ActionScript 2.0 :: XML For Gallery From Tutorial 'photo Gallery Using XML And Flash'?

Jan 15, 2010

i am trying to put some things together following the tutorials on this site. I did the tutorial 'Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash'and I followed it step by step and uploaded it with all the necessary files onto my remote server (xml file, Gallery folder, fla, swf, and html) - however, when I test the movie with flash, it seems to work fine (except the description test, my question to that later), but when I test it online it shows only the first image (but displays the correct number of images in the gallery); even when clicking the next button, it keeps loading the first image the first image. In other galleries (I use the structure for multiple galleries for my portfolio) the first image never loads at all.

Also, about the description text, in between the <caption> and </caption>, can I use <strong> and <em> and <br /> to change the appearance of my text? All it says is 'null'.If you want to look at what I mean check out my portfolio in the making. The problem with the first image displaying only is under 'paintings' and both the projects in 'design - packaging'. The second problem (no picture loading at all) is on some of the buttons in 'design - identity' (where I have not changed the description text of the tutorial yet).

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Feb 28, 2006

original: I really just need to figure out how to center the pictures. here is what I did I have modified the tutorial that I finished to have a bigger stage for bigger pictures. Everything is working properly but the pictures are displayed on the left side, I want to have them centered in the stage for the images, after clicking on the thumbnails, plus my images are different sizes as well. ranging from 200x410 to 744x410 but all are the same height of 410. i will post up what I am talking about at the end. I believe it is something within either the action script or the xml coding that allows the position of the image to be differently? please help here is what i am talking about[URL] Continued: Here is my coding in action script:


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Based on the Photo Gallery using XML and Flash tutorial found here:I&#65533;m having trouble with loading thumbnail images of various sizes which overlap if they are smaller than the previous image.The specific line that causes this is target_mc._x = hit_left._x+(target_mc._width+5)*k;I&#65533;ve tried all sorts of things with the closest being the following which put the images in the right size, but with the omission of &#65533;k&#65533; their order is backwardstarget_mc._x = (thumbnail_mc._width+5);Here is the full function block as per the tutorial

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I've attached the Action script that loads the xml gallery in .txt format

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IDE :: Photo Gallery Using XML And Flash

Jan 21, 2009

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This is the XML code >



** I basically want to put the gallery on a CD so i can give it to someone, and i wanted to source images from the same folder as the actual gallery itself.

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Feb 22, 2009

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IDE :: Photo Gallery Using XML And Flash?

Jun 21, 2009

I am using Flash Professional 8. I made a Flash photo gallery driven by XML using the tutorial ash_photogallery.htm". When I publish it by pressing ctrl+enter or publish on web by pressing F12, everything is fine. I can see photographs, descriptions, and fully working buttons. But when I put my .swf clip to the website I am developing, nothing comes on it.I am still testing these on my PC and yet to upload them on web.

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Aug 26, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery - Photo's Start Automatically, Rather Than, On A Button Click?

Oct 27, 2011

its for a photo gallery that I downlowded,the images fades in and out, but only start that when you click a button(timer).I'm trying to founf out where in the script I can change this, so that the photo's start automatically,rather than, on a button click.I have pasted the script below, is that ok, or would people rather a zip file of the files?

// (c) Copyright by Andrew DiFiore. All rights reserved. DO NOT REMOVE.
fscommand("allowscale", "false");
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";[code]......

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Build A Photo Gallery In Flash?

Sep 30, 2009

I am currently building a website entirely in Flash, and I am fearing that it is becoming too large because I am having it all load on startup. Is there a way for me to have the file load to say, frame 10, and stop loading, then when a button is clicked to bring you to a new frame that has not been loaded, load the necessary frames? (I would also like to have a preloader for each time a button is clicked that takes you to frames that haven't been loaded yet.)

A specific example would be a photo gallery I want to incorporate into the site. When the user presses a button to view the photo gallery, I want a frame with a gallery of thumbnails to load that has not been previously loaded, and then when each thumbnail is clicked, the frame with the large picture in it should be loaded.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: XML Photo Gallery In Flash?

Oct 31, 2010

I need help I am trying to make a photo gallery but I'm not understanding this. This is all new to me for I don't even know if I even have any of it right and for some of the comments I have no clue??

Code: Select allimport fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
var numPics:Number;
var thumbIndex:Number = 0;
var thumbRowCount:Number = 6;


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IDE :: Kirupa Xml Flash Photo Gallery

Mar 30, 2006

I am having problems formatting the XML Flash photo gallery. I can't seem to get the photos to center on the page. Some of my photos are vertical and others horizontal, and they are all pushed to the left. I don't want to make all the photos the same width. Is there any way to use css to style the xml? Or is there some other way to do it? Url...Also, if anyone notices any other problems with the gallery,please let me know. This is only the second thing I've done in Flash, and I may have made some mistakes when I changed things.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML/Flash Photo Gallery?

Feb 26, 2007

I've created a photo gallery using this method, but each time I try and load it into a movie clip, the thumbnail scroller fails to work. The thumbnails load, but the mouse does not seem to register over the hot spots.

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IDE :: Flash Photo Gallery With Thumbnails ?

May 7, 2009

I'm trying to use the flash gallery with thumbnails that was in one of the tutorials on this site. See here:

http:[url]....I wanted to make the flash player bigger, so I changed the doc size and then scaled the area mask that shows the image. I don't see why this would scale the image; it should just make the viewing window larger.But when I make an image the size I want it in photoshop, it is displaying the image far larger (blurry and cut off) than it is supposed to.Does it have to do with the action scripting, or the graphics in the document?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Photo Gallery Using XML And Flash

Jun 21, 2009

I am using Flash Professional 8. I made a Flash photo gallery driven by XML using the tutorial "[URL]". When I publish it by pressing ctrl+enter or publish on web by pressing F12, everything is fine. I can see photographs, descriptions, and fully working buttons. But when I put my .swf clip to the website I am developing, nothing comes on it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery Using Flash And Xml?

Oct 30, 2009

I've done tutorial on [URL].. and it's really great. But I have one question. The size (height and width) of pictures given in example are the same. What to do if each of my image has different size, and I want them be displayed in 'center', instead of being aligned to the left.

I am not familiar with as2, but I do understand the syntax and all function, so maybe somebody would have some idea how to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml And Flash Photo Gallery?

Jul 10, 2008

1_Add a new button (or maybe use the emptymovieclip with a listenerObject) on release get url _blank to download a high resolution pdf of that file.2_Add a new dynamic multiline text field on stage (list.txt) to create a list of all files include in this gallery (name + date)Here's a part of my xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery Using XML And Flash

Sep 13, 2005

im a danish boy there found the really nice tutorial on your site "Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash by kirup" [URL] But i have some problems.... When i want to use my own picture it will only load the first picture, its like the buttons dont want to "get" the next picture!

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