ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Parameter Link Load In Flash Variable?

Oct 13, 2009

I want to load variable with multiple parameter link so i will load it in flash Like i have text file like it :


so how i can load it in flash?

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Pass Link URL Values Into A Flash Object As A Parameter?

Apr 28, 2009

I have created a small banner for the homepage of a website for a company. The problem is that when they load the banner to their website the link no longer works. I have tested it myself and it works fine on my website. have the banner be clicked and open up in the same browser to another page on this website."define a way to pass link URL values into a flash object as a parameter."

"We need the functionality ASAP so can you start by working on this and creating a sample. It shouldn�t be too difficult as it is a fairly common requirement. Can you put together a basic example (it doesn�t need good graphics) that shows this idea working over " [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Variable Via IP Address Link?

Aug 8, 2008

I'm currently having a problem with loadVariables. Is it possible to load a variable in a text file into flash player via the IP address to the text file?


What I'm trying to do: I have developed Flash projects for a client Company that are run via flash exe's. These projects sit on a network server. This company is now concerned about the security of these projects. If someone should copy the files off the server they should not play. I thought of a solution that has a text file on the server with a variable that is loaded into the player at runtime. The link to this txt should be absolute, so if the folder is copied off the server and taken off site the flash player will no longer be able to find the network folder with the text file. Does this required php, asp etc? Or is there another way to load a variable into flash player from a IP addressed folder?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Txt File To Dynamic Text, Link To Multiple Iframes?

Feb 13, 2007

i'm attempting to resolve a problem with targeting. i would like to target multiple iframes from a link that has been pulled into a flash document. basically, the link needs to load a title and an mov file. the mov file has to be loaded into an iframe, but the title could be loaded into another dynamic text field.. i'm using a text file that is loaded into a dynamic text field. the link within the text file currently looks like this:

<a href="video/" target="videowindow" onClick="parent.titles.location.href = 'alzy.html'; return true;">Alzy Gramps</a>

but it doesn't work. is there a problem with flash htmltext reading javascript? i even installed the flashjavascript gateway.

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AS3 :: Flash - Declare Variable With Name Of Function Parameter?

Aug 7, 2011

I have a function in my flash AS3 file. I'd like to pass a parameter when calling this function and have that parameter become the name of a new FLV playback component I'm declaring;

function newVideo(myVideoName){
var [myVideoName]:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieve The Variable And Preloader - Dynamically Load Multiple Images

Jul 8, 2009


The above code loads an XML file which contains the path to text and image files, i am able to trace the path correctly within the above PARSE function but i am not able to retrieve the variable (or trace it for that matter) in the LOAD TEXT section, As i continue to code, i would also like to dynamically load multiple images (in the LOAD IMAGES section) using the projectPath and iterating through each image listed in an XML file. I am not at that point yet but my question is how would i create a progressbar/preloader that diplays total progress for all URL Requests (the text file and multiple images listed in the XML).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link To A Movieclip And Pass The Parameter?

Nov 7, 2004

Let's say I have a class that has a constructor which accepts some parameters.

class MyClass {
var myNumber:Number;
function MyClass(number) {
myNumber = number;

Is there a way I can link this to a movieclip and pass the parameter? From what I've found there are two ways to link the class to a movieclip, one using the registerClass and another typing the name intro the Linkage Box in the Library. But in both cases there are no parameters being setup.

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Html :: Pass The Button Link (after Click) As Parameter?

Jul 15, 2010

i have a flash button and i want to pass the button link (after click) as parameter.

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IDE :: Load Panghat Spa.swf As A Variable By Pasing Variable From Html Page In To Flash

Sep 15, 2009

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("panghat spa.swf"));

want to load panghat spa.swf as a variable by pasing variable from html page in to flash

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Parameter Variable With $ In The Name?

Dec 1, 2009

I recently took over an AS3 project someone else programmed. It's quite well done and nicely object oriented. However, I have come across something I have not seen before.

protected function addedToStage ($event:Event) : void {}

The parameter in the function above uses the prefix $ before the parameter name "event". What does this do - if anything?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Passing Parameter/variable From Url To Swf?

Oct 23, 2009

i am trying to define a parameter/variable in my html file and pass it through to the embedded swf file:

<param name="movie" value="index.swf?wmode=transparent&index=XXX">
<embed src="index.swf?wmode=transparent&index=XXX" width="200" height="910" quality="high" pluginspage="


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Actionscript :: Use For Variable As Parameter And Keep It Different For Each Iteration

Mar 25, 2010

I have a basic for loop to loop through buttons and set some stuff and onPress handlers:[code]However, as I noticed, all buttonsthen link to one and same frame - all point to last i + 1 - Is there any possibility to call gotoAndStop with "static" Number, so in next iteration, it won't change?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass A Parameter Into A Variable?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a hangup on very basic issue...I am trying to pass a parameter into a variable that gets passed into a function.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
var myBtn:String = myFunction();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Code To HTML Link That Passes Variable Into Flash?

Oct 4, 2006

Is it possible to add code (...html or php?) to an html link (i.e the link will be featured in an html website) that passes a variable into the flash site it links to (just something simple like '_root.pageChoice = "home3" '? So when the site opens the swf turns to a certain page?This will be necessary as there will be links to the site from different html sites and each will need to see a different version of a certain page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Won't Accept A Variable Parameter?

Oct 22, 2009

For the record I am running Flash CS4, but am using actionscript 2.0 (its just what I know, and I don't feel like learning 3.0)-So I'm making a contact list, and each of the names will be clickable to bring up more information. There's going to be a lot of names, so I'm trying to keep the actionscript concise. The code is shown below in a simplified form, but essentially I have created a variable for the hexadecimal color, and I have created a function which will change the text color of each of the name buttons. This works, I have tested it. But, I don't want to have to tell the function to run for every single name button

(eg. changeColor (option1 , testColor);
changeColor (option2 , testColor);
changeColor (option3 , testColor);

SO - I tried to create a for loop that would run the changeColor function for each button without typing it a million times. The one below should run from "option1" to "option5" for instance. I originally tried entering the equation "option" + i as a parameter, but it did not work. So I tried the code below where the for loop creates a variable which is assigned the value option1, option2, etc. as it runs through the loop. I added the trace code, and it is showing me that MCname is holding the correct value. However, the changeColor function still refuses to insert the MCname variable as a parameter. The testColor parameter is a variable, and that will work, so why not the MCname one? I also tried replacing the MCname variable with the name of a button (option1) and it runs fine. I just don't want to type in every single option name for the entire list.Sorry for rambling, but I'm trying to fully explain the situation.. If the code is all correct, why won't the changeColor function accept a variable for the first parameter? Is there a way I can get this to work without having to copy and paste the changeColor(option, Color) code for every button (there could be over 100 options)

var testColor:Number = 0x33ff00;
function changeColor(buttonName , myColor:Number){


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Actionscript 3 :: Pass Unevaluated Variable As Parameter?

Apr 9, 2012

How do I use an unevaluated (and/or possibly undefined) variable as a parameter for a function? For example:

function myFun(a:int):void {
a = 5;


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Actionscript 3 :: Run Function Only When Parameter Variable Has Been Assigned?

Feb 27, 2011

I need a way to wait running the parseCSV command until the readFile event has updated the content of importData. I have seen a few things about custom event dispatchers but cannot quite figure out how to use them in my situation.

private var importData : String;
public function importFile(event:MouseEvent):void {
var data:String = chooseFile();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Won't Recognize A Variable Parameter?

Oct 22, 2009

For the record I am running Flash CS4, but am using actionscript 2.0 (its just what I know, and I don't feel like learning 3.0)-So I'm making a contact list, and each of the names will be clickable to bring up more information. There's going to be a lot of names, so I'm trying to keep the actionscript concise. The code is shown below in a simplified form, but essentially I have created a variable for the hexadecimal color, and I have created a function which will change the text color of each of the name buttons. This works, I have tested it. But, I don't want to have to tell the function to run for every single name button

(eg. changeColor (option1 , testColor);
changeColor (option2 , testColor);
changeColor (option3 , testColor);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable As A Function Parameter Not Working?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a function with three parameters, that works fine when I type in the parameter values. The function is tweens(MCname, targX, targY) and it runs properly when I use tweens(btn1, 150, 200) for instance. I need the function to move 6 different movie clips, one at a time, and I am using a variable (Counter) and an if statement to tell the function to run again after one of my tween classes finishes. The code all works, and it will run six times with the same clip if I just type in one of the movie clip's instance names as the MCname parameter. BUT, if I try to use a variable (BTNname) to serve as the MCname parameter, it will not work, making it so I cannot apply the function to my 6 different movie clips. I put a trace on the MCname parameter, and it returns the correct value (btn1, btn2, btn3, etc) but it is not moving the corresponding movieclips. I've tried a number of different methods, but nothing will work..[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning A Function Parameter As Variable?

Sep 21, 2011

ok so i've been stuck on this for a while...What i'm trying to do is create a function that updates a global variable (randomVar) that is itself a parameter in the function e.g


Basically, i thought randomVar and vari were the same so when vari was changed randomVar would too but that's not the case. So how do i make the parameter equal the new value(5). I want to repeat the function using different variables so putting randomVar = vari in the function is not possible.

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PHP :: Multiple File Upload With Parameter Passing Not Working

Apr 7, 2010

I have created my own file upload flash app that has been working great for me up until this point. It uses PHP to upload the files and sends back a status message which gets displayed in a status box to the user. Now I have run into a situation where I need the HTML to pass a parameter to the Actionscript, and then to the PHP file using POST. I have tried to set this up just like adobe has it on [URL] without success.

Here is my Actionscript code:
import fl.controls.TextArea;
//Set filters
var imageTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)", "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png");
var textTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Documents (*.txt, *.rtf, *.pdf, *.doc)", "*.txt; *.rtf; *.pdf; *.doc");
var allTypes:Array = new Array(textTypes, imageTypes);
[Code] .....

The flashVars variable is the one that should contain the values from the HTML file. But whenever I run the program and output the variables in the PHP file I receive the following.
//Using this command on the PHP page
//I get this for output
Array (
[Filename] => testfile.txt
[Upload] => Submit Query
Its almost like the parameters are getting over written or are just not working at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parameter Child Must Be Non Null - Variable Scope?

May 5, 2009

I'm working on a sliding gallery like Hulu. Setting it up and the sliding slides in and out is working fine. However, I need to add and then remove a button to each slide as it comes in and goes out. (I initially tried including the button on each slide, a mc, but this proved problematic for the event listeners). So when the file loads up, I add a mc to the first slide of the group like so (features[] is an array of movie clips - my slides):
var goBtn:MovieClip = new FeatureButton();
goBtn.x = 350;
goBtn.y = 230;
So I add the button/mc to the first slide - works just fine.

So there are two handlers, next and previous. So I started with the next handler. The first thing I have to do is kill the button on the panel that is sliding out, so I do that like so:
goBtn = null;
(featureCount is a counter keeping track of the slides). This works fine. I click the next button, and the button on the slide disappears and we move to the next slide - perfect.

So then I add the following next - exactly like I did in the beginning:
var goBtn:MovieClip = new FeatureButton();
goBtn.x = 350;
goBtn.y = 230;

This time adding it to the current slide coming in - but this generates the following error:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at featuregallery_fla::MainTimeline/nextFeature()
How I'm getting an error on the removeChild() when that is already gone. I assume "parameter child" means goBtn - yes it is null because it's been removed. But I'm not trying to do something with that. I can only guess this is a variable scoping issue with goBtn - but I'm not seeing how to resolve it. Flash file attached.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Custom Components With Variable / Parameter

May 7, 2003

I want to create a component with a variable/parameter that is a method it calls when (clicked on for example). In "Flash UI Components.fla" the they do this and I studied the code but cant get it to work. The Push Button one has a click handler, but the way it is actually called in the script is like this:
That bracket/parenthesis thing is not working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Link When The Flash And Buttons Load?

May 23, 2009

I need to add a link when the flash and buttons load. Under symbol definitions i have button defined, and i have this in each button item:

onClipEvent (load) {

How can i add a link to another page on my site? I tried doing this, but it did not help:

onClipEvent (load) {
link = "aboutus.html";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link In Flash To Load Another Frame?

Dec 3, 2009

I have been put in charge of building a website for my company as kind of a side job - so I downloaded a nifty looking template that I thought would be pretty cool to use.

The template consisted of a flash animation that was on top of a bunch of data, clicking the links in the flash animation however would load up another .html and would reply the intro of the flash _every_ _single_ _time_

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Xml Url Link - How To Load In New Window

Jul 26, 2010

I have a script that is a flash based scroller that takes the information from an xml file:There are scrolling thumbnails, when you click on them it takes you to a new url page. Only it's loading the url in the same window and I'd like for it to load in a blank or new window.Here's what I have now:

Script from FLASH:
filename_list = new Array();
url_list = new Array();
title_list = new Array();


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Flash :: Load A Link / Linking Action Into File?

Sep 21, 2010

I think there are probably three options:

Load the link in as a flashvar and allow the Flash to open the URI

Load the link into the Flash file using AJAX/AJAH and allow the Flash open the URI

Just have the Flash file call a Javascript function that opens the URI

Is one of these methods better than the other(s)?

I'm working in a CMS, so each method requires a different process to edit/control the link. In #1, the editor needs to open the Flash node and add the path to a flashvar. In #2, the editor just needs to add the path as an anchor with a specific ID to a page (or XML). In #3, the paths could be stored in many different ways. The links aren't known when the Flash files are created, so they can't be embedded in the Flash. Is there a performance/efficiency/compatibility/good reason to use #1 over #2 or #3, etc?

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IDE :: Load External Swf's With A Parameter(s)

Dec 29, 2008

It's a way to load external swf's with a parameter, like loading them from HTML in form: mymovie.swf?settingsfile=mysettings.xml? Loaded without parameters it works fine, but i tried to load them via URLRequest("mymovie.swf?settingsfile=mysettings.xm l") and i get an error: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Flash File From A Link On An Html Page?

Jun 23, 2004

I want to get an idea on how the majority of people structure the flash websites they make.First, do most of you actionscripters, when creating a website, use a parent movie that holds the sites navigation and an embedded blank movie clip to load individual content pages? I get the feeling that is true because it saves a lot of space in your swf file.

That was the easiest question. Next, when you create a transition effect to keep the viewer occupied between loading different pages, how do you usually go about this?Assuming you have a blank movieclip in the main SWF to load individual page content.Do you have a movieclip animation that is called in the main SWF that is a layer above or masks the container movieclip which is loading the external content? Or, do you have the transition in the actual content SWF, with a transition in effect, midframe with the content, then transition out effect.

It seems the second choice might be a little more repetitive, but maybe a little more simple, then again, maybe not.My last question is not actionscript but javascript.I want to load my flash file from a link on an html page that launches a new window that is perfectly sized around the flash movie, with none of the menu bars and that works on windows(ie, netscape, opera) and MACs.As a secondary, if its possible,I would like to have the flash movie pop up into the center of the screen, right now it pops into the top left corner.Here is the script I have. It works for PCs with IE, but a friend that looked at it on her MAC had to resize the window:

<A HREF="" onClick="'flashmovie.html', 'newWnd',
'width=750,height=400'); return false;">Try this</A>

The flash.html is the automatic html page that flash publishes your SWF file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Load External Swf's With Parameter(s)?

Oct 1, 2009

It's a way to load external swf's with parameter, like loading them from HTML in form: mymovie.swf?settingsfile=mysettings.xml?

Loaded without parameters it works fine, but i tried to load them via URLRequest("mymovie.swf?settingsfile=mysettings.xm l")

and i get an error:
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.

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