ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Disable Buttons On Movie Layer Below
Nov 14, 2009
Loading a movie above another movie at level1 the btns below are still active. Can I disable the btns on the movie layer below.
btn.OnPress = function(){
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Jan 22, 2010
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on(press) {
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Jun 12, 2008
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UPDATE: This seems to only happen on the Mac (FF & Safari) but not the PC.
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Mar 31, 2011
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Jun 9, 2009
Is there a way to use ActionScript to disable all buttons in a movie at the start of the movie (or at any given time in the movie), and then re-enable them at a certain time? I'm using Flash MX (only version I have access to), and I know how to get to the ActionScript panel and use it for basic things like stopping/playing a movie or jumping to a certain frame, but I haven't figured out much about ActionScript beyond that.
(btw, what version of ActionScript does Flash MX have?
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Feb 16, 2006
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Nov 20, 2010
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The row of scrolling buttons (the circles) and the arrow buttons at the bottom are contained within a single movie.I must point out that I am not well versed in action script. I have picked up bits and pieces as I've gone along but I don't speak the language
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stage.mouseChildren = false;
mysection.mybutton.mouseChildren = true
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Oct 1, 2010
I am creating a spinning globe where I set up two movieclip buttons. One is called "europe1" and another is called "russia1". When you roll over "europe1" button, movieclip "europe_people" starts to play and button "closeEurope" appears. When you click on "closeEurope" button, the movie clip "europe_people" and the button "closeEurope" disappears and the globe begins to spin again. If you roll over "russia1" the same thing happens.
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Nov 8, 2005
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May 19, 2002
After A.swf loaded on the top of B.swf,How can I disable all buttons in B.swf?
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Dec 11, 2007
I have a website, and each section fades in and fades out. The problem is the hidden sections (alpha=0) still have their buttons can click them and I don't use buttons, they are movieclips with actionscript in frame 1...How would you make sure these are disabled?What I tried was to create a variable sectionFlag:Number=1; this would have a different number 1,2,3,4 depending on the current section and then if (sectionFlag==4){ execute code }however, the sob just wouldn't work, it would execute the code anyway!
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Jan 18, 2010
I have created a webpage with a html menu and flash embedded underneath it.The problem is, the flash movie is in an index layer of -1 and the html menu needs to sit above it in index 1 for example.If the menu sits behind the flash the buttons are inactive, if the flash sits behind the html menu, its buttons are inactive.I have a div layer for the html menu and it not as high as the flash movie, but it doesn't make a difference, its seen as sitting behind and therefore the buttons don't work.
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May 13, 2010
I have several layers of scrolling BGs via action script. In between these layers are a set of simple buttons made via "button" symbols. Within the stage, the buttons are recognized, however, when I test the movie, the buttons are not recognized/activated by the cursor. My guess is that the scrolling BGs that are on top of everything else (NOT added via "addChild" in a blank movie clip below all other layers) are somehow "blocking" my cursor from reading the simple buttons "below" them.
For the visual aspect of the project, the scrolling BGs are needed both "below" and "above" the buttons, so I need a work-around for simple button use in this multi-level scrolling BG environment. (just to clarify, by "above" and "below" I dont mean vertically above and below, but rather "layered" above and below, so as to "cover" eachother).
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Jul 16, 2010
A way to disable multiple buttons on different timeline mostly resides movie clipLike when I click a single button, the other buttons will be disabled.As of now what I'm doing is like this...
function disableButtons(){
preview.btn1.enabled = false;
preview.btn2.enabled = false;
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Jan 27, 2011
i call my disable button function that is inside a for loop? it only ever disabled the last button but i want it to disable them all. Below is my code:
PHP Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
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