ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting Browser Close Event And Send Data To Database / When User Closes Browser Window
May 24, 2010
Trying to detect a browser close event and send some data to the database when the user closes the browser window...but can't seem to get it to work.[code]
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This is what I have, but it is not working:
ActionScript Code:
public function closeBrowser(e:MouseEvent):void {
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:window.opener='x';window.close();");
navigateToURL (req);
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Code: Select allgetURL("javascript:CloseWindow();");
and tried to "translate" to AS3, doesn't work. Tried to use fscommand "quit", but just got totally lost. The best I did is being able to close SWF when it plays alone, but it doesn't work when it is embedded in HTML.....
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function closeWindow(p_evt:MouseEvent){[code]....
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close_btn.onRelease = function(){
This is for a Moodle application where the swf is opened in a new browser window and it would be cool to close it with the swf quit button.
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MyButton.onRelease = function ()
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to open the page on default browser. Only problem is the browser window is opening at the size it was last used. I like to see it opens full screen.
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Nov 9, 2009
I have looked around for this and haven't found a way that clearly explains how to do this. More often than not the button will close the browser window in one but not another browser.
Is the a simple way of closing a browser window in all types of browser ( Or mainly Firefox, IE and safari on both Mac and PC ) with actionscript?
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Nov 9, 2009
often than not the button will close the browser window in one but not another browser.Is the a simple way of closing a browser window in all types of browser( Or mainly Firefox, IE and safari on both Mac and PC ) with actionscript?
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