ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Over Specific Word In Dynamic External Text Show Button Over Text?

Aug 26, 2011

Attachment 54101my problem is in bitmap explained:1. after loading external text into dynamic text field,2. how to call/make visible "button over text" on the Scene by pointing a mouse over specific word in loaded external text?3. javascript, html, actionscript (asfunction, variable)

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I have a submit button that I'm pulling in from XML.

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2) How to show a text at a specific time. Is there a function that I can use.

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Jan 30, 2012

I made a scrollbar, but now I have a problem, need to read the number of lines of Dynamic text field and if it is greater than x show the scrollbar and hide if is less. Like this:

scrollbar._visible = true;
scrollbar._visible = false;

My problem is how do I count the total lines of dynamic text field after  load a external text.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Field That Displays Text From An External File?

Feb 14, 2005

I have a dynamic text field that displays text from an external file. The text file has lists of text such as a1=(text here)&w1=(text here)& etcI want to be able to make a button so that will add one to the word count, such as, a button that says "Next" and when i do that, it loads the text string A2, when i click it again, it loads A3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Text - Dynamic Text Refuses To Load

Oct 8, 2011

So I'm loading text from an external file I've uploaded onto the internet. It loads absolutely fine when I test the movie from my computer, but when I upload it and embed it onto an html page, all of the dynamic text refuses to load. Can someone enlighten me as to what's going on? Or at least tell me how to fix it? XD;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Load And External Text File Into My Dynamic Text Box?

Jun 1, 2010

I cant load and external text file into my dynamic text box...when i trace the loaded var it can be found, but when it's loaded inside the text box, the value that appears is really strange.i tried to load the vars into the MC and on a level, the result is the same, it can be traced but does not appear correctly on the textbox..the code i used is here..i made a text box with about_us instance name, loaded the variables and tried to load my text inside it by setting the text property of the textbox but as u will see...

loadVariables("about.txt", "this");
about_us.text = about;

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