ActionScript 2.0 :: MX - Pulling Down A Projection Screen?

Jan 29, 2010

I want to build a sort of pulled down projection screen thing using ActionScript.Basically the MC will come down with a picture on it.I have this starting code which doesn't work terribly well because it just moves the screen from top to bottom instantly.

on (release) {
do {_root.mcScreen._y+=1;
} while (_root.mcScreen._y<200);

Essentially I want the screen to smoothly scroll down into place over about half a second.

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container square2 x/y: (-47900,-47900)| zoom: 2| w/h: 500| 64%| x/y: (75000,75000)| stage x/y: (99.95,99.95)| stage w/h: 320
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getURL("URL", "_blank");

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sprite.y = projectedPoint.y;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pulling Variables From A URL?

Feb 9, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling XML Data?

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Need to play an FLV video or swf that has que points that grab someone's name from a database and puts that in a dynamic text field and at the end of video sends out a code back that tells the server that the video has been complete. My code guy knows PHP MySQL and Javascript if that will help.

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myXML:XML = new XML;
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$testVar = 'This is a sentence.';[code]....

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Sep 8, 2010

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
[Code] .....

And the xml file
<pollutionIcon_mc> some text </pollutionIcon_mc>

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Sep 10, 2011

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ActionScript Code:


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Pulling XML Spreadsheet Data Into Flash?

Feb 23, 2010

I am building a userinterface for some industrial instruments which output some data to a XML spreadsheet. This is the only way I can retreave these data's from the instruments.

Now, I need to make a flash that can pull out these data's from ex. "A1" and "A2" in this spreadsheet...

Here's a screenshot of the XML as it appears in EXCEL:

...and the XML as it appear if opened in Dreamweaver:
Code: Select all<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>
<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling Specific Data From XML?

May 25, 2005

pulling specific data from XML? This is what I mean...Supposed I have an XML file like this:

HTML Code:
<related items>


Now, in Flash I want to load all items that have "5f" listed as one of their related item. So only display articles where item = 5f

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling Swf File Name Into Variable?

Oct 6, 2006

Is there a method to pull the value of the current swf file's name? For instance, if I have a movie called 1.swf open is there something I can do like and have the return value be 1.swf?

Problem: I have 24 flash movies. Each movie has different text that needs to be displayed, so what I did was created an HTML file with vars on it like &1=Hello &2=World. Now in my flash movies I load that HTML file, and have a dynamic text box that pulls in the values. This all works, but as it stands I have to change the var the text boxes pull in, and recompile, so instead I was wanting to set the variable to pull in based on the .swf file name, like 1.swf, pulls in the var &1 and 2.swf pulls in the var &2, this way I don't have to keep recompiling, I could just copy the movie 24 times and rename the movies accordingly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling Info Out Of DataGrid

Apr 11, 2007

im developing a game at the moment in flash that relies on flash remoting.I'm not great with flash remoting so ive managed to combine my flash game with a flash remoting tutorial. The tutorial pulls info off of my MySQL and works by putting it into a DataGrid. Im now just looking for a way to pull each piece of info out and into a variable. Heres some of the code:[code]I tried putting the info into and array but obviusly its returning an error due to the fact that r.result is a object.Im just looking for a way of pulling info out of the grid and into seperate variables.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling In More Than One Line Of XML Data?

Apr 30, 2007

Basically, I am having trouble pulling in more than one line of XML data. Here is the line of code I am trying to manipulate to give me more than one line. I have tried duplicating it and changing the values... but it just updates which line it is displaying instead of the first and second one...

_root.setlist = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

Inside of my XML document it is layed out like this....

<song>Song 1</song>
</song>Song 2</song>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Nodes And Pulling Into Flash?

Sep 20, 2007

I have a xml like so:



Basically I pulll xml data into flash and most comes in, but only the first set will show the name, after that it goes to "undefined". Secondly, I can't pull in the info.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling Graphics From A Different Scene?

Jun 7, 2002

I have two scenes, one called "Script" and one called "Animation". On the Animation scene, I have one layer with thirty frames. Each frame is a progressive piece of animation, not converted to symbols or anything, just drawings.

Here's what I want to do. On the script scene, I have ActionScript pulling a random number from 1-30. For example, let's say it picks 17. I then want the drawing in Frame 17 of the Animation scene to appear in the current frame of the Script scene.

I'm beginning to understand this is more difficult than I first imagined, so here's an alternative. I could make a symbol from the drawing in each frame. Then call it Fish01, Fish02, Fish03... Fish30. Then when the random number is chosen, basically have that corresponding symbol appear. And when a new number is chosen, the symbol on the screen will disappear and be replaced by the new symbol.

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IDE :: Scrolling Pane Not Pulling Text?

Sep 15, 2009

I know how to create a scrolling pane that pulls in text. I test my methods by creating a text box with text, the convert to movie and make sure the Export to Actionscript is check and then on the Scrollingpane just make sure the target has the correct movie name. If I do this in a blank document everything works but in my Flash project it does not pull the text from the text box and I have no idea why. Has anyone experience this before. I just cannot find out why it works in a blank document and not in my flash project. I tried attaching my flash document but it does not fit.

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