ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Medical Dosage Calculator?

Sep 10, 2005

I have attached a body mass calculator movie and I have been trying to edit this movie to meet my requirements, with not much success.

What i am trying to do:

I am trying to create medical dosage calculator. What this is - it will allow patients to enter their weight in stones - pounds and then depending on their weight it determines how much medication they need - for example 100mg. It is to help patients asertain if they are on the correct dosage and not over medicated - this calculator will allow them to be able to work out their dosage correctly. This is how i envisioned it working: Patients would be required first to enter their weight in stones and pounds which would automatically be converted into kg - the kg will then determine the dosage.

Therefore two input boxes would be required, one for stones one for pounds. If the pounds box is the only one filled in / for example the user only knows their weight in pounds the stones box can be left blank. They would then click a 'calculate' button and their dosage - for example - 100ml would appear. Depending on the weight converted from stones and pounds to kg is then used to calculate the dosage.

I have tried endlessly to edit the attached file without any success. I think this is just too complex for me. So i thought i'd see if anyone might be able to help! I don't think it is that far removed from this body mass calculator i have attached, but i it just screws up when i try editing this to fit my requirements. If anyone have made something like this before

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AS 2

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var totalHeight:Number;
var totalHeightx2:Number;


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// Tangent of the angle in degree
function Dotan () {
if (display == 90) {
display = "Infinity";


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var num:Number;
function Calc() {
num1 = Input1_txt.text;[code].....

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calcTotal_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, calculateTourCost);
function calculateTourCost(event:MouseEvent):void {


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[URL] Here is the flash file, I feel as if I am almost there, but the calculation doesn't add up.


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