ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 Window To Open In Front Of Current One
Aug 15, 2010
I'm having a new problem getting a new browser window to open in front of the current window. They are now opening behind and unless the viewer is smart enough to think of it and see the tab they think it didn't open. I use the recommended code. on (release) {getURL ("nameofURL.html", "_blank" );}I'm pretty sure this used to open a browser window that appeared in front of the current one, but now it never seems to although once in a while it may (that was with a file with an htm extension.)
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on (release){
getURL("absolute URL here", "_blank");
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on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'','win','height=344,width=4 25,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");
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on (keyPress "<Space>") {
fscommand("Exec", "page01.exe");
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var getnextpage5:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("");
Button6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,b5Click) ;
function b5Click(event:MouseEvent):void{
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Jun 14, 2010
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on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank)
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Jun 17, 2010
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Actionscript Code:
button31BTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButton31);function clickButton31(event:MouseEvent):void{ var url:String = ""; var
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Mar 21, 2011
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on (keyPress "<Space>") {
fscommand("Exec", "page01.exe");
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Mar 5, 2009
I have a .swf I want my users to be able to open, but without opening a new window.
I'm sure you all have seen this effect. In a photo gallery, the user clicks a thumbnail, the screen darkens, a white box resizes to the size of the larger image and the full-size image loads...all without opening a new window. I'd like to do the same with a .swf.
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Jul 1, 2009
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