ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Function Not Working In Vista

Apr 27, 2009

I recently formatted my disk and installed WindowsVista Ultimate. Now, I find that this simple piece of code is not working. But earlier when I was using Windows XP, this code would open a new browser window (in firefox) and automatically prompt me to log into Gmail account, and after I log into gmail I will have this 'userEmail' successfully inserted in the "To:" field (inside gmail)

var userEmail=""
Can't figure out why this is not working in my new OS.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Not Working Even With OnRelease Function

Jan 3, 2008

I can't get my getURL to work. It works when I use "_blank" but not when I use "_self" or "_parent" or "_top" or leave it empty. I've got it right off the main timeline. I've also tried putting it within an onRelease function.

So, this doesn't work:
getURL("images/aboutus.jpg", "_self");
But this does:
getURL("images/aboutus.jpg", "_blank");

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple GetURL Function Not Working

Sep 8, 2009

I'm modifying an mp3 player by flabell, and try to get some buttons to work. However, I can't seem to get the getURL to work, even though it works in other parts of the script. This is my code:
mc.rate1.onRelease = function() {

The trace goes through fine. Here is the code that works:
private function downloadRelease(mc : MovieClip) : Void {
var title : String = mc._name;
var index : Number = Number(title.substring(title.lastIndexOf("n")+1,title.length));
getURL(songsSource[index], Main.getInstance().mcAlbums.linksTarget);
I'm on a mac with firefox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Question Mark Not Working In GetURL Function?

May 26, 2005

I am trying to use the getURL function to open a new window with a variable URL, but it doesn't seem to be doing what I want it to. Here is the code i am using:

on (release) {
getURL("popup.htm?/projects/"+_root.foldername+"/"+_root.projname+"_1highres.jpg", "_blank")

The problem appears to be the question mark. If I remove the question mark it works fine.. but I need to use the question mark because the rest of the info is just information I am having popup.htm interpret

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Function Not Working In Safari / Firefox On Mac

Apr 28, 2010

I have a file upload application I built that uses FLASH as a means to transfer file to/from users directories on a server. Once the file transfer has completed I fire a function that includes a call to a javascript function within my page that executes an AJAX refresh of one of the "div's" on my page.

ActionScript Code:
fileRefListener.onComplete = function (fileRef:FileReference):Void {
status_txt.text +="<font size="11" color="#E6E6E6"><b>" + + " uploaded.</b></font>
status_txt.vPosition = status_txt.maxVPosition;
[Code] .....

And my JS is:
function handOff() {
new Ajax.Updater('manage_user_info', '/fileTransfer/manage_user.php?client=' + $('users_to_manage').getValue(), { method: 'get' });

This works flawlessly in IE6/IE7/IE8/FF3.6/Opera/Chrome/Safari on Windows Machines but for users on MAC's there seems to be an issue. Any particular reason this wouldn't be working in a MAC environment?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Alivepdf Work Both Vista And MAC When Creating In Vista Flash

Jul 13, 2009

Hi, I have done pdf creating program for my client and uploaded it to server that works on PHP5 and MySQL. In Vista it works perfectly but on MAC it writes: ��Couldn�t open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn�t recognize.�" But if I save the same file on Vista and send to my Client on MAC, my client can see it normally. so it�s some kind of downloading/creating .pdf on MAC issue. I know that there are separate files for MAC but how can I compile them on Vista and will it work both on Vista and MAC.

View 0 Replies

IDE :: GetUrl{} Not Working?

Aug 19, 2009

I want 2 open an image in a blank window, when user clicks on the button.I used the following coding to the button:

on (Press) {
getURL(", "_blank");

But the above code is not working , when i click on it.

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Not Working

Oct 26, 2007

I developed a portable video player thats similar to YouTube's video player where you pass a video's info and the video loads and plays. The player can
also be embedded on your own personal site using the embed tags. My problem is this, everything with playing / loading the video works fine. But I've got a link on the Flash thats hard coded to a url and links off using getUrl like so:

getUrl('', '_self')

Now this works if the HTML and SWF are in the same location (ie both local, or both on the hosting server) but for some reason it doesn't work in the embed mode when the player swf is located on one server and the HTML that's loading the SWF is on another server. XML loads fine, videos load, images load, but the gerUrl does not work...doesn't go anywhere. Also, I've got my crossdomain xml file setup to accept all domains using the * option.

View 14 Replies

IDE :: GetURL _self Not Working?

Apr 28, 2008

I have a flash banner that is a simple animation and some text, and at the top layer an invisible hit area button that has the following AS on it...

on (release) {
getURL(url, "_self");


View 14 Replies

IDE :: GetURL Not Working In Firefox?

Oct 14, 2009

I have an _Xslide gallery that I need to make each photo link to an absolute URL. Works fine on IE but FireFox dosnt function at all. I can get it to work if I "_blank" but then it is applied to both browsers. The requirement is that the gallery function in the same window for all browsers.This swf is hosted in an "included" html file...where the swf does not live in the same directory...although I have tried that also but to no avail.

Ive also tried "_top", "_parent", "_self"
heres the AS...


View 1 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: GetUrl / Mailto Not Working

Jun 5, 2009

im trying to make a button that will open a new mail form from whatever software the user may have, this goes on a Usb Stick, im using this code: on (release) [URL] It works on a Mac, but not on a pc with Outlook, it only opens the new mail, and fills the mail adress, no subject, text1 is a var, it wont load it either.

View 7 Replies

Flash8 GetURL Not Working In Browser?

Jun 2, 2010

So iv been flash designing for about a year now, and i thought i was pretty good, however having never usd the geturl script before i am stumped whats going on. my AS is

Actionscript Code: on (release) {    getURL("index.html", "_self");} which works fine when playing the movie in the flash preview (pressing ctrl+enter) but as soon as i publish the movie and view it embbeded in an HTML document it doesnt work. this should indicate its my browser settings? however iv tried disabling my pop-up blocker and still nothing.

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Professional :: GetURL Not Working Without WWW In Web Address

Jul 30, 2010

Been banging my head against this forever. Running a SWF banner running AS2.0. If you view the banner's page with www before it, it works fine. If you visit the url WITHOUT the www the geturl script doesnt work at all.URL...I've tried changing the allow access setting from domain only to always and I changed the actionscript to be document relative instead of a full link and none of that has fixed the problem.

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IDE :: GetURL In Old Infinite Menu FLA Not Working

Feb 7, 2007

I've got the very old infinite menu posted on Kirupa's site. I haven't done anything but switch it to a vertical menu, but the problem is that I put a button in the menu, the 2nd grey box, with a getURL that just goes to google. Problem is, it won't load the url. I had wanted to put buttons in this menu to get new URLs or do things it flash, but it won't respond.

View 2 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Not Working - Crossdomain?

Jul 2, 2007

I developped a simple flash photoalbum, but since the project has gone live the links on the buttons are not working anymore.The swf is located at http:[url].... and if we test it like this it works fine. But if we go to http:[url]... it goes wrong. The dynamic xml is loaded fine, images and text as well, but only the getURL stops working.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why A GetURL Isn't Working On A Movieclip

Mar 17, 2008

why a getURL isn't working on a movieclip? The exact same code works fine when on a normal button but not on a MovieClip. Both were on the top timeline and were not embedded within anything. Actionscripting 1 in Flash CS3.

on (release) {
getURL(clickTag, "_blank");

View 1 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Not Working In A Movieclip?

Feb 8, 2010

Ok so my swf on my homepage is calling in the main.swf which then has movieclips and coded like this on the Actions layer which I made

button1.onRelease = function (){

Here is the site so you guys can see, I believe it has to be something with calling the main.swf into the movieclip because I've never encountered this issue before...


If you click on the LEARN MORE for the first image it doesnt go to the page which I ask it for.

View 2 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: On Release GetURL Not Working With Animation?

Dec 22, 2009

I am a Noob to ActionScripting and am having problems getting some movieclips to link to different URLs on release. I am able to get them to animate, and I am able to get them to link to an html page in the same folder, but I can�t get both functionalities to work at the same time and it is driving me crazy!! I've tried putting the actionscript in the instance object, in the action layer, and other things and nothing seems to work!?I believe that the actionscripting needs to be done in the "baners" movieclip, but it could also be the "Symbol 3" movieclip

Here is also a link to the . See, if you mouse over the first two clips, they animate, but they do not go to the HTML page if you click on them. The third clip will go to the page success1.html in the same folder if you click on it, but it does not animate on mouse over.I'm using Flash CS3 as my editor and I'm using ActionScript 2.0 for the scripting

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: GetURL Not Working From Nested Clip?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a simple getURL on a movieclip. Looks like this:

Actionscript Code:
var galURL:URLRequest=new URLRequest("gallery.html");, onClickGal);function onClickGal(evt:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL(galURL, "_self");}

there seams to be some problem with the getURL functionality when it is not on the top level. how to address this? I did a search for the topic but the spinny applet just keeps spinning and spinning when I hit search.

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL From Action Frame Not Working?

Nov 27, 2009

I have a series of as2 button instances which are intended to navigate an HTML site with simple getURL commands, but no matter what I do they only load the index.php file and I can't get them to open the page in the _self window. Here's the code:



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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Not Working When Open .pdf Files?

Jun 14, 2006

when i open the pdf files with the help of getURL function in flash not working.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash's Own GetURL-with-javascript Not Working?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm trying to use getURL to open a new window that will have a specified size.I downloaded Macromedia's own tutorial/sample code for how to do this using javascript and cannot get it to work.

Here's their code:

on (release) {
getURL("javascript:openNewWindow('','thewin','height=400,width=400 ,toolbar=no,scr ollbars=yes') ");


Nothing happens when I click their button. I tried changing the target, still nothing. I also tried it in Safari and in Firefox with FF's popup blocker turned off. Nothing.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL('', '_blank') Not Working In Firefox?

Nov 17, 2004

I'm encountering a problem with the getURL function. When I have a button with the following AS

on(release) {
getURL("", "_blank");

and test it within Firefox (0.9.2) then it loads within the same tab which isn't what I want obviously. In IE it loads a new window without problems. This used to work but I after reinstalling winXP with SP2 it doesn't work anymore

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: MX Cross Site Script - GetUrl Not Working

Oct 26, 2009

I have a very simple button with a GetUrl action. The flash is being embedded via a script, using document.write method. All works as expected when the script is hosted within the webiste. I need to host the script externally though, on a remote website (its a banner script). The problem is that when I embed the movie using the REMOTE javascript file, i.e. [URL], the simple GetUrl does not work at all.

I'm sure this is something related to security or cross site scripting, but I'm equally sure there's a way around this. Affiliate banners use flash to do the very same thing (somehow).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: OnRelease GetURL Not Working With MovieClip Animation

Dec 22, 2009

I am new to Flash/Actionscript and am having problems getting some movieclips to link to different URLs on release. I am able to get them to animate, and I am able to get them to link to an html page in the same folder, but I can't get both functionalities to work at the same time. I've tried putting the actionscript in the instance object, in the action layer, and other things and nothing seems to work!?

Here is the link to the source file: [URL] believe that the actionscripting needs to be done in the "banners" movieclip, but it could also be the "Symbol 3" movieclip. Here is also a link to the .swf [URL]. See, if you mouse over the first two clips, they animate, but they do not go to the HTML page if you click on them [URL]. The third clip will go to the page success1.html in the same folder if you click on it, but it does not animate on mouse over.

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AS3 :: Use GetURL Function In It?

Jun 6, 2010

How do I use the getURL function in AS3 ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Add GetURL Function To Button?

Jan 8, 2009

I'm trying to add a simple getURL script to a simple text button-- should be really simple, right? But when I select the instance of the button on the stage it says the current selection cannot have actions applied to it. This, despite the fact that I am able to open an old .fla that has the same type of button and it does have a getURL action applied. What gives?
Flash version 9.0 (CS3 Professional)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using GetURL To Call JS Function?

Apr 24, 2005

If i'm using the getURL method to call a JavaScript function:

How do I pass a string+variable as a parameter of that function?:
instead of:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Function To Run The GetURL Statement?

Jan 10, 2011

I was wondering if there was a way to get a function to run the getURL statement? something similar to this:

function go(){

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using GetURL To Call JS Function

Apr 24, 2005

If i'm using the getURL method to call a JavaScript function:

How do I pass a string+variable as a parameter of that function?:
instead of:


What is the correct syntax for that parameter we're passing?

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