ActionScript 3.0 :: Dock Style Menu Buttons?
Jun 3, 2011
Ok so i was following this tutorial today at: [URL]..and its a good tutorial... with one exception. They never tell you where you can put the code for clicking on the buttons to make them now i have some good looking buttons that dont go anywhere. Any one want to take a look at this and see if you can tell me where i can put in my "click" event code.
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have a site which uses the Apple Style dock component from issue appears to be with Internet Explorer (All versions).In Firefox the movie works without issue (ignore the transparency and positioning).As you browse between pages the SWF reloads and functions as it should.In Internet Explorer the first time you load the page and the SWF it works as it should.HOWEVER (!!!) when you browse to another page or refresh the current page the SWF functionalilty drops out and some (if not all) of the actionscript appears not to trigger.The .as file used is:
class Dock extends MovieClip {
var icon_min: Number;
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a:link {
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I'm sure that you'll want to see the script, but I don't think that pasting it all on this post would be reasonable? So I've put the .fla and the .swf on this page for reference: [URL]
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Nov 10, 2009
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May 7, 2009
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(134.5 K)
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import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
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