ActionScript 2.0 :: Popup Window With A Question, And Four Answers With A Button Next To Each Answer?

Aug 17, 2009

I'm creating a sort of guessing game/trivia with AS 2.0. I have a popup window with a question, and four answers with a button next to each answer. The question and answers are dynamic text that are set by clicking on a "question" button.I was thinking I could do was click an answer button, which sets "current answer"... compare that with "correct answer" and do something? If it doesn't match, set the dynamic text to "wrong answer". If it's correct, then gotoAndStop(something)... I can get the answer buttons to trace their values(current answer) as I click on them, but when I try and goto () or do something based on these values (true) it seems just do whatever is in the if statement... not based on the answer being correct?Hmmm... like if I say: if (This is true)Not sure if I'm explaining this properly. But basically I have a popup window with a question. I have four answers, with buttons to select choice. I want to compare the choice/buttons pressed with a variable "correct answer" and then do something.

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var jscommand:String = "'[URL','win','height=200,width=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');";
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ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
getURL ("'[URL]','newWin','width=800,height=650,left=60,top=60,toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=no,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");
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on (release) {
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<script language="javascript">
function openWindow(URL,windowName,windowProperties)

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0 equals NO.[code]........

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this popup opens in the SAME window and not ina new window. What can I do to let it open in a new window and given the same properties to this new window as above: toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... a geturl opens it in a new window but does not give toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... properties to the window

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//I have a confirm button here
confirm_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ConfirmFunction);
//I have a correct answer as a String here
var correctans:String = "July";


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Feb 20, 2012

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doit.text="drag over the words that mean Vision";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Popup Window?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a gallery that calls the images from xml that loads into my place holder witch it attaches the url for the images to open in another window. Now, I will like only one image to open a new popup window, how can I activate that using xml and possibly a bit of as2? here is what I got: javascript to open new window:

on (release) {
getURL [code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reset Check Answer Button?

Oct 22, 2010

Frame one has three draggable movie clips and three finishing locations (one clip per location), it also has one a button (Check answer)A user can drag any of the three clips to any location and then click Check Answer.Check answer then runs an action that if the clips are in the right places, it goes to frame 2, if they are not, it goes to frame three where a Reset button is provided. In either case, a message is displayed.

On frame 3, I want people to be able to change the positions of the clips and select Check answer and have it check the answer again. Currently it's letting me move the clips, but even when I put them in the right places, it still tells me it's wrong.[code]...

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CS3 Play An .flv File In A Popup Window?

Jul 19, 2009

I have a flash website, and I want to put in a button that when onrelease is triggered will popup a window that I can play another movie in, I have the movie both as an .flv file and I have also converted it to a .swf movie as a seperate little movie, I could also convert it to another format if its easier, The movie size is only 320x240 in dimension.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Popup Window

Jan 5, 2010

All the info I see on the net is for 3.0. I have a file that uses 2.0 and I need to try to get a popup window to work. The point is so that I can have a window come up at specific dimension when clicking on a button. This is some 3.0 script I got from the net.


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Javascript Popup Window Buggy

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to open a new browser window popup from Flash. I am using:


What is supposed to happen is that the popup should open in a new smaller window whilst the original window keeps displaying the flash file. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Is there a better way to go about this? NOTE: I know that you can call JavaScript functions and house your js in the HTML file, but I cannot edit the HTML file since it is a page from a remote site.

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Mar 30, 2010

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PopUpManager.addPopUp(AlertPopUp,DisplayObject(spark.components.Application), true);

but it's problem with conversion Application->DisplayObject.

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