ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadVars Working Locally, Not Live?

Sep 19, 2009

I'm having a bit of trouble with a Flash/PHP voting system. Basically, it's using a loadVars object to send a simple Number variable to a PHP file that connects with a database and returns.

But for some reason, I can only get the votes to count when I test locally with an absolute path to the PHP file on the server. When I put it live, it will read the PHP file but doesn't seem to be able to send the voting data to it. Here's my code:

ActionScript Code:
//----- On load data function -----//
var dataIn:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var dataOut:LoadVars = new LoadVars();


Like I said, everything works fine in local testing, but when I put it live, the votes don't get counted, whether I use an absolute or a relative path to the PHP file on the server.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadVariablesNum Working Locally Not Live?

Sep 12, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
loadVariablesNum("mailto.php"+"?name="+name+"&email="+email+"&message="+message+"&to="+to+"&recipient="+recipient, 0, "POST");

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Jul 31, 2009

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var AnimalFLVLoader:Loader = new Loader();
AnimalFLVLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,fAnimaliaVOn);
Animalia2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fAnimaliaVOn);


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if (images == "chairs" && loadStat == "finished")
picLoading("MI_Products/Chairs/chair" + chairInt + ".jpg");


I have all the info in 1 txt file seperated appropriately with the &. As I said, all the chairs load up each part of the text file as it should but every other item comes up as undefined in the textbox. I tried giving each loaderTxt a number to differenciate as seperate variables, yet no avail.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [mx] Working With LoadVars From PHP, In Flash?

Feb 20, 2004

I looked at the tutorial section to see how to get loadVars to load in data from PHP.

PHP code:
//do league queries
$query_mteam = "SELECT name FROM test ORDER BY name ASC";[code]......

Now I added the extra line in bold as I need to be able to use the variable I have grabbed from my PHP file using the above code (the var is called rows) and I need to be able to use this figuree to do some simple math.. but I can't seem to get it to do anything apart from appear in text fields....I want to be able to do:


for example. In fact, I want to use the value of row to generate a certain number of buttons dynamically. This eventually will be a menu based on values from a database (mySQL and PHP) but I am stumbling at the first hurdle.

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btnRefresh.label = "Refresh";


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Aug 27, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Don't Use Absolute Paths When Working With Loadvars

Feb 1, 2006

Working with loadvars can be frustrating if your calling vars from [URL]and testing them by navigating to "". Flash will not load vars accross a domain (cause your missing the www) without adding a policy file. There are a couple ways around this:

1) Don't use absolute paths when working with loadvars.The issue here is testing locally and on the web, you can't load vars from getVars.php locally if you're web server is generating the file with a database...

2) Force your users to include www. before the domain name.I work for a tv network and I'm finishing up 4 flash sites that all use loadvars and I felt like writing a script that would work for all of them, instead of one for each site. The following is the result, and I thought I would share it with the faithful kirupa nerds.

<script language="javascript">
var thisURL = "" + window.location;
var WWW = (thisURL.indexOf("www"));
var dissect = thisURL.split("/");


I compressed (and actually made the code more scalable) from 23 lines to 6

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] LoadVars.sendAndLoad Only Working On Some Computers

Jan 15, 2009

I'm writing a very simple flash app (AS 2) to sign users up to an email newsletter; the way it works is that it uses LoadVars to hit a (same-domain) PHP script via POST with the user's email address. The PHP script then passes the info through to another domain via curl to sign up the user.

So far, so good, and it works on roughly 70% of the computers on which it's been tested (it's being tested live from the website, not locally). However, on some computers, it doesn't appear that the LoadVars.sendAndLoad call is being made, as the email addresses sent from those computers aren't showing up on the subscriber list. I know that the PHP script still works on those computers as I've made a barebones HTML form that acts in exactly the way the Flash app does (POSTs to same PHP script with same variables, etc) and it works on all computers.

Here's the relevant AS:

submit_btn.onRelease = function(){
this.enabled = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash AS3 Loadvars Not Working After Publish

Feb 17, 2011

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myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function(success) {
L_Var1.text = this.RetVar1;
L_Var2.text = this.RetVar2;
} else {

Whenever this runs in preview, frame 2 is shown without issue. If run after publishing, frame 80 is shown, but without the trace I cannot see why.

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Actionscript :: ExternalInterface.addCallback Only Working Locally, Not In Production

Jan 15, 2011

In my Flex app, I need a Javascript control to call one of my Actionscript methods. Simple enough, according to the Flex/Actionscript documentation, I wrote this in my Actionscript code:

if (ExternalInterface.available)
ExternalInterface.addCallback("setName", setNameInActiveWindow);
In the Javascript control I wrote:

Works great. Exactly as expected, so I went to production. But it doesn't work in production :(. Same exact code... I can't figure it out. The above Javascript code is run, but the callback is not executed in the Actionscript code.


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I recreated this example of using Base64Image but it does not work when ran locally, only when I load it from a web server. Is this expected and can it be done so that it works locally?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Share Objects Only Working Locally?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm having problems with Shared Objects. They seem to work on my machine but when I put them on a server they're not working anymore.Basically I have a page with a video player and I only want the video to play when the user visits the page for the first time.This is the code:

PHP Code:
var beenVisited:Boolean=false;var shared:SharedObject=SharedObject.getLocal("visited");if ( = 1; beenVisited=fa


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ActionScript 3.0 :: PHP Email Form Class Working Locally / Not Online

Mar 2, 2009

I'm working on an email form contained in a separate .as file coded in AS3 with a php file. Everything is working just fine when I test it through Flash, having my swf + my .as file locally and my php file online. As soon as I move all my files online, I submit the form, press my send button, see in the bottom screen of my browser than it seems to be a transfer, but nothing happen, no error message as written in my code...i'm just stuck. Here is parts of my codes.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Variables Not Working On Server But Works FINE Locally?

May 17, 2010

I have one .swf that loads a second one on level 2.level 2 then in turn loads variables from a text file .The problem is that it works locally, but refuses to work on the server. The urls are all local. This is such a simple procedure, I can't figure out what is wrong..... are there limitations doing this via server vs. locally? I never get any "file open" errors locally. I've spent 2 hours on this.... I'm just using a simple LoadVars similar to this example:

loadText = new LoadVars();


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Jun 10, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TUTORIAL Error - Change LoadVars() Into LoadVars()?

Apr 13, 2004

One of the moderators, could you've a look at this tutorial: [URL] it doesn't works with me, maybe because I've 2004 so if you change loadVars() into LoadVars() it should work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: UncaughtErrorEvent Not Working Live?

Feb 25, 2011

in an attempt to narrow down a very frustrating problem with my project, I've implemented an UncaughtErrorEvent listener which will trace uncaught errors to a textfield that I can view.To test this out, I've forced the application to encounter errors at very specific points, to ensure that the errors are being handled properly.
In the flash sandbox environment, the errors displayed properly in the textfield, however, running the application in browser does NOT show any kind of error! It moves right past the errors as though they never happened!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using LoadVars.getBytesLoaded And LoadVars.getBytesTotal?

Sep 1, 2003

Whenever i try to display anything returned by LoadVars.getBytesLoaded or Load....Total, it gives me NaN.

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Media Server :: H.264 Not Working In Live Stream

Dec 4, 2008

I have a HD Camera streaming a live feed through FME 2.5 to FMS 3.0 using the VP6 codec and it works fine. I have now been trying to get the same stream running via H.264 and althogh FME 2.5 connects to the FMS 3.0 server and the stream starts with FMS 3.0 reporting the stream no problem. The Client application crerated with Captivate 3 using Flash Player 9 for publishing no longer dispays the video. Switching back to VP6 works again.

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