ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Day Of Week From DateField Component?

Apr 10, 2008

I making a flash contact form for reservations. I dragged the DateField component onto the stage, gave it an instance name of rDate_txt and it works great in picking a date and sending to my php emailer. Its formatted like 10 Apr 2008.Now, Im trying to calculate the day of the week based on the date. I can calculate todays date with...

myDate = new Date();
daytext = myDate.getDay();
switch (daytext)


get the date chosen from the DateField component?Once I get the day of the week, I need to make a different ComboBox visible if its a Friday or Saturday. So I would think I need to set up an onchange listener?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A DateField Using The DateField Component

Dec 8, 2009

I am making a form that pass's the Variables over to php. I am using Input text feilds and also a combo box. The text fields were a breeze and the combo box took a little bit of research but I got that working by assigning it a instance name of cBox and then using the following code to pass it through:

cBoxVar= cBox.getValue();

Now I want to add a DateField using the AS2 DateField Component. How would I pass it over to a variable so when the form collects at the end it will go over to the php?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: DateField Component Does Not Work Properly

Apr 27, 2006

I am using the DateField component in my movie dateField.swf. I am loading this movie into an empty movieclip in my master.swf. When I run master .swf the DateField component (residing in the loaded in dateField.swf) doesn't work properly! The dateChooser automatically opens up, which is good but when the dateChooser closes after I chose a date I can't open it up again! When I run dateField.swf on its own everything works as it should. And I have the DateField component also in both libraries. I have used the following code in the master.fla but to no avail!

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IDE :: DateField Component To Display In Dynamic Textfield?

Sep 8, 2009

Simply as I can put it, I drag a Datefield component on stage and then create a dynamic text field on stage. I'm looking for the actionscript to make the selected date from the DateField also appear in the dynamic textfield.

I've found the script to do this for a numeric stepper

var my_nstep:mx.controls.NumericStepper;
var nstepListener:Object = new Object();
nstepListener.change = function(evt_obj:Object){
myText.text =;
my_nstep.addEventListener("change", nstepListener);

I've tried modifying this script to work with the datefield but all I can get to happen is for the dynamic textfield to say "undefined."

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Sep 9, 2011

I'm working on a lil' animated weekly meal plan that'll be played in my school's cafeteria. It gets the meal info from an external text file that the staff update every weekend for the coming week.Preface: I know my way around Flash relatively well, but don't have any formal training or much experience with Action Script.

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ActionScript Code:
var days:Array = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"];
var my_date:Date = new Date();

Now I'd like to take the result, number representing the day of the week, and see if that is the current day. If so, I'd like this result to cause the alpha of my background MC to change (I'm doing this via TweenMax):

ActionScript Code:
if day == 0 //Day is Sunday, 2, {alpha:0.9});  // change the alpha of "bg0" to 0.9


And lastly, since the computer running the swf is being turned off every night and back on every morning I don't really need this run at a certain interval (i.e. every 24 hours), correct?

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Feb 8, 2010

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Flex :: Making DateTimeAxis With Weekly Labels Set Ticks On An Arbitrary Day Of The Week?

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I'm using a CartesianChart with a DateTimeAxis to display weekly data in a Flex application.When I set dataUnits="weeks" and labelUnits="weeks" on the DateTimeAxis, it automatically places each major tick on a Sunday. However, I would like to provide users with the option of beginning the week on a Sunday or a Monday. How can I ask the DateTimeAxis to instead place the major ticks on a Monday (or some other day of week)?For example, if the user is looking at total sum of something over the week, and requests that weeks start on a Sunday, the Series data would look like:

x: Date(July 11, 2010) y: 25
x: Date(July 18, 2010) y: 30
x: Date(July 25, 2010) y: 32


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