ActionScript 1/2 :: Countdown Timer:Reset 3 Times A Week
Dec 29, 2006
I have made a counter but i want it to reset 3 times a week at specific days of th week. I want it to reset first every Tuesday at 9:45,Every Thersday at 18:00 and every Saturday at 12:00
Im trying to design a countdown timer, with the ability to set the countdown time through buttons.I would like to have the dynamic text field to display the countdown numbers in HH:MM:SS format.I would also love to have a 30 minute button, and a 15 minute button which generates the time in the text field.Then a start and stop button to begin or end the countdown sequence.
What is the difference between Timer.stop() and Timer.reset() functions because it seems that the 2 functions do the same thing? I image Timer.stop() to stop the timer and when Timer.start() is called the timer starts from where it stopped. For example, if I have a 3 sec. timer (3000 ms). If I stop the timer after 2.5 sec. and start the timer again, I would expect the timer to expire/trip within .5 sec.
I've been using the below code for a countdown timer that ends on 5th April 2012. However when the countdown reaches this date I'll like it to automatically start counting down to 5th April 2013. Currently it goes into minus numbers.
this.onEnterFrame = function() { var today:Date = new Date(); var currentYear = today.getFullYear();
The one on the right under 'Add To Basket'I dont know where to start and I am a complete noob :-( asically I need it to be the same as that one,For example lets say today is Monday and it is 9pm It should say 1 hour left for delivery on Tuesday... But if it is Monday 10.01pm I need it to say 23hrs 59mins for delivery on WednesdayNow the trickier part is because there is no delivery on Sunday if on a friday night past 10pm I need it to say 47hrs 59mins for delivery on Monday...I hope that makes sense... I managed to find the file they use to process their countdown , but because I am a noob and there is a load of other bumf in the file I dont know what to keep and delete
I am trying to create a count down timer in as3 that will accept how many minutes passed to it for example one part of the swf I have to make a 30 minute countdown timer...on the other part, I have to 0 out the timer and start a 35 min timer.
I have a game that causes you to lose if you don't complete a task in a certain amount of time.I want is for the timer to cause the player to be sent to a lose frame.Im using AS2 in Flash CS5
Im useless with time.I need to create a timer for something which i can display, lets say 2 minutes which is refreshed each second until it reaches 0.2:0000:00If i was displaying seconds, something like this would be fine:
Code: vartime:int = 120; var t:Timer = new Timer(1000);
I'm trying to make a countdown timer, but I haven't really learnt all about actionscript. (not yet anyway), but I need a timer that can count down the hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds from a given time to an other.
I need the start timer to say:
01:31:53:70 (hour:minutes:seconds:milliseconds) and then it should count down so the timer stops at: 01:30:00:00
Im looking to make something happen when my timer of 30seconds reaches zero. This is the code I've used: how to ad a function that will make something else happen??
I have a countdown timer that works well counting down a minute, before it does something.I'd like to add counting of tenths of a second to this too, but don't know where to start.
Actionscript Code: var turnTimerSeconds:int = 60;var turnTimerDuration:int = 1000; // 1 secondvar turnTimerRepeat:int = 60;var turnTimer = new
I found a video online on how to make a countdown timer and I can't seem to get it to work.The video looks like it's using ActionScript2 so I did the's the script.
this.onEnterFrame = function() { var today:Date = new Date (); var currentYear = today.getFullYear();[code].........
I want to add a moving background loops of clouds moving left to right ( or vice versa). I made it last night with regular tween but only at 1800 frames which made the counter stop at that. I need the AS2 script for making the motion loop background which wont affect the existing 30 minute counter. I have a stable image of the church on one layer and plan to just add a new lay with separate moving clouds.
Was wondering if anyone could help me, I'm a newbie. I'm trying to create a countdown timer with min:sec:milliseconds I found this code, and want to edit to include milliseconds but not sure how?
I am learning actionscript. I browse through the internet and this is the code that I have come up with for a timer to countdown from 11 mins.(subject title a mistake)However, I have a slight problem. When I click on teh start button to come down, I expect it to show 11:00, 10:59, 10:58 and so on.. But once I click the start button, it goes to 10:58 or 10:57 or some time before 02:00.
var start_time = getTimer(); var countdowntime=660000; var countdownTimer:Timer=new Timer(1000);
I need to make a countdown timer in Flash that will countdown in seconds to the next whole hour and then will reset and countdown to the following next hour The timer needs to be 100% accurate. Is it possible to create a countdown timer in actionscript which will be perfectly accurate - ie. will always be identical when compared with actual rea-life time, irrespective of the hardware, processing of applications done on a client machine?If this is not possible, is it possible to include in the code a detection of when the timer becomes inaccurate and then further code to get it back on track to correct the inaccuracy?
I'm trying to create a countdown timer from 42 to 0, that work pretty good, but I want to make more space between the the number 1 0 something like this Code: timer = 42; countdown = function(){ timer--; if(timer==0){ clearInterval(countdownInterval); }} countdownInterval = setInterval(countdown,1000); How I can make it?
I'm making a side scrolling flash game called Kit-Run using actionscript 2.0. I want to give each level a two minute time limit - ideally to have an enemy mc load that comes and kills you when it reaches 00:00.
I've found a lot of tutorials that count down time limits for dates, but none for a simple minute counter. I've started with a dynamic text field called "timeDisplay". What do I now??
I made a ten minute timer that starts at 600 and counts down to zero. It displays the current count in a textfield called "textfield_time". Here's what it looks like:
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 600); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, termin);
I have a time pickup that floats across the screen now and then. When your avatar makes contact with it, you get extra time - say 15 seconds. I already have working code that detects the collision of the avatar and the pickup, but I can't figure out how to add functionality to reset the timer to give an additional 15 seconds. I tried:
Code: timer+=15;
which doesn't work. But you already knew that (hey, I'm new at this!). Maybe some way to get the currentCount value, increment it by 15 seconds, then update the timer value with it?
I'm quite new to Flash, so hopefully this isn't a stupid question. I just saw the Senocular's tutorial here about making a date countdown timer with MovieClips.
I need a countdown timer with MovieClips for a project, but it has to be in ActionScript3 in a class. I have 1 week trying this.[code]....
Code: www gieson com/Library/projects/utilities/countdown/ I need one like the 30 second countdown where it's like a airport ticker. Anyone with a fla of this?
Ik got a game with a timer. When the game is finished you can play it again and the SWF file loads again. Everything is reset exept the timer. A new one starts but the old one is on the background.
The timer is the only code thats on the timeline..
I cant get the timer working in my AS file...
This is the code on the timeline:
Actionscript Code: var timer:Timer = new Timer(60, 1000); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown);timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE,
so I've got a working Timer, which will stop() when I call it to and start, but I can't get it to reset(). It just starts from where it left off.Code for the timer