ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Photo Gallery For Website?
Sep 9, 2010
I made a flash website for a non-profit organization and it needs to have a photo gallery inside of it. It needs to have 3 categories with about 20 pictures in each category; the pictures are of different sizes.
I'd like to make a gallery like this one: [URL] but I'm not sure how to do so while also having it be inside the main flash website also.
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Sep 1, 2009
Just trying to make a flash photo gallery that displays all the image files in a certain directory with the usual photo gallery functionality.
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Oct 16, 2009
I have built a website for a photo gallery and have added the deep link architecture only after the website is built, so the whole site is kind of cripple... The path to each photo is by clicking buttons in the following order Menu->Submenu->Photo I have designate a link for each photo. The site works properly if I try to reach the photo by clicking button in the above order. However, if I try to access a photo by typing the direct link to it, the photo cannot be displayed coz the swf of the menu and submenu, which are triggered by a button click, is not loaded yet.
The current architecture of my site is that when ever the menu button is clicked a new submenu class will be initiated, so the loading of the submenu class only happens when the menu button is clicked. The following site is an example the way I want to make my site to be : [URL] I could access any image on my site by typing a direct link and the swf could be loaded.
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Jul 19, 2005
What I want to do is to make a gallery based on the tutorial gallery here (thumbs), but I want the user to be able to choose different galleries from within the movie. I figured that I could make a loop to cycle through the galleries, then nest another loop inside it to cycle through the pics, captions and thumbs. While I wrote, I constantly tested the output with trace commands, but when I tried nesting the loop I lost all output.. I'm pretty new to both Flash and Actionscript, so if theres an obvious solution I havent been able to see it.. This is my temp XML file:
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Nov 16, 2006
how do I go about putting a simple photo gallery with about 3 or 4 different images on my website. methe programs that I need to sownload and any other useful materials that would be needed to get this completed.
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Dec 5, 2009
Do anyone know how to make a photo gallery with xml and flash 8 like the gallery in the portfolio section of this link.[url]...
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Feb 23, 2010
I've searched the forums as well as other areas of the internet to find a solution to this issue I'm having. I've managed to gather bits and pieces here and there and they have kind of came together to get me further than I expected. I've basically went about my own little way of trying to make a photo gallery using php and flash. So far I've made more progress than I figured I would, but I have ran into a few issues and I fear I may have to start over entirely.
What I've done is pieced together some php code to read the contents of a directory, it then writes them to a php file and assigns them each a variable name and finally assigns the number of photos in the directory to a variable name, it looks like this once the script is ran[code]...
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Jan 28, 2009
I am using the XML and Flash photogallery that Kirupa has in the tutorials [url]. I was wondering how I can:
a. make a second caption
b. make a caption with a link on it.
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Oct 7, 2004
i need to make a photo gallery were i can just duplicate the folder"vacation_photos" and then rename it something else and not have to change the path on every freakin photo and button.
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Nov 9, 2008
I want to make a dynamic photo gallery. The layout will be a scrollable bar at the bottom with thumbnails and then when you click one, a big version of the picture in the main window. Pretty simple layout. But! I want it to be dynamic in the sense that follows;
I have a txt file that contains the number of photos in the folder (at the moment, there are 5). Flash reads that number, and inputs that into a for statement, which then gets the filename of each of the 5 files (p0, p1, p2, etc) and slaps a .jpg on the end. Its like this so that i can add files to the folder, change the number in the text file, and be done (no site maintenance required).
Now comes the problem. I want to be able to, within the for statement, load those files AND be able to resize them. What i'm doing now is putting an instance of the gallery itself on the stage (just an empty movie clip), and in the for statement I am adding a "thumb" movie clip into that gallery movie clip, and loading the image into that. Visually:
------->loaded image file.
The problem is that I can't resize them. I've tried using the loadercontentinfo stuff, but when i do that, it messes up my for loop somehow. I could always make all of my thumbnail files that size anyways, but I am also hoping to maybe implement my creation here in the future so that I can give it to others who aren't tech savvy and having them be able to use it without any difficulty. Here is the code:
//Create the URLLOader instance
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
//the data will come as URL-encoded variables
I took out the loaderinfo stuff because it didnt work. As it stands, this version actually does sucessfully load the images, but doesnt do anything to resize them.
View 15 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
Like ordinally photo gallery, there is a big picture with some thumbs.
big picture = MC named gWindow
thumbs holder = MC named pics
thumbs = MC named p1, p2, p3...
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Sep 8, 2007
[URL] how to make a Flash Thumbnail Photo Gallery. I am designing a bigger photo gellery based on this code how do I have the photo gallery to list 2 rows of thumbs 5 accross and 2 rows. This code is the code that designs the thumbnail movie clip.
function thumbnails_fn(k) { thumbnail_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("t"+k, thumbnail_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); tlistener = new Object(); tlistener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc) { target_mc._x = hit_left._x+(target_mc._width+5)*k; target_mc.pictureValue = k; target_mc.onRelease = function() { p = this.pictureValue-1; nextImage(); }; target_mc.onRollOver = function() { this._alpha = 50; thumbNailScroller(); }; target_mc.onRollOut = function() { this._alpha = 100; }; }; image_mcl = new MovieClipLoader(); image_mcl.addListener(tlistener); image_mcl.loadClip(thumbnails[k], "thumbnail_mc.t"+k); }
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Mar 14, 2008
i download and try to modify a xml photo gallery from kirupa in this pagemake the buttons for "next" "back".... and one button that control the slide show, but i cant find how to activate the slide show and desactivate it.
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Oct 15, 2010
so i wanna make a custom photo gallery for my work, and ive seen some that i like. however, i want to MAKE it myself and not download somebody's program that does it or whatever. i know i have the necessary knowledge to be able to follow a tutorial on it but i dont know how to do it myself, you know? anyways heres one that i like, if anybody knows of a tutorial that i can do this in please let me know. [URL] the important parts are that it needs to be updated with xml and have a scroller at the bottom with buttons, not a scrollbar.
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Jun 10, 2009
How can I make wide outlines to each photo gallery bitmaps in AS3/Flex? Or where could I find a good tutorial?
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Aug 25, 2009
Please go to [URL] and click on the photo gallery link. Then click on any other link. The photo gallery stays on the page! how I can make it go away when clicking on other links? The actionscript for the photo album is on the last frame in the actions layer.
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Aug 6, 2003
I'm trying to make a photo gallery that loads the pics in as swf's, and was wondering if there was any way for flash to detect the number of files that are in a particular folder on website (also the names of those files).
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Jul 25, 2010
I want to make this gallery auto play means ones gallery load than the photos should be change by itself after few seconds.path for gallery [URL]
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Mar 2, 2011
I've made an image gallery and it works great. What I want to do is make the main image a link to a certain part of the site. The first link works great, but then I get[url]...
Basically, I made an invisible button on each main image for the link.[code]...
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May 8, 2008
I'm trying to make a photo gallery that is dynamically controlled via an xml file.
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Jun 25, 2004
I found this really neat photo gallery on flashkit but there is no support or readme included. Hoping one of you actionscript gurus can sort through the AS and how to size this thing.. the AS code does have comments but I am not a coder. I'd like to make the image window smaller and the overall movie smaller. 325x325 or so.
View 10 Replies
Nov 4, 2007
I'm trying to get some general info and be pointed in the right direction to make kinda like a photo gallery where they can be dragged, and moved around like several squire images that can overlap one another, and if you click an image that is under another image, it will come upfront..
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Jan 25, 2007
I was wondering in the photo gallery thumbnail tutorial how do I make the thumbnails display vertically not horizontally. Also how do you add the picture caption underneath the thumbnail? [URL]
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Sep 1, 2009
Just trying to make a flash photo gallery that displays all the image files in a certain directory with the usual photo gallery functionality.
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Jun 23, 2009
I am trying to make a Image Gallery for my website, I have a limited space to work with.
I am looking at doing it in Javascript but thought I could do the same thing in Flash. (maybe :P)
This is the Javascript idea.
Basically I would want it to be the same as this but the size i want instead of a small one like that.
As I have a limited space I dont want small thumbnails for people to click on and then have the larger view updated.
I would also want the controls and description to be viable all the time minus the play / pause button.
Is this possible? If so how can I do it? Is their already something out that will do this?
If possible I would like to have it database driven (the images and the description) to make it easier so I dont have to keep manually updating the flash.
Also can it be friendly to both Portrait and Landscape images?
and last but not least (and not necessary) can the images then beable to be clicked on and open up to full size ...
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Oct 27, 2011
its for a photo gallery that I downlowded,the images fades in and out, but only start that when you click a button(timer).I'm trying to founf out where in the script I can change this, so that the photo's start automatically,rather than, on a button click.I have pasted the script below, is that ok, or would people rather a zip file of the files?
// (c) Copyright by Andrew DiFiore. All rights reserved. DO NOT REMOVE.
fscommand("allowscale", "false");
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";[code]......
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Aug 26, 2006
I found the tutorial by Kirupa
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Feb 6, 2009
I have an XML photo gallery, that when it starts it has a loader for the photos. It always starts with the XML file determined sequence, which is fine, but what happens is that the tabs on the right hand side of the photo loader go astray while it is loading the first photo. If the first photo was loaded instantly this wouldnt be an issue.Is there a way that I can preload that first photo, so that it is in memory when the swf file reads the XML file, allowing the first photo to be instantly loaded ?Amongst other things, I tried embedding the photo in the swf file, but it didnt work...obviously I have no idea what to script...I also created another scene, prior to the main scene, to preload the photo.. but it didnt work either, again probably used useless script...Going further in detail, this is the main script:
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing);
View 9 Replies
Jul 10, 2009
I have been searching for a particular photo gallery, and haven't got far. Here is an example of what I am looking for. With the example I wanting the user to be able to click on a photo for it to appear in the box above. I am looking for a tutorial, so I can customise to fit in my client's flash website.
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Jun 25, 2004
I found this really neat photo gallery on flashkit but there is no support or readme included. how to size this thing.. the AS code does have comments but I am not a coder.I'd like to make the image window smaller and the overall movie smaller. 325x325 or so
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