ActionScript 2.0 :: Hyperlink The Text From XML?

Jun 28, 2007

I created a table in flash that holds some informations in rows (something like: Date, Company, Article - per one row). All entries are made by one single XML file. My objective was to create a DOWNLOAD ARTICLE button, or at least hyperlink TEXT so one can download a file related to the information given.

I made an intelligent trick I've putted invisible buttons in every row and hyperlinked them (in Flash, not XML) with general names (01.doc, 02.doc, 03.doc...) as this table is meant to be updated.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, enter here to see the table in function [URL]

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Professional :: Add A Simple Hyperlink In My Xmlhtml Hyperlink In My Xml?

Jan 11, 2010

I want to do is add a simple hyperlink in my xmlhtml hyperlink in my to do a hyperlink in xml.This is what I do know,you can add the <a href="http:[url]...but that does not work for me,when i save and preview my fla, it takes away my scroll bar that i have.I have also seen somwhere you can use the <?[[DATA tag, but this aswell doesnt work for me in my FLA, is there somewhere i need to reference hyperlinks before I can modify my xml?

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Create A Hyperlink In Text Field?

Jul 14, 2010

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My Code:

var link:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var anchor:Sprite = new Sprite();, 235, 690, 20);;


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Make An Element Other Than Text Contain A Hyperlink?

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ActionScript Code:
menu1TXT.htmlText = '<a href="event:featured">featured</a><br/>'

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if (score<=2) {
Score_Msg.text =" That was poor!":
} else if (score<=5) {
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May 18, 2010

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on (release){getURL("http://url/", "", "POST");}

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var t:TextField = new TextField();
t.htmlText = "hello world"+ "<a href='weeTestPage.html' target='_self'><u>click here</u></a>";

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How Do I Hyperlink In XML?

Jul 8, 2009

The carousel itself is OK, everything works, including the click the icon to read the description.The only problem is that I need to have a hyperlink in one of the descriptions. I know how to hyperlink in HTML, and tried that in XML, but it didn't work. I also tried XSL or something to link but that just screwed up the SWF file itself. Here is my XML code.[code]....

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Adding Hyperlink To A XML?

Nov 17, 2010

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<icon image="icon1.png" tooltip="Other Species"/>
<icon image="icon2.png" tooltip="Contact us!" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Hyperlink A Mc

Aug 29, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Hyperlink To And ADG?

Jan 28, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS4 Creating A HYPERLINK?

Apr 6, 2009

I'm looking to create a hyperlink outside of my flash website. Does anyone have the Actionscript 3.0 to code an instance of a button? or a better way to code this???

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Hyperlink Button - Where Do I Put The Code?

May 27, 2009

I want to add a hyperlink link button to my site, but it keeps buggering up the flow.Here's is the code for my site so far (minus the link code):

stop();function trans(event:MouseEvent):void{    gotoAndPlay(;

So there are three menu buttons, and the page flys in animations depending on the button pushed.I have another button named LINK, and I thought it would just be a matter of inserting the following code somewhere:

LINK.onRelease=function(){ getURL("http:url....); }

But no matter where I put it, it just makes my site play through all the animations one after the other regardless of whether buttons have been clicked or not, and the link won't work.Where should I put this code and is it correct? Also, once it's working, I want to copy it and make another button for creating an email.Is that just a matter of having a mailto: link instead of a hyperlink?

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Create A Hyperlink On An Swf File?

Jun 26, 2009

Does anyone know how to create a hyperlink on an swf file?  i think it can be done using actionscript during the creation of the fla, but i want to see if it can be hyperlinked AFTER creation, just using the website code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put A Hyperlink In A Symbol?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a movieclip within a flash website and I want to have the browser go to a different website when the movieclip is clicked. Is there a way to do this in actionscript 3 or in the flash timeline?

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Professional :: Html Hyperlink In Xml?

Jan 9, 2010

ow to do a hyperlink in xml  This is what I do know,  you can add the <a href="">click here</a> but that does not work for me,when i save and preview my fla, it takes away my scroll bar that i have I have alsoseen somwhere you can use the <?[[DATA tag, but this aswell doesnt work for me in my FLA, is there somewhere i need to reference hyperlinks before I can modify my xml??

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Professional :: Adding A Hyperlink To XML For Use In A SWF?

Jan 14, 2010

you can see the SWF here:I'm trying to make some of the text in the SWF hyperlinksBelow is some of the XML -- how and where do I add the code to link?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><root difference="10"><node><year>1970</year> <text>Stephen Galvano installed as pastor at 421 Child St. </text> <pic>1</pic></node>
<node><year>1971</year> <text>The Inaugural International Missions Convention. </text>


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