ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie Clip Without Button?

Apr 29, 2011



i have a textbox. i want to load the movie clip without button. How i can do that?

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Load A Movie Clip When A Button Is Clicked?

Nov 1, 2009

Im trying to load a movie clip when a button is clicked
heres the actionscript im using
on (release) {    this._parent.loadMovie("Video.swf", "holder", 1);    holder._x = 611;    holder._y = -92;}
i want the swf to load into the holder MC, instead its loading the video.swf file and replacing the original swf

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MX04 - Make A Button Load A Movie Clip

Jun 7, 2010

I am starting off by creating a very very basic flash document, with about 10 frames in it, just to get myself used to controls etc. i have got my buttons working to go from one frame to the next, and i am now wondering how to make a button load a movie clip, the movie clip is actually just a circle i drew and converted, but i would like this to be invisible, and then to load, or "play" when a button called "1" is clicked

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Load A Movie Clip After Pressing A Specific Button In The Main Scene

Jan 2, 2005

I wrote this AS for my preloader which schould be able to load a movie clip after pressing a specif button in the main sceene:


1) The problem is that to be able to target a movieclip I will need to give it a instance name. Where can i find this function in MX ?

2) I cannot understant how I schoul put a loadBar being a small movieclip on the main timeline, I think( the same timeline the container clip is at ) or maybe not ? well I am bit confused now..

Well I have done already a sceene preloader for my site and it works perfectly and i did not experience any problems as Im having now with this new kind of preloader.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Button Release Clear Current Movie Clip And Bring In New Movie Clip

Feb 21, 2010

I have created a flash website, each button is a movie clip with an invisible button over it containing the following script

on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_profile_btn = true;
on (rollOut) {


each page is also a movie clip and on release of a button its played. the problem is that when i press another button to play another movie clip 'page' the old content is still there.

Is there a way of reversing the page transition i have used to bring out the movie clip and then bring in the next movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get "Next" Button To Load Next Movie Clip From XML?

Jul 12, 2004

In my main Flash movie, I have an XML-driven menu that is loading external swf files into a "container" movie clip within the main Flash movie. (I have that part working nicely.)

I want to have "go to next movie" and "go to previous movie" button on the main Flash movie, which would load different external swf files into the container movie clip. My problem is, I don't know how to tell Flash which external swf file should come "next" or "previous" based on what is selected in the XML-driven menu. It seem like I need to pass a "NextMovie" variable through the XML file to the main Flash movie, and then have a button pick up that "NextMovie" variable and use that as the file name of the next external swf to load... but I don't know how to make that work.

how I can get these "next" and "previous" buttons knowing which file to load, all from the XML file?

This is what my xml file looks like, in case that helps.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<menu name="menu">
<item name="Menu Item 1" action="gotoLoadMovie" variables="somemovie.swf"/>
<item name="Another Item" action="gotoLoadMovie" variables="anothermovie.swf"/>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Movie Clip Into A Blank Movie Clip?

Jun 27, 2006

if it is possible to load a movie clip into a blank movie clip?On my main timeline I have a button (mode_btn) and I want to be able to click it and load another movie clip (mode_options_mc) into a blank movie clip I have (mode_empty_mc). Is this even possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Button In A Movie Clip Goto Another Movie Clip (pic)

May 30, 2007

What action script would i need to make a button in one movie clip goto and play a frame in another movie clip? Im not very good at flash but i've been trying my usual codes but it dont work..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Button Inside Movie Clip Won't Work

May 27, 2008

ive got a slider menu which opens when clicked. however the buttons (also mc instanced) inside the slider mc wont work... here is the code:


the slider mc works however i cant seem to get the 'web_MC' to respond..

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Get A Movie Clip To Automatically Load Up Another External Clip After Playing An Embedded Flv?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to get a movie clip to automatically load up another external clip, after playing an embedded flv.

This is what I've tried so far:

var holdFrame = setInterval( holdFrame, 5000);
clearInterval (holdFrame);

Although it throws no errors, the setInterval is ignored and it just loads direct into the next mc clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Random Movie Clip From The Library To An Empty Clip On The Stage Called (bg_graphics)?

Oct 20, 2004

I want to load a random movie clip from the library to an empty clip on the stage called (bg_graphics). the clips in the library are called (green, blue, yellow).

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Controlling A Movie Clip With A Button Inside The Movie Clip?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm just trying to find the right action scrip for instance on my button to control the movie clip it is within.I have currently tried..

on (press) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Movie Clip Via Button Outside Same Movie Clip?

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to move a movie clip containing content via AS3 tween with a button outside of the movie clip. I have achieved this effect on another project by using the following code:

Actionscript Code:
var myxTween:Tween=new Tween(content_mc,"x",Regular.easeOut,content_mc.x,theXPosition,.8,true);

I set up a moveContent funtion using that tween, then used:

Actionscript Code:
content_mc.aboutBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutClick);function aboutClick(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("aboutClick");; moveContent(588,-538,"about.swf");}

to move the content. I am just wondering how to achieve the same effect but use a button on a separate layer that will be static.

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Professional :: Movie Clip Button Not Working Within An Movie Clip

Jun 30, 2010

I'm trying to create a movie clip on my my main timeline that has a movie clip button within it that pops up a box in the middle of the site that contains text and links. On Frame 1 I have the Up state, frame 2 the roll over state, and frame 3 my Down State (where Box appears).


The problem is that on the main time line, the button is clickable but doesnt do anything

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting Movie Clip Button Within A Movie Clip?

Feb 26, 2011

I am trying to target a movie clip within a movie clip.
I have a movie clip on the main stage with an instance name of a
I have the following action script on it
on (release) {_root.a.gotoAndStop(2);

So on frame 2 of a I have a button (instance name b) which also has two frames and a stop action on frame 1. All I want to do is click on the button and make it go to frame 2. It should work but it isn't Here is the actionscript on the button (b) on (press) {_root.a.b.gotoAndPlay(2); }

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put A Button On A Movie Clip That Is Inside A Movie Clip?

Sep 28, 2010

I want to put a button on a movie clip that is inside a movie clip. The button needs to access a "label" on the parent movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Button Inside Movie Clip?

Nov 20, 2011

how can i get a MC button that is inside another MC to carry out its functions

the mc button is using TweenMax for its roll-ON roll-Off effect and that works as normal when i test main movie

but the button itself dont function when pressed still mouse roll-On roll-Off effect works but not the movie clip button it this to do with it been nested inside another mc or is it the code am using below

web.onRelease = function(){

web is just the name of the nested movie clip button i was saying

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A Movie Clip Within Another Movie Clip?

May 16, 2010

I have a page with 8 photos that are movie clips. I'm attempting code that allows the user to click on each photo/movie clip and this loads a movie clip inside which is a larger version of the photo.

how to do this and then allow the user to click the photo to close?

I realize this is a strange way to organize photos but they laid out over a detailed photo album background.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie And Change Color Movie Clip?

Dec 30, 2005

i wanna change color of mc. I have buttom Test and Parametri. In Test is movie testing.swf in Parametri you can change color of movie clips. in file starttesting is make like this:

in layer1 is mcPlayer. In this mcPlayer are three layers, action, container and buttoms. in action layer is this code:

mcButtonParametri.onRelease = function():Void{


How can I change color of mcOksid(testing.fla), but color will be change when i push a upload buttom? WHen i push reset buttom, the color will come back to default.

Second problem, in testing.fla in layer OKSID, i have mcOksid and mcOksid2. Know if i change color of mcOksid to blue, mcOksid2 has to be blue too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checkbox - Load A Movie Into An Empty Movie Clip?

Jun 24, 2008

What I'd like to do is have a checkbox, that when it is checked it loads a movie into an empty movie clip, and when it is unchecked, it loads a different movie into the empty movie clip.Also if possible I'd like to find a way to output to a variable whether the same checkbox is checked or not. And send the info from the variable in an email.

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Professional :: Load Movie Into An Existing Movie Clip In CS4?

Jun 3, 2011

I have an existing movie clip on the stage and i want to load a .swf into it. How?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting A Movie To Load In An Empty Movie Clip?

Oct 17, 2005

trouble getting a movie to load in an empty movie clip. I am hoping I'm missing something simple.I have a button with the instance name SPS_btn on a layer I've called buttons.Below the button layer i've got a layer called movie clips that contains an emptymovie clip called mainStage_mc.I want to load a .swf into into mainStage_mc. both the buttons and their actions occur on the first frame.I have used this code but it not working.

on (release) {loadMovie (new002.swf, mainStage_mc);

I just get a blue area but the movie does not load. I can run the movie fun locally by clicking on new002.swf file.i also tried the behaviors panel, which produces this code but it also doesn't work:

on (release) {loadMovie ("new002.swf",mainStage_mc);
//load Movie Behavior
if(this.mainStage_mc == Number(this.mainStage_mc)){[code]........

for some reason it will load if i use loadMovieNum () but the registration point is in the top right corner and i don't want that.What's the best way to debug this?When i use test movie the output window dosen't show an error but something's can I test if is a path problem? A problem with the loaded movie or a problem with something else? the movie new002.swf is 393KB. I tired making a smaller 2kbmovie using the code above and it wouldn't load either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movie Load Another Movie Into It's Own Clip?

Nov 8, 2006

I have a site with a container clip which all other content loads into. When one movie loads, it has a button that I'd like to be able to click to go to another page in the site (ie. unload it's parent movie and load another swf into the same container clip.

How can I address the parent container clip and tell it to unload this movie and load another swf into it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: The Button And The Movie Clip Draggable And The Button Continue To Function?

Oct 25, 2004

Why is it that when i have button in a movie clip and that movie clip is a draggable object the button becomes inactive? How can i have both the button and the movie clip draggable and the button continue to function. below is the script i have for the draggable movie clip, which has the button contained within that:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Button Up-state, Stay Up Until Clicked On Other Button?

Feb 23, 2006

how to keep a Movieclip Btn 'Over State' to stay in the over position until another button is clicked?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicating A Singla Movie Clip (as Button) But When I Defining URL For All Ten Button

Jan 18, 2005

My name is rajesh n i hav a small problem.

i m duplicating a singla movie clip (as button) but when i defining URL for all ten button it's not taking.

For each button i wanna different html url.

for ur reference i m giving url to download the file.[URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refer A Masked Button [submenu Button] Present Inside A Movie Clip?

Oct 27, 2010

how do we refer the submenubutton which hasbeen masked inside a movie clip.
In my code ,
mainBtn3 is present inside  "mm " movie clip . and on click of it I am able to move to another frame using below code . But, if there is a sub menu for the button , and if I am referring it as below [mm.btn3sub1] and trying to move to another frame . I am getting following error

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.    at sumiyatried12356_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Finish Playing When A Button Is Clicked And Then Go To The Frame Label Associated With The Button

Jun 2, 2011

Anyway what I need to do is have a movie clip finish playing when a button is clicked and then go to the frame label associated with the button. I hope I'm explaining myself ok. So if I had say 4 buttons Home Gallery About Contact If Contact is clicked then I want the Home page to play (Which is a fade out) and then go to Contact Page (which will fade in). Then If Gallery is clicked then I want Contact to fade out and then go to Gallery page and fade in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade In White Movie Clip Over Main Movie When A Button Is Pressed?

Aug 30, 2006

I am looking for a way to fade in a white movie clip over my main movie when a button is pressed.

(i.e. When you press a button, a white rectangle will fade in over all other layers and then fade out after a couple of seconds. This is to make it look like the different pages are fading in and out without having to build the transition over and over again.)

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Professional :: Movie Clip Button Over State Triggers Another Button?

Apr 13, 2010

I have two buttons that are movie clips in Flash CS4 and when button 1 is on Over stage, I want the button 2 stop movie clip at the certain frame.

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