have a dynamic text box that is loading in a text file. It seems to be doing this perfectly well. However, some HTML tags seem to break it. <b> makes the text dissapear. I tried doing a <span> on it, and changing the font-family with CSS, but I dont think its reading the CSS at all.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotate A Dynamic Text Box With External Text?

Feb 25, 2006

I went to a tutorial at Kirupa that featured how to update your text from outside Flash, by using a regular text file, and a dynamic text box. The actionscript code allows the dynamic text box to display anything from the text file. The code is:

loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {


I wanted to see if I could experiment with the dynamic text box by rotating it so that the text could be flush with the diagonal side of a triangle. When I rotated the dynamic text box, the text dissappeared! Also, no actions were applied directly to the dynamic text file itself.

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