ActionScript 2.0 :: Include Some Css Style Sheet With Dynamically Loaded Xml Buttons?

Feb 21, 2011

how to include some css style sheet with my dynamically loaded xml buttons. Here the code for css:

ActionScript Code:
a:link {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply Style Without Dynamically Loading CSS Sheet?

Dec 19, 2004

I've found a million tutorials on doing this by loading a CSS file, which is fine, but I don't want to load CSS...I'd rather just modify the thing with actionscript. I've done this before with one of my files, but can't seem to find it.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: CSS Style Sheet On A Website?

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How can I view CSS style sheet on a website online? I know how to view the html source code, but how can I see the Css style sheet without knowing the name of the file? I'm asking because I'm taking classes in css and I want to learn how people make things with css. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Menu With Xml Dynamic Text With A Style Sheet?

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Im trying to make a menu with xml dynamic text with a style sheet (so i can change the font, colour, size e.t.c. via css) that reeds from the xml file and places the correct amount of buttons on stage based on the xml nodes. Here is a fla that ive been working on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rendering XML - Set Inline Style Sheet To Htmltext Of Textfield Component?

Dec 31, 2008

In the below XML...


How to set inline style sheet to htmltext of textfield component as mentioned in the xml CDATA. At present , i am using textfield.htmlText propert , but i am not able to get the
fontfamily as mentioned in the xml CDATA. The text is also not getting displayed in the correct format. The image is not coming in between the 2 question strings and its getting displayed at the bottom of the question while the 2 question strings("q text info",
"with images also") are displayed as a single string. How to reformat the xml so that the image comes in between.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2009: This Method Cannot Be Used On A Text Field With A Style Sheet

Mar 10, 2011

I keep getting this errors when i put the style in (texts in red)

for (var i:int = 0; i < 49; i++)
txtSong.appendText(sname(_xmlList[i]["songTitle"] + " "));
txtSong.appendText(sartist(_xmlList[i]["songArtist"] + "

why is it not working?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Style Sheet To Create Objects For Each Element?

Aug 26, 2010

Is the only way to create a style sheet to create Objects for each element?
import fl.controls.TextArea;import flash.text.TextField;import flash.text.TextFormat;import flash.text.StyleSheet;

I do this when a user clicks on a MovieClip:

var style:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
 var heading:Object = new Object();heading.fontWeight = "bold";
heading.color = "#FF0000";[code]...

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Flex :: Style Inheriting When Module Include Chart

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loaded Pictures + Buttons?

Mar 23, 2004

I am having 2 problems with the following code...

picNamesA = ["pic1","pic2","pic3","pic4","pic5","pic6"];
picNamesB = ["pic7","pic8","pic9","pic10","pic11","pic12"];


Ok First problem the pics load but the second FOR loop the buttons don't position themselves correctly. Second problem was in the getURL() It doesnt seem to read the variable picNamesA[i], I did a trace as you can see and it outputs "undefined".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Loaded External SWF - Cannot Interact With Buttons

Jun 17, 2009

I'm currently having a little trouble in a project where I have the following occuring:
preloader.swf --- loads 2x --- homepage.swf --- can load --- products.swf

When the products.swf is loaded, the starting animation occurs as expected and is displayed on the screen without an issue. However, I can't interact with any of the buttons contained in the products.swf. The products page works like an overlay over the top, and the homepage.swf contains an background which can be clicked on to close the overlay. If you click on the products.swf it reacts as if the background was clicked, which it shouldnt as the products.swf is located on top of the background.

I have already checked the obvious parts, and am ensuring that products.swf is located at numChildren-1, so nothing is getting in the way. The catch is that everything was working fine when the code was internal to the fla, and now as soon as I moved the code to an external .as file nothing works. I am using the same way of loading the products.swf as I am loading the homepage.swf, which looks like:

var productsLoader:Loader = new Loader();
productsLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onProductsCompleteHandler);
productsLoader.load(new URLRequest("products.swf"));
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically-XML-Loaded Text With Buttons Not Loading?

Mar 24, 2010

This question relates to the gallery that I'm working on; basically, I am now trying to add text comments which change according to which button you press to the images. I know how to make this work by applying actionscript to each individual button, but I would like to put all of the actionscript on one layer, meaning that I would have to use the 'button.onRelease = function ()' operation instead of the 'on (release) { function" operation.The code is a variation of Kirupa's code for the tutorial on loading information from an XML, and the xml is his completely. Here it is so far:

xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Attached Buttons & Centering Loaded Images

Aug 9, 2004

what it has to do is to generate "j" buttons (j being the number of registrations from my database) and arrange them in rows of 5 or 6. unfortunately the buttons are generated but are not arranged properly. i have 9 registrations in the database so there are 9 buttons... the first 8 are next to each other and the last one is somewhere to the right.further on, at the release of a button it should create the lwLogo movieclip and load there a certain pic (the path being taken from my database). then the lwLogo mc should be centered on the screen... as this doesn't happen in the _root the center of the screen would be -442 in this movie clip so normally to center the image i should place lwLogo at -442-(lwLogo._width/2) but this doesn't work. the photos are loaded but not in the center.[code]

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Set #include Dynamically - Load File With A LoadVars?

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Is there a way to include an external JavaScript file using the ExternalInterface library so I can call the methods in the JavaScript include file later?

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Flex :: Dynamically Loading Style In AIR App?

Jun 27, 2011

So i decided to implement some themes in my AIR app. I have converted my CSS files into SWF files, removed the Style linkage from my main file. Based on the user preferences stored in a file, I decide which theme to use. i.e; load the SWF file using StyleManager class.

I made my application window invisible, added a StyleEvent.COMPLETE event listener for the IEventDispatcher object returned by StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations method. After the StyleEvent.COMPLETE occurs, I made my main window visible.

The problem i have now is, for a few seconds, i can see white canvases and all my components without any styles before using the style selected. I want to know if my approach is correct or do I need to make any changes to implement this properly?

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Flex 3.5 Style Individual Buttons?

Jun 21, 2011

If I have a button named:

<mx:Button id="backButton">
and another named:<mx:Button id="cancelButton"

How can I style each button seperatly?

Can I give each button a style, then set the style in CSS... E.g.

Button #style { backgroundColor: red;}

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Flex :: Spark - Change Style Of Selected TAB In TabBar Dynamically?

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protected function tabbedPanel_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


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Jun 3, 2011

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Css :: Flex 3 - Style Not Applying Completely On Dynamically Created Tabs In TabNavigator

Jan 19, 2010

When I create a tab dynamically via ActionScript, the style for the newly created (and selected) tab get applied to the skins, but not the text, unless I click on another tab and then click back to it.


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Flash :: Css - Style An Unordered List (loaded From XML)?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm loading the XML into a text field as htmlText. The StyleSheet class in Flash only supports a subset of CSS1 which debuted in 1996! and doesn't support list-style-type or list-style-image. I'd specifically like to substitute an image instead of the default disc for an unordered list. If you've had success implementing a work-around, I'd love to hear about it!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Font Style From External Loaded .txt File?

Aug 1, 2005

I have an externally loaded .txt file, which has its font style set by the dynamic text object I created. But I was wondering if its possible to control the font style from within the .txt file? I've tried setting the dynamic text object to render as HTML and added some HTML code in the .txt file, but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic CSS Styling - Applying A Style To The Loaded Text

Nov 20, 2006

I'm trying to format some dynamically loaded text with CSS from a database via asp, I know that the asp works fine as it loads in, its just applying a style to the loaded text that doesn't work. This is a modified version from the Kirupa tutorial, but I cannot get it to work after many, many hours.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accordion Style Interface - Flash Masked Buttons / MovieClips

Jan 16, 2005

Having some strange problems with masks in FMX 04: We're developing an accordion style interface. The problem is that buttons and images/mcs that are outside the "masked area" of each module are somehow clickable, or are "invisibly" pushing other content up/down. So basically the buttons/mcs are hidden, but Flash is still seeing them somehow. Is this normal mask behavior? Is there a solution besides setting the button to _visible = false? This is effecting my interface in other ways as well.

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Aug 2, 2006

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Oct 23, 2009

I've got a comboBox component on the stage, instance name 'combo'. I want to style the text. I followed the adobe instructions, but they seem not work, and I get no errors.

import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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