AS3 :: Flash - Declare Variable With Name Of Function Parameter?

Aug 7, 2011

I have a function in my flash AS3 file. I'd like to pass a parameter when calling this function and have that parameter become the name of a new FLV playback component I'm declaring;

function newVideo(myVideoName){
var [myVideoName]:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declare Variable Within A Function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declare A Variable In PHP And Pass That Variable To My Flash File?

Mar 5, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Won't Accept A Variable Parameter?

Oct 22, 2009

For the record I am running Flash CS4, but am using actionscript 2.0 (its just what I know, and I don't feel like learning 3.0)-So I'm making a contact list, and each of the names will be clickable to bring up more information. There's going to be a lot of names, so I'm trying to keep the actionscript concise. The code is shown below in a simplified form, but essentially I have created a variable for the hexadecimal color, and I have created a function which will change the text color of each of the name buttons. This works, I have tested it. But, I don't want to have to tell the function to run for every single name button

(eg. changeColor (option1 , testColor);
changeColor (option2 , testColor);
changeColor (option3 , testColor);

SO - I tried to create a for loop that would run the changeColor function for each button without typing it a million times. The one below should run from "option1" to "option5" for instance. I originally tried entering the equation "option" + i as a parameter, but it did not work. So I tried the code below where the for loop creates a variable which is assigned the value option1, option2, etc. as it runs through the loop. I added the trace code, and it is showing me that MCname is holding the correct value. However, the changeColor function still refuses to insert the MCname variable as a parameter. The testColor parameter is a variable, and that will work, so why not the MCname one? I also tried replacing the MCname variable with the name of a button (option1) and it runs fine. I just don't want to type in every single option name for the entire list.Sorry for rambling, but I'm trying to fully explain the situation.. If the code is all correct, why won't the changeColor function accept a variable for the first parameter? Is there a way I can get this to work without having to copy and paste the changeColor(option, Color) code for every button (there could be over 100 options)

var testColor:Number = 0x33ff00;
function changeColor(buttonName , myColor:Number){


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Actionscript 3 :: Run Function Only When Parameter Variable Has Been Assigned?

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I need a way to wait running the parseCSV command until the readFile event has updated the content of importData. I have seen a few things about custom event dispatchers but cannot quite figure out how to use them in my situation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Won't Recognize A Variable Parameter?

Oct 22, 2009

For the record I am running Flash CS4, but am using actionscript 2.0 (its just what I know, and I don't feel like learning 3.0)-So I'm making a contact list, and each of the names will be clickable to bring up more information. There's going to be a lot of names, so I'm trying to keep the actionscript concise. The code is shown below in a simplified form, but essentially I have created a variable for the hexadecimal color, and I have created a function which will change the text color of each of the name buttons. This works, I have tested it. But, I don't want to have to tell the function to run for every single name button

(eg. changeColor (option1 , testColor);
changeColor (option2 , testColor);
changeColor (option3 , testColor);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable As A Function Parameter Not Working?

Jan 28, 2010

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Basically, i thought randomVar and vari were the same so when vari was changed randomVar would too but that's not the case. So how do i make the parameter equal the new value(5). I want to repeat the function using different variables so putting randomVar = vari in the function is not possible.

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Dec 29, 2010

Though this works:


It's reporting a warning,so what's the standard way to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A String Variable...and Then Use The Value Of That Variable To Declare Another Variable?

Jan 3, 2006

f you know PHP...then you know that you can create a string variable...and then use the value of that variable to declare another variable. like this:

PHP Code:

<?php$foo = "haha";$i{$foo} = "success";print $i{haha};?>

and it would display "success"...or like this:

PHP Code:

<?php$foo = "haha";$$foo = "success";print $haha;?>

and it would also display "success".

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// Initialise a URLLoader to get XML data from XML file
var myFPBLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myFPBLoader.load(new URLRequest("flightPlannerBoard.xml"));


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you press on the tipka_mc and you declare clip variable with new value, then use it with onRelease, what's wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declare Variable In A For Loop?

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I am trying to replace all of the code below with a for loop.I also want to do the same thing with number variables as apposed to sprites.I have tried a bunch of things but nothing works yet.

var lineDrawing1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var lineDrawing2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var lineDrawing3:Sprite = new Sprite();[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declare A Variable For A Button Component?

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import flash.controls.Button;
var btn:Button = mc.test.btn1;

I got an error: Definition flash.controls.Button can't not be found....What type of data type should I assign to the btn variable...?

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May 20, 2010

How to declare global variable for MovieClip. Normally for other datatype, i just declare:
public class MyGlobal


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Actionscript :: Declare A Variable For A Button Component?

Aug 1, 2010

I am trying to declare a variable for a button component in AS3. I have one button named btn1 and tried to write:

import flash.controls.Button;
var btn:Button = mc.test.btn1;

I got an error: Definition flash.controls.Button can't not be found....

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Declare A Global Variable?

Feb 29, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Declare A Variable In My Base Class?

Mar 22, 2012

In AS3, is there a way to declare a variable in my base class and be able to access it in all other classes in the program?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Declare A Global / Public Variable?

Dec 13, 2009

How can i declare a Global Variable or Public Variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declare Variable For Symbol Instance

Jun 8, 2011

I want to declare a variable in a class for an instance of an object that was added in the Flash IDE.

I have symbols for several types of panels that all subclass Panel.
To each panel symbol in the library, I add a button and give it an instance name "defaultButton."

This is really convenient, however, I want a defaultButton property for for my Panel class, and cannot find a way to do it. If I try adding a defaultButton property it throws errors:

ActionScript Code:
public class Panel: extends MovieClip{
public var defaultButton:Button; //as an example. Getters and setters also don't work

I also cannot check for the existence of defaultButton in code:
ActionScript Code:
public function GetDefaultButton():Button {
return this.defaultButton;

Throw new Error("Panels are supposed to have a Button instance named 'defaultButton' added using the Flash IDE");
...possibly undefined error.

Is there any way for my class to enforce/ recognise the existence of the defaultButton instance added using the IDE in my Class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declare The Variable / Array To Be Boolean Or Number

Aug 18, 2010

Instead of this code:

var bomb1:Boolean = false;
var bomb2:Boolean = false;
var bomb3:Boolean = false;

Would it be possible to use an array like this? var bomb:Array = [false,false,false]; Or would it be better in another way? Isn't it necessary to declare the variable/array to be boolean or number if it would be that type in the index? Could I also use an array for the movieclips like bomb[0].visible = true; ? But how di I declare that array?

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