ActionScript 2.0 :: Automatically Wrap The Text When The User Gets To The End Of The Box?
Feb 11, 2007
I have an input text box that is about 400pix wide by 5 lines deep. Is there a way to automatically wrap the text when the user gets to the end of the box? As it stands, the text simply continues on the first line past the boundary box, until ENTER is pressed.
I need to dinamically load some texts and gaps (input texts) from an XML file and show them in a panel. I found the documentation of panel on Adobe, how I can to automatically wrap the list of objects if the line is longer.
There is a dynamic text box and I set it's wrap to be falseHowever, when I input text and press enter key, it still return to next line. How should I fix it in Flash CS3?
I have a Dynamic Text field in my movie clip. This text field has embedded fonts and Behavior is set to Multiline. When I add text to it, it wont display the text that wraps beyond the first line.
var textField:TextField = tip_txt; // text field inside my movie clip trace("before textField.numLines = " + textField.numLines); textField.text = "test a verrrrry looooooooong striiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggg";
Using CS4 flash. I am loading an external text(txt file) in to flash. That works fine. How do I add pictures to that text and text wrapping around pictures.
Something that has always bothered me, wrapping text around images. Now in the past I always just used line breaks to wrap the text around images in a static and dynamic text field.
I haven't really had much experience with using HTML formatted text in dynamic text fields but I am told in can wrap text around image, is this true? And if so I am imagining the image would have to be external to the flash file and inserted using an <img srce> tag.
Was looking around for perhaps a simpler way of doing it and came across "Text Layout Framework" from Adobe. After reading into it, seems that it will wrap the text around in dynamic text fields through use of extensions and components (plus a whole stash of other features.) Would this assumption be correct?
And is there any support for text to wrap around images in static text fields
In flex, I have HBox in which I have loaded an image. I want to wrap text around it. Hence, there would be an image on right and text will be on left. After the image is cleared, text will be displayed 100% of the width. How can I achieve it?
A client has asked me to wrap text around a picture on the top right of the homepage. Can this be done. To be honest, I can't remember ever seeing this in flash. I have done a search for tutorials on google etc but found nothing. I am also including a picture so you can see exactly what I mean.
if it's possible to make text wrap in the combobox component, and if so, how? I've searched this and other forums/sites but have had no luck with an answer either way. I'd like to combobox to stay a set width and therefore wrap text lines that are longer than the width. Currently it's just cutting off the text.
I've got some sentences I need to put in a ComboBox as selections. They are much too long for the width of the box on the page. Is there a way to wrap the text in the ComboBox? I'm wondering if I need to put the text into a jpg or something and use that as the label.
I am loading text from .xml in the text field which is linkage properties set from library Identifier: "box" I wont to text file wordWrap=true and autoSize "left" but is is not working
Details:- text filed instance name="name_txt"; creating duplicate moview part is given bellow. for (var i = root.firstChild; i != null; i = i.nextSibling) {
I'm using FB4.6 and constructing a variable sized DataGrid in actionscript. I need the text to wrap in the header (actually every cell) of a datagrid. I can find examples of doing it in mxml but not programatically.
I am having this weird problem when I load an XML document.The last part of the text doesn't 'wrap', if that is the proper english expression; the lines don't go to the next line they just get lost. You can see what I mean in this link, by clicking on the Kaiser Chiefs item/photo/text, and then scroll down in the article. However, when you go back to home and do it again, the text looks allright! But that is too late of course.
I am trying to create textfields on the fly that wrap the text they contain. I am using the following code but it is not working well. The text within the textfield is low and some of it is cut off.(Easy to see if I put a border around the textfield.) What's my bext solution to create a textfield which perfectly fits the text it contains.
var caption="someText"; thumbTitleTextFormat=new TextFormat(); thumbTitleTextFormat.font="exportedArialFont"; thumbTitleTextFormat.align="center";
I have a problem with the text on them.I want the text to wrap, autosize and be multiline - ie I want the button to be a certain width and if the text is longer for a particular button the button will be higher with the text going onto the next line.The wierd thing is that it worked, I went and made a cup of tea, came back and it was not working! Maybe the cat changed my code but I cannot see where.
I'm trying to create a user input textfield which automatically applies the defined format on it. The only problem is: actionscript 3 seems to ignore the format and stubbornly applies the default text format. How can I apply the desired format on user typed text? Here's my code so far. As you can see, for experimental reasons I tried to apply the size "60" on the text, but if you execute the script, the size of the text remains unchanged:
PHP Code: import flash.text.Font; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.text.TextField; var theTextField:TextField = new TextField(); var txtFmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); [Code] .....
I have a TextField with multiline and word wrap enabled, and a fixed width. I want to calculate the total height of the text inside it. I tried using TextField.textHeight, but that gives me the height of one line. Because of the wrapping, I can't easily calculate the number of lines to multiply it with the line height. TextField.height just gives me the fixed, default height of the field, 100 pixels.
Using Flash 10, I'm looking for a way to bypass the normal behaviour of images in HTML text, where the images can only float (in CSS terms) to the left or right with text wrapping around them.
Take the following code (where Squiggle is a 100x100 symbol):
ActionScript Code: var html:XML = <xml> <img src="Squiggle" id="squiggle" /> <p>This is some pretty amazing text, ya'll!</p> </xml>;
I have an input field in which I am sending the text out of flash and up to my server. I wanted to read the input field text then apply html tags around it. Unfortunately, my technique is not working correctly as it does not read the input field but it does change the format. I think I am escaping it incorrectly [code]...
I'm hoping to produce a CD of Captivate lessons to be accessed via a Flash menu. (Using Flash CS4, but with ActionScript 2). I can get the files to work from the disc, but as they are large files, they take less time to open if downloaded onto the user's machine first.
Is it possible to use some ActionScript to take the folder of files and copy them onto the desktop so that I can then point the menu items to the newly copied folder? I've seen that there is a download option in ActionScript but this seems to bring up a dialogue box and allows the user to place the files wherever they want. Ideally I'd like the process to be automatic.
I've got some text coming from XML, its loaded inside "my_Text" textfields inside a "clip_mc" movieclip.. how do i make either of these wrap to a width? The text just runs off the screen, I need it to stay inside a box. [code]...