ActionScript 2.0 :: Blank White Screen For Maybe A Minute?
Sep 7, 2008
I am working on a website right now and when I go to the html version of it, all it does is just sit there. A blank white screen for maybe a minute and hwen it finally loads the preloader only comes up for a half a second.
Should bring up a login when you go to that site. However in Chrome It seems to be loading something and then I just get a blank white screen. Sometimes it loads but if you then hit refresh it will bring you to a blank white screen instead of reloading. Also interestingly if you are staring at the white screen, if you double click, click drag click around alot on the page it will come up kind of like its there but not being displayed. this problem only displayed in Chrome -- IE, Firefox, safarii etc. Perhaps my HTML is bad? I can't believe that because when I use the raw-HTML output from a publish in CS5 It is still giving me this behavior? Also others have had this problem with my site so it isn't just my browser/computer combo.
Not sure why this is happening but everytime I test a movie (CTRL+ENTER) in Flash movie it produces a blank white screen. I even created a new Flash file with a simple Shape but it still gives me that blank white screen when I run test movie. It does, however, run correctly when I click the *.swf that got generated. I'm not sure if my work recently upgraded me to a newer version of Flash Player.
Im trying to make a 10 minute countdown with white numbers and black background. just need minutes, seconds and milliseconds. sending a fla file or in telling me the easiest way to do this. I dont need a start button or anything else, just the countdown and when time is over just the numbers as 00:00:000
I am new in Flash and Currently, I use Flash Pro CS5 to create new movies and modify old movies.
When I publish the movie I developed it comes with two white blank sides and i tried to change the Publish settings like Dimensions and Scale and publish the flash movie but the white blank sides did not disappear ?
I want that the flash movie has all the space of the dispaly window so that no white space appears when I view it in normal or maximized or full-screen view modes ?
I'm trying to draw a shape but am having a weird issue. I'm not getting any errors, but no shape will show up. I get a blank white canvas when I run the .swf with the following class:
It seems like the loading screen (more like frame) is the last thing to load, so you are stuck staring at a blank screen for a while. How can i prioritize how the game loads so that the instant you get on the page the loading screen comes up immediately?
from time to time I get feedback from my web portal customers that they cannot see Flash component on the page - instead there's a blank white region. When it happens I instruct them to clear browser cache, and it solves the issue. Is there any way to handle this differently, using HTTP headers etc.
I am trying to run QNX Actionscript project on desktop Flash player, but when I run the swf, the player appears blank white view I tried to set the QNX libraries "Merged in code", but the app doesn't run Is there any way to run the project swf on flash player Note: I am using Flash Builder 4.5
I have a little Flash intro SWF i prepared and handed off to a friend who is implementing my intro animation into an HTML site.... The problem is that once the SWF (intro) finishes, there is a short gap (blank white page) before the actual HTML site loads. Is there a way around this? Is this something i need to code on my side (AS3) or is this a problem for my HTML/javascript buddy to figure out......or both.
I am having a strange problem. When I go to full-screen mode in Flash, everything goes blank. The sound added keeps on playing and everything is fine on coming back
I dont get an error but nothing loads. I just get a blank screen and I have really struggled to find an example for loading an obj file. I am using flashbuilder4 AS3 project.
private function initAway():void { _camera = new Camera3D({zoom:20, focus:30, x:100, y:50, z:-500});
my site is finished but as it's quite a large SWF the preloader and logo doesn't appear on screen untill it's load about 40% loaded.
Is there any way to get the logo on screen before anything else comes up rather than just having a black screen? (without breaking the main movie into smaller ones).
I have built a pre-loader from tutorials that seems to work well except that you can't see it until it hits about 8o% loaded.
this is the code for frame 1 of my movie. (loading is a text box that shows the percentage as it loads)
ActionScript Code: stop(); onEnterFrame = function(){ var percentLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal();
why the screen stays blank up until until that 8o% mark when it seems like the whole frame(preloader) loads?
It seems like everytime I get comfortable with some aspect of programming, I attempt another one that makes me wonder why I program in the first place! My mac is lucky I can't afford to throw it out the window.
I have been lurking here for a while. Whenever I get stuck I usually search through forums and find my answers. This ones not returning any results... So I've joined up. USING: Flash 5.0 in Windows, no flex [b] Here's my issue:[/b] I am working through Lee Brimelow's [b]Click and Zoom 3D Carousel[/b] video and I got to the first time he goes to preview his movie at about 23:50 and I get nothing. No compiler errors and no images, just a black screen...
So I figured the XML didn't go through correctly. I tried playing with the code but to no avail... If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome! My tutorial document is located in the Carousel folder on my desktop, files and images are all there.
I have used this method before to make a preloader. But this time for some reason the screen is blank until the movie is finished loading. The bandwidth profiler says I am on frame 0.
I have been comparing this to another project (that uses the same code)and it loads fine in Simulate Download and BWProfiler says frame 1 while loading. There are no differences in the Public Settings, or any other settings I can see...
is finished but as it's quite a large SWF the preloader and logo doesn't appear on screen untill it's load about 40% loaded. Is there any way to get the logo on screen before anything else comes up rather than just having a black screen? (without breaking the main movie into smaller ones).
I am working with classic asp and flash. Actually I don't have to develop the flash applications and I only have to make the asp parts. Now I have some problems with flash file.When we put the flash in asp we set the path of plugins : pluginspage="http:[url]......when we upgrade latest version of flash player (, it works for the most of the flash file in my application but there is one specific flash that doesn't work.It only shows the blank black screen.
I found a tutorial online to do a Image Slideshow. [URL]. But, I can not get anything to work. I am new to this and unfortunately do not have time to do any formal training right now. Probably when this project is done. When I "test movie" I just get a white screen w/ nothing on it. I should be getting a box 500x500 w/ a box that is 400x400 for my frame. I just finished step 3, and I do not get my frame box like a should.
Here is what my .xml document says: <slideshow width="400" height="400" speed="5"> <image url="images/1.jpg" /> <image url="images/2.jpg" /> <image url="images/3.jpg" /> .....
And here is the action script. var myShowXML = new XML(); myShowXML.ingoreWhite = true; myShowXML.load("slideshow.xml"); myShowXML.onLoad = function() { [Code] .....
currently I'm having some problems with my preloader.I have an as3 class website with the following code:
public function Website() { addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, PreloaderStart); } private function PreloaderStart(e:Event):void { var bt:int=loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
I painted my stage black and when I simply run my flash file it traced "loaded" so everything is loaded well and it builds the UI. But when I simulate by pressing ctrl+ enter twice I get a white screen and after about 10 sec. (my swf is 1mb and it simulates at 100kbs) it displays the preloader instantly at 100% and loads my UI. So my text doesn't change from 0% -> 100% but I just get 100% when everything is loaded.
I have a slideshow that is set up to run on an LCD screen. The problem is the slideshow turns to a white screen when left running overnight. I would like the slideshow to continuously play without having to do a browser refresh each day. I am thinking there is some build up of memory that is causing the problem. I have a loop to continually check my xml file to see if anything has been updated.
Everytime I try to load a font, I get a blank screen that flashes on and off and have to shut my computer down for it to stop. I use to be able to download them all the time. I don't know what changed on my computer to make this happen.
I have one action script and one frame that gets the output from the action script. It is a US national debt clock. The action script is something like
Now I don't know but when I do a test movie it shows blank screen and can see nothing It would be very kind of someone to guide me with this. I am very good at PHP so if possible I can do something for you in PHP.
I have an mx:TileList which is bound to an ArrayCollection.I have some code that displays a "Loading..." message before modifying the ArracyCollection and some code after that hides the loading message.For small data sets, it works fine. However, I noticed with an array size of about 50~ and larger, flex will hide my loading message before the TileList is finished rendering the new data and I'm left with a blank screen for an odd second.Is there an event I can listen to that is called after the TileList is finished re-rendering? Code looks something like this:
loading_message.visible = true; for each (var x:Object in new_data) { tile_list_data.append(x); // bound to my_tile_list component[code]..........
In this example, loading_message appear, disappear, and then the flex app will lag before finally revealing the updated TileList.
I'm using jwplayer in html tabs in IE with jqery showing and hiding them (via style:hidden;) When I hide a tab in IE and then show it again the plays video area goes blank (you can still hear sound and play/pause the video). Does anyone know why this is happening or have a way to fix it.
I have tried getting my videos to play and all I get is a black screen with audio only.
After I got a blank screen, I uploaded the .flv (2MB) and the .fla (14MB) files to the server as well (same folder as the .html file) but that didnt help same blank screen.