ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Dock Menu To Be Vertical And Not Pivoting From Center
Jul 22, 2008
Trying to get this horizontal dock menu to be vertical and not pivoting from the center. I want to have the frist item of the array (holding the menu to be at a fixed position e.g (0,0). And i want to be able to hover vertically along the y axis [code]I have attached the fla i am working on. I think i am almost there, just need some tweaks to make it 100%.
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MovieClip.prototype.easeY = function(y){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._y = y-(y-this._y)/1.2;
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onClipEvent (load) {
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_global.navXPos = 20;
var root_mc:MovieClip = this;
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Jan 19, 2007
I have used the simple custom scrollbar on previous websites and it works great, but now I am needing to make the scrollber horizontal instead of verticle. I switched all of the x axis and y axis and all of the heights and widths. The scrollbar scroll left to right fine but I have 2 problems:
1. The content within the movie clip does not move when you try and scroll
2. When you grab the slider instead of using the scroll left and right buttons the slider moves vertically instead of horizontally.
Attached is my FLA file, I am using MX 2004.
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Feb 5, 2008
I have a problem with which I'm struggeling. I tried dearching for the solution, but the search was unlucky. My problem is that I want to build my stie like a cross (with only the centered page visible) and then, through a mouseclick, let the page move to the center position. To do this I want to incomrporate a horizontal and vertical action tween. However if I do this with the code below, it only tweens the y tween. How can I get flash to execute both tweens?
menu_1.onRelease = function (){
function tween() {
var xPosT:Tween = new Tween(object, "_x", Strong.easeOut, object._x, 0, 1, true)};
function tween() {
var yPosT:Tween = new Tween(object, "_y", Strong.easeOut, object._y, 0, 1, true)};
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May 4, 2008
I've tried to use the "Simple Custom Scrollbar" tutorial to create a horizontal scrollbar instead of the vertical. I've changed the defenitions like this:
scrolling = function () {
var scrollWidth:Number = scrollTrack._Width;
var contentWidth:Number = contentMain._Width;
I put the "Width" instead of the "height", and "x" instead of "y". What I've got is when I push on the "scrollFace" button it slides but disappears immidietly, and the the image (which is "movieclip" as well) beneath the masked area freezes.
* In addition - I have to make this scrollbar move from right to left - Is there any additional defenitions I must concern?
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Jul 24, 2008
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Aug 3, 2009
I'm attempting to switch the scroller I found on here from vertical to horizontal.
I got the movie clip to movie from left to right, but it doesn't seem to recognize how long the movie clip is now, because it stops before the whole movie clip is scrolled....see attached...
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