ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag The Corners Of An Triangle The Sides And The Angles Alter?
Apr 4, 2005
I want to do a triangle so when you drag the corners the sides and the angles alter and you can show the degrees and lengths. Just like this website.
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Apr 4, 2005
I want to do a triangle so when you drag the corners the sides and the angles alter and you can show the degrees and lengths. Just like this website.
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Mar 15, 2007
best method to calculate the angles of a triangle? Or have any good references? I have 3 points which can be moved when the user drags on it, so the angles will have to change accordingly.
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Nov 23, 2002
It's easy to draw a round cornered rectangle/square but how do you draw a triangle with rounded corners?
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Jun 16, 2010
I am working on a draggable triangle in AS3 and the corners must be interactive. To each corner a bitmap will be attached (in my example for now it's just a name of a city). When dragging a specific corner, the bitmap/cityname (attached to it) should fade in from 0 to 100 alpha. If the bitmap/cityname won't reach 100 of alpha, when Mouse Up, then it should fade back out to 0 opacity. If it does reach 100 alpha when Mouse Up, then it should stay that way. However, if another corner is dragged, then the cityname which is currently at 100 opacity should fade out again. Well I've got the draggable triangle figured, I've got the corners citynames appearing and disappearing when they don't reach 100 alpha. What I can't get to figure out is the last bit - the cityname currently at 100 opacity fading back out to 0 when a different corner is dragged. Hope it's at least a little understandable. I'm not sure my code is perfect (this is my first time in AS3) so don't mind if something is not the way.[code]
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Dec 19, 2008
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Jul 23, 2009
I am trying to create a simple resizable triangle that can be controlled by 3 handles on the 3 corners. However I also want the other handles to change their position based on how the length of a specific line changes. On the updateScreen function Ive created, I calculate the change in the length of a specific line depending on which handle is selected. I also calculate the point that is in the center of the triangle. As the length of a specific line increases/decreases, I want the opposite point to get closer/farther from the center of the triangle. Here is some example code from the .fla.
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Jul 9, 2011
I am trying to make a program that dermines if sides can make a right triangle. The code that I made gives me that it cannot for everything except the sequence 3,4,5.
'Paul Bursu'
'July 08 11'
'To determine if inputted angles can make a triangle'
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Feb 18, 2004
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Feb 18, 2004
i want to drag my object, but the boundaries have to form a triangle and not the standard rectangle...
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Feb 5, 2010
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Jul 20, 2004
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Dec 6, 2004
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Jul 20, 2004
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Dec 6, 2004
I am trying to create a wheel of fortune with dyanamic values being inserted into it. Is there any way to have dynamic values to be at angles. When ever I turn them a little bit, they dont' seem to show up any more.
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Aug 9, 2009
I am currently learning some trigonometry tome with my actionscript...In AS I am aware that angles need to be converted from degrees to radians to use certain Math properties, such as Math.sin...etcHere is my code to convert degrees to radians...
ActionScript Code:
var degrees:Number = 90;
var radians:Number = degrees * Math.PI / 180;
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Oct 7, 2009
This client of wants a flash video player of a model, modeling some clothes.
They are going to set up 3 different cameras around her at the same time filming her - one from the front, one from the side and one from the back. Each clip lasts exactly 3mins and they are filming her at THE SAME TIME.
Now after this, they want to put a FLASHPLAYER on their website with the video playing in a screen with 3 buttons underneath one saying FRONT VIEW, one saying SIDE VIEW AND one saying BACK VIEW. The three separate videos will be integrated in some way with this one flash file.
The video player might start playing the FRONT VIEW first.
BUT lets say 30 seconds into the clip I press the SIDE VIEW button the video switches to the side view on 30 seconds - The side view video doesn't play right from the start. Like I said before for example if the person is speaking and says "hello there", if you switch angle by clicking one of the buttons just at the point after she has said the word "hello", you switch to the angle where he is just about to say "there". If you see what I mean.
As I said before there are 3 separate video clips:- FRONT VIEW, SIDE VIEW and BACK VIEW. Now I am not sure if these have to be embedded in the FLA file or can be contained in a separate folder on the server so that the SWF can access them. I am worry about streaming over the internet thats why I THINK Flash Media Server3 MIGHT be a solution BUT I don't know. BUT they must be seamless.
AGAIN to reiterate...LETS say I am watching the SIDE view 30 seconds after the clip has started and the model starts scatching her head and then AT THAT POINT I click the front view button below I see the model scratching her head from the front view at THAT precise moment.
So all the videos seem to work at the same time to the casual viewer/user and it looks as though you are just switching views whenever you want.
I have been looking all over the net to see if someone has produced a working example or if there is a tutorial somewhere but I have found NOTHING.
I think there might be a problem pulling this one off as each video clip could be 4-5 MB in size and if they are streaming then there would be download problems and these videos might stop due to people with various bandwidth restrictions UNLESS all the videos were integrated into the flash library and were referenced from within by Actionscript but then the resultant SWF could be HUGE.
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Jun 1, 2004
getting angles, of two movieclips that are on my stage. With instance names: circle1,circle2. I read that I should use the function Math.atan2 to get the angle, in radians, then I convert it to degrees, but it doesn't make sense, the angles aren't correct.. Here I paste the code I use (its AS not PHP don't know how to add the AS tags):
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Sep 16, 2003
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Sep 25, 2009
wat's the difference between finding a angle using Math.atan2(y,x) function and by finding using the movie clip's rotation (mc._rotation*Math.PI/180);
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Dec 9, 2002
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Jan 26, 2010
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A client's website is utilizing a Flash based MP3 player to play some audio.The client is producing the audio herself.
The trouble is that the tools that she is producing it with, and is familiar with, automatically produces MP3 files with a frequency of 48000hz, while some versions of Flash have trouble playing anything with a frequency differing from 44100khz.
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May 19, 2002
I was goofing around with more a/s and was trying to grow a bar using _height and a random value. However, it seems to grow from the center, and I'd like it's x or y value to be fixed.It is basically a vertical bar. I want the bottom to stay fixed, so the bar will grow up.While we're at it.. I'd also like to figure how to show it "growing" progressively.. I tried a while(condition
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Mar 19, 2010
I made a 3d box using flash cs4 (ive made one using imported images as the sides and another one using vector siding made in flash) Both times, when ive finished the box and rotate it, sides will dissapear then reappear, depending on where the box was in its rotation. For instance, when you look at it dead on, the front side seems opaque, but when i start rotating it, the fron side, at certain angles, becomes transparent and you can actually see INSIDE the box thru the wall, then as it moves it becomes solid again. I am trying to make a presentation for work of a package, rotating 360 degrees on its y axis, but keep getting these odd disapearing sides.
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Jul 30, 2010
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Feb 2, 2011
coming from a print background i am trying to teach myself both as2 and as3 and am working on a couple of small projects for myself. I have run into the issue, where the user is in fullscreen mode cannot use keyboard commands to inout text. I would like to know how i could make an alert that appears when the user is in fullscreen mode only.
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Sep 27, 2004
I'm attaching [phil+"a"] to ["bob"+i] and I can't seem to be able to alter phil's properties. Tracing I get undefined.
_root["bob"+_root.i].attachMovie(_root.train, _root.phil+"a", _root.i, {_x:_root.hold._x, _y:_root.mover});
_root.phil._alpha =0;
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Dec 9, 2011
I"m trying to reload all the sides of cube on the fly. I'm using an example I found on here and just modifying it. I've tried a couple different ways, but it seems each time after I load the material it will no longer spin how initial one did and leftovers of the old one remain and keep spinning. This is my first time playing with papervision so I'm sure it's somehting simple I'm doing wrong. I've attached the .fla file, it's saved for CS5
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Jan 17, 2010
I am just restarting my flash adventures and am trying to learn AS3. I can a real quick code request. I am trying to make a MC bounce off the sides of the stage. When I use the following code, the MC gets stuck going -2 then +2 at the edge of the stage.
How do I get it disregard the first part of the if/else and then go the other direction? know this is a really beginer question,
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