ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Is Load Vars Not Updating Variables
Apr 18, 2011
I'm loading variables from php using loadVars in a function that is called when a button is pressed.
ActionScript Code:
getArrangement = function(){
theArrangement = new LoadVars();
theArrangement.onLoad = function(){
how do i get my variable to always be the same as the onLoad value and/or the one in my dynamic text box?
I need to feed the correct result back into my database.
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Jan 27, 2003
I am trying to load the value of a php variable into a dynamic text field in flash mx. I am using the loadvars method, with "nameofPHPfile,"0","GET" etc. It doesn't seem to work, but then I am not sure if the php code is correct. A process of elimination is needed. Am I using the right method in flash???
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May 19, 2005
i am trying to load vars from a text file into a load vars object.
var kitchentext = new LoadVars();
Once in the object, i thought i could reference them like so
but i am having trouble doing this.
i have a textbox called displytext.
_root.displaytext.text =;
doesnt work
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Jun 25, 2010
Damndest thing. Every once in a while, I'll make a change to some part of my Flash application, while working in Flash Builder 4, and when I click Debug Play, it starts running with the old code and the old variables, even though the code I'm looking at in the code window is the new, changed code. I can still advance step by step, but the advances don't align with the new code. They seem to be aligning with the old, not visible code. I can eliminate variables entirely, save, build clean, and when I run, it still shows the old variables in the Variables window. As I can not find any mention of this on the Internet, I logically conclude that this is some ancient curse directed solely at me.
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Apr 23, 2007
So what I'm trying to do, is allow users to create a bike type game. There are four different parts to it that they can choose (frame, material, tires, and handelbars), each that change one of the four different statistics (weight, durability, speed, and maneuverability) and I'd like it to update these global statistic variables each time a part is changed so that the statistic bars can update.I want to have the bike frame, when selected, to set a base for all 4 variables, and then each other part will add to it. This is what I did so far. . .
on the framescript I just have:
_global.durability = (_global.framedur + _global.materialdur);
_global.weight = (_global.frameweight + _global.materialweight);
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Jun 30, 2009
I want a few variables to be updated when MyTextField is left. I tried this:
myTextField.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, update_everything)
function update_everything(e:Event):void{
But that didnt work. My function should also work if the text field is left with TAB.
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Dec 4, 2009
I would like to pass over 50 items of variables from php to flash. Actually I want to pass array with foreach statement, looping through the array and assigning loop index to the variables and flash again accept the php values through looping. Is this possible? If passing values through foreach or loop statement is impossible, I would like to break a new line in tag. how can I break a new line in FlashVars tag?
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May 29, 2009
pros and cons of either using a Singleton that enforces only one instantiation of itself, versus creating one common class with static vars which can be accessed by all other classes that import it?
In my testing, importing but never instantiating works fine. I can even change the value of one of the variables and then have another class see that changed value later on in the program.
If I *know* I will never actually create an instance of my Global class using the New command (but will instead just reference the variables using the class's name), then why should I need to make it a strict Singleton?
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Nov 17, 2010
I try to make a simple login. I use the code
function sendVars_login(event:MouseEvent):void
var scriptRequest_login:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://******.aspx");[code]...
when i send the vars i get back that user doesn't exists although i have checked that it exists.A funny thing is that when i change the following
scriptVars_login.u_pass = "somePass"
scriptVars_login.u_email ="someEmail"
I get correct results. So the .aspx script works and the way i'm sending the variable works. when i trace
i get a url encoded string, so i tried to unescape the value
var unescapedString = unescape(String(scriptVars_login)); = unescapedString;
now when i trace( i get an unescaped value but it still doesn't work
View 1 Replies
Apr 16, 2003
Well, I've come across a problem and i'm stumped. Anyway, I stumbled upon this aim online presence check in an old AIM pdf file. There is a server check at an aol server to see if a person is online, if they are it sends the browser to the "on_url" setting, if not, it sends the browser to the "off_url" setting. I realized that it doesn't work for some screen names for some reason, but it does for mine, so i wanted to use it in flash. I've tried three ways, and two of them WORK! But, only when I run them from my computer... When I upload it to my host, it doesn't work! Here's the two ways I've tried:
Again, the first two WORK when running the SWF locally, but for some reason not on a couple of hosts that i've tried.. maybe i'm going about this the wrong way. I've thought about making some php script to do this then have AS read the PHP, but then i'm not sure about the PHP code on that.
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Dec 14, 2010
my varloader.fla sample will load up a couple of variables from a .txt file (numbers.txt) and it will display them just fine in the dynamic text boxes on the layer below the actionscript layer. but if I move one of the dynamic text fields to another frame, lots of errors happen.
i gather this is because when the movie moves to the next frame, it 'forgets' all of the definitions in the actionscript of frame 1, but certainly there must be a way to do one load of the variables from the text file and use them project wide? please tell me i don't need to write a loader to parse my .txt file in ever frame I want to use the .txt variables?? how can i make these variables global? all i want to do is be able to display first_txt and second_txt on subsequent frames from the frame with the AS...
ActionScript Code:
here is my actionscript:[code]......
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Nov 8, 2007
to load php vars into flash can i use this method
myButton.onRelease = function(){
var loadObj:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
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Aug 19, 2009
ActionScript Code:
private var __milena:LoadVars;
private function Loadprom(prom:String):Void {
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Jan 17, 2004
I'm trying to give a friend a hand with his project and could use a bit of direction. We are trying to pass a string of variables and values from an html page to a flash project. We're using javascript to put the variables and values into a string named queryvar. We are able to view the string using a javascript alert box at the time that it should be passed to flash. Now here's where I can't figure out where the problem lies...I'm not sure if we're passing the string to the flash movie properly. The html embed tags are as follows:
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Dec 15, 2004
why the "songinfo" variable (song title and artist) won't always show up. Sometimes, only the "seconds remaining" value will appear. Since that number is based on caculations I'm doing to other variables, I know that I'm getting the variables correctly but I have to sometimes reload the web page multiple times in order for the song artist and title to display.
What I've done is to create a Flash-based display for a radio station that shows what song is currently playing on the radio. I'm using actionscript to read in a series of variables from a PHP file (sont title/artist, length of song, and time the song started playing).Now, rather than having the Flash file check the PHP file every 30 seconds and overload the servers, I'm using actionscript to calculate a countdown timer value for me and to only recheck the PHP file when that counter is < 0 (i.e. the song is over).
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Dec 13, 2007
I am communicating with my php file file but i having trouble with the variables loading into the email the php code generates. I'm gues the problem has to do with which timeline the variables are loading into. I've tried several things here and nothing appears to work. Can you guys tell me if this looks correct?
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Jan 21, 2008
I am trying to make a button that when clicked on loads an external text file into a dynamic text box.
I can make it work when I use it specifically - but I can't make it work when I want to use it as part of a generic 'button function'.
Basically I have a .txt file "mycontent.txt" which is called using the Load Vars function inside a generic function (tab_grow) i created to managed the behavior of the 12 tabs that are the navigation for the movie. For now i'm just focusing on ONE of the tabs. Basically the tabs move when a user hovers over them and when they mouse off. When they click it should call the external text file. The section in the .txt i'm calling is called 'mega_data'.
This is what I have right now:
HTML Code:
function tab_grow(mov, file) {
mov.onRollOver = function() {
mov.onEnterFrame = function() {
BUT then I can't change which section of the .txt file I pull up for different tabs - which is the whole point of the function!!
View 1 Replies
Jan 17, 2004
I'm trying to give a friend a hand with his project and could use a bit of direction. We are trying to pass a string of variables and values from an html page to a flash project. We're using javascript to put the variables and values into a string named queryvar. We are able to view the string using a javascript alert box at the time that it should be passed to flash. I'm not sure if we're passing the string to the flash movie properly. The html embed tags are as follows:
document.write('<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="pie_chart.swf?' + queryVar + '">');
document.write('<PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="' + queryVar + '">');[code]....
I try using parseint to parse the string but get NaN error.
View 3 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
how can i make a flash button template that load vars from direct xml? like height/width/text/color/curve/background or transparent background also i will have more than one of these buttons on the same page, so they must take the vars directly fromt the xml.
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Aug 23, 2007
So I am trying to load variables from a .php file into a movie clip and then plug in those variables to various fields and for some reason its not heres whats going on...(this is for the staff page for my church)
In the primary timeline we have this line...
loadVariables("./middleware/staff.php?id=" + staffID,
staff_panel, "GET");
We are loading the variables into the movie clip which contains our various fields...the value for staffID is created in the previous frame when the user click on that person's icon, we know for sure that this is being passed correctly to this frame, because I have a text box in the main timeline which displays the number.
The resulting string from the .php file looks like this...
staffNameE=Jason+Webb&staffTitleE=Lead+Pastor&staffDescE=Jason's+bio+g oes+here...&picLoader=./images/staff_pics/jwebb.jpg&staffEmail=webmast
Within the movie clip that the variables are being loaded into we have loops till the var load is done and then writes the information to the fields...
while (L ne "stop"){
if (staffNameE ne ""){
staffName = staffNameE;
View 3 Replies
Sep 2, 2011
I'd like to simply display the users name and photo inside a flash app. I hope to do this only in the client without using any backend scripting. The ActionScript 3 SDK for Facebook Platform is under construction for the next few weeks to comply with new facebook requirements so I don't trust the current build to be useful.
We have searched and built tests for a week with no luck. I have a feeling the answer is either very simple or not possible.
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Apr 3, 2002
So I am trying to load variables from a .php file into amovie clip and then plug in those variables to various fields andfor some reason its not heres whats going on...(thisis for the staff page for my church) (and yes I have read theutorials :P )In the primary timeline we have this line...
loadVariables("./middleware/staff.php?id=" + staffID,
staff_panel, "GET");
We are loading the variables into the movie clip whichcontains our various fields...the value for staffID is created inthe previous frame when the user click on that person's icon, weknow for sure that this is being passed correctly to this frame,
View 7 Replies
Mar 21, 2012
I have an empty SWF that's sole purpose is to call loadMovieNum and start the project. Each loaded movie has a few variables defined within them - unique to those loaded SWFs. Instead of declaring all the variables in each SWF can I declare all of them in one place, in the first frame of the empty loader it all starts from? I'm thinking I can then declare a variable which each loaded movie can increment as needed for me.
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Nov 18, 2006
When i've created a vars in my fla file and load it from the html file to dynamic text field, using this action
Ok ... it is working, but it only for 1 text field. So .. how i can load a vars from one html file with other dynamic text fields.
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm writing code that takes data from mysql that's processed by a PHP script. It's actually a bit bizarre, at least to me. Anyway, here's some basic AS3 code that's moving toward what I want to do:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var urlRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("receive.php");
For some reason, the statement "trace(;" produces a whole pile of garbled text before the actual stuff that it's supposed to show Because of problem #1, I've had to include a throwaway variable at the beginning, otherwise the first variable I try to pass into AS3 comes back as undefined. This causes errors when I run my flash movie in the IDE, but when I run it from the browser it doesn't seem to have any effect.But this is the strangest thing of all whenever I make any changes to the database (and subsequently try to load data from different variables), the new variables come back as undefined. For example, let's say that I add another entry to the database, and decide to load students 2, 3, and 4 instead of 1, 2, and 3. When I do that, any new data I've added comes back as undefined, even though when I view the PHP output in my browser, it looks just fine.
And now for the REALLY bizarre part: I'll copy that output, paste it into my PHP script as an echo statement, comment everything else out, and my flash movie runs fine. Even though the output from the PHP script is exactly the same, it gives me errors.
View 9 Replies
Nov 19, 2008
I am trying to load variables from a text file, and have them available from then onwards in the movie, globally so to speak.
While I can read the variable values in a loader function which executes when the text file is loaded, I don't seem to be able to keep those variables available afterwards.
View 10 Replies
Oct 29, 2009
What is the best way to load a big load of variables into Flash? There must be a way to do this withLoadVars and a txt file:
&prijsvraag_titel=Title of the prijsvraag&
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Apr 5, 2007
I am loading variables from a txt file. After loading in Flash, the format of the variables is weird.
My text file looks something like this:
var1=15&var2=10&var3=this is a test&var4=etc
It has been created in notepad.
When I load the variables with the command loadVariablesNum("variables.txt",0); there is a problem with var1 and var2. These are not considered as integers but as text and have the values "15" instead of 15 and "10" instead of 10.
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May 5, 2011
how to get a result from a php file...I am using cs5...what is the best way to go about this?
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