ActionScript 2.0 :: Close Window When The User Clicks It?

Mar 29, 2004

this is probably a really simple code, (it might be javascript i dunno)... but i want a simple 'X' button that will close my window when the user clicks it.---------------------------------------------------

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fscommand() - Movie Close When The User Clicks A Button

Apr 21, 2004

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how to call the close button in the MC?

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect Clicks Outside Of A Window For A Multi-window AIR App In Flex?

Mar 13, 2011

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My question is, is there a way to detect a click outside of a spark window, or alternativley is there some root container/object which is a parent to all the native windows so that a click inside any native window would bubble up to it? (Apparently the stage object of the root windowed application is not that object since each window is not a child of the stage for the root application).

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Flash :: POST To Opened Javascript Window And Have Close The Window

Nov 30, 2011

I created a Flash application that reads POST data from a form. A user clicks the button, and the data gets posted to the flash app in a new window (_blank). Now takes the data and then spins a wheel to give users a prize. If they don't win a message pops up letting them know they didn't win. If they don't win, clicking the OK button needs to close the browser window.

I've tried a number of solutions and it seems that the only way to get this done is to launch the window with javascript and then use'window.close'); to close the window from within the Flash actionscript (3) because otherwise the window won't close (I've tried just using window.close and window.close() with no luck)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: New (controllable) Window - Put A Link In Movie That Will Close The Window?

Feb 6, 2003

ACTUALLY i just thought of another one so now i have two. sorry. hope you don't mind. i get sidetracked rather easily. before i start, a quick nota bene. i'm a complete newcomer to flash so my questions are very simpleminded. not much of a challenge i'm afraid.

1. can i put a link in my movie that will close the window?

2. can i put a link in my movie that will open a new window of a specific size, and without the menu-buttons of explorer?

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Oct 4, 2010

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Loop Until The User Clicks A Button?

Jun 7, 2009

I'm converting some old Director/Shockwave animations to Flash, and I'm setting up a navigation system. I have a simple animation that runs from from 1 to frame 110, and I'd like it to loop until the user clicks a button. The timeline goes on beyond frame 110 with other stuff. In an "actions" layer in frame 110, I have the following
I thought that this would lead to the looping, but it doesn't. The movie just moves on beyond frame 110. Just as a test, I put the following at frame 110 instead.
and when I test the movie, it doesn't stop. The commands don't seem to be seen.

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Dec 11, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Between User Mouse Clicks?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Gallery When The End-user Clicks On A Picture?

Jul 27, 2011

I am editing a template made with as2, flash8 and its controlled externally by a html file. I want to add a gallery when the end-user clicks on a picture. The main problem is the structure of the template. Its like that: There is a symbol named "pages" and in that there are 6 frames which one represents a page of the website except the main menu which is in another symbol. In the 4th layer 3rd frame there are 6 movie clips which are instances of another symbol named "p1_3 copy 2" which is a button and an instance of another button named "but_picts". One of those movie clips i want to make it a link for my gallery. So we there is the movie clips with the following actionscript attached:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent(load) {
loadMovie(_root.url + "_portfolio1.jpg", this.cont);


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Jul 23, 2009

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here is the code im using to import my image

PHP Code:

function loaderComplete(myEvent:Event)
var myQueryStrings=this.loaderInfo.parameters;
//Live URL


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ActionScript 3.0 :: User Clicks A Button Named Double?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a 400 x 300 video on frame 20 when a user clicks a button named double_btn I want them to go to frame 21 with the video still playing but double the size. Any ideas on how to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redirect The User If He Clicks On The Menu Item?

Mar 2, 2009

I have a flash file.i contains menu bar on top of it.i need to redirect the user if he clicks on the menu item.please help me in acomplish this task

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting FLV To Stop Playing When User Clicks On Nav Button

Jul 22, 2009

I have a portfolio_mc that is inside of a content_mc (stage->content_mc->portfolio_mc). There are 3 buttons that take the user to an appropriate frame designated by a frame label and this loads up an FLV. The problem is that when I click on any of the navigation buttons on the main timeline, the FLV that is currently playing, is still playing (I can hear the audio). How to stop this.

Here is the code used for controlling the buttons in the motion_mc timeline:
var naviArr:Array = new Array(btn01, btn02, btn03);
btn01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);
btn03.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game Won't Start Until User Clicks Stage

Sep 6, 2010

I'm a student at Drexel University and I just completed a basic platformer for a actionscript class. My professor docked me some points for the game not working until the user actually clicks within the swf. I've heard that this problem is caused on mac osx, but I don't have any concrete evidence to get the points back. Here's a link to the game if you want to check it out.


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Flash :: External Linking Of Flex 3 App - Can Log Where A User That Clicks On It Comes From

Nov 5, 2009

I've made a flex 3 app that is sitting on my web server. People will be able to link to this flex app on my web server on their own sites/blogs/forums and so on. Is there any way I can log where a user that clicks on it comes from? Example: the URL to the flex app is [URL] User A links the flex app at his blog at [URL] Then User B comes in to User A's blog and clicks the flex app and finally ends up at my site. Any way I can log User B's click through the flex app?

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Javascript :: Start A Flash Game When The User Clicks?

Dec 29, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Air - Analytics - Track What The User Clicks?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm soon to be launching an Adobe AIR desktop app. To make the best out of future updates I need to get analytics of which features get used the most and which not. How to track what the user clicks?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slider Thumb Display When User Clicks On Bar

Jun 25, 2009

I am trying to create a slider component where the thumb does not display until the user clicks on the bar. When the user does click on the bar the thumb would appear wherever the mouse is on the bar. I have no experience with the display package and since I am pretty new to using flash in general I cant think of any other creative way to do it. How to make objects display and display where the mouse is clicking.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different ContextMenus Appear / When User Right Clicks On Different Objects In Application

Jul 1, 2009

I want to have different ContextMenus appear when the user right clicks on different objects in my application. Right now, I define a custom Context menu in each different class that needs a unique menu. This works, but seems unnecessary.Is there way to centralize this so as to handle all ContextMenus globally? Im looking for something similar to how you can handle click events globally by determining the type of the target.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Timer Until User Clicks A Button On Second Swf

Jul 7, 2009

I have an opening screen which asks the user to enter the first name and then they click the "start" button.This then loads an external swf into it and it starts a quiz on a timer.All that works except that the timer starts sometime during opening swf.I'm not sure if it's when the main swf is loaded or if when the user clicks in the input box but it is definitely not when the user clicks the "start" button like I have programmed.I even tried to stop the timer until the user clicks a button on the second swf (the external swf that is loaded into the main swf)[code]In the loaded swf I have a clock_mc that holds the timer.the first frame has a simple stop(); and the second holds all of the code that makes the clock run.I then have code setup so that when the user clicks a button the clock_mc.gotoAndPlay(2)[code]

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Reset Scrubber On Flv When User Clicks A New Button?

Jan 13, 2010

I am using an array to load flvs when a user clicks a button, however the scrubber (seek bar) doesn't reset back to the beginning of the next video and the play button turns to a pause (meaning the user has to notice that and click the play button, which I don't want them to have to do). Is there a reset function that I can use for the seek bar and a way to keep the play button on and not switch itself to pause?

Code: Select allimport*;
//display.bufferingBar = bufferingBar_mc;


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Trigger Each Step Of My Animation As A User Clicks On A Button?

Mar 29, 2010

I have an animation made on After Effects and I want to know how to trigger each step of my animation as a user clicks on a button.

If the user clicks on contact my animation would go to the contact do I do that?

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