ActionScript 2.0 :: Reference A MovieClip By The Variables Assigned To It?

Feb 2, 2010

I've had this problem with Flash for awhile now and I've always been able to find a way to work around it, but this time, I think I'm just going to have to figure out a way to do it. Say I have a bunch of movieClips on the stage that have text fields in them that have data dynamically assigned to them from an SQL database. Once I've assigned data to these fields, can I reference a certain movieClip that contains a predefined value within its text field?

So, if I had three movieClips on the stage, with textfields in them that have the values "500" "600" and "700" is it possible to just reference the movieClip whose textfield currently says "700"? It doesn't have to be a just a textfield, either. If I could reference them by variables assigned to them. Like, it I assigned them a variable called "id" and the values were "500" "600" and "700" would it be possible to just reference the movieClip whose "id" is "700"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reference A MovieClip By Variables Assigned To It?

Oct 6, 2009

I had a bunch of movieclips on the stage and each of them gets assigned a variable called "clientName" onLoad.

I want to later reference the movieClip whose clientName was "foo" and changes its color, move it, make it bounce, whatever. It seems like it should be possible, but I don't know the syntax.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Reference - Action Not Assigned

Jun 22, 2006

Problem is the actual reference to the button itself. When I run a trace on item_mc it reveals that the buttons are named main_btn0 thru to main_btn4 as expected. Problem is that when I use the reference main_btn0 and so on nothing happens. However if I use a reference to just main_btn the buttons work but action is not assigned to any particular button?? Why???

var track_xml = new XML();
track_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
track_xml.onLoad = function(success){
if (success) CreateMenu(this);
else trace("Error loading XML file");
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Run The Swf And Then Click On The MovieClip Assigned To ToggleKonto?

Mar 27, 2012

I have this simple code:


function buttonPressed(event:MouseEvent){

What it does? Well, I have 4 tabs at the buttom of my flash application. I'm currently at Frame 1, also called toggleBuy. In Frame 2 I have toggleKonto.

I can easily run the swf and then click on the MovieClip assigned to toggleKonto, but when I'm at toggleKonto, I can't click back to toggleBuy (Frame 1).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Assigned To Variable Current

Dec 2, 2009

I've used similar code to this before in another project, but for some reason it's not working here:
var current:MovieClip;
menu01.menuslide.arch.onRelease = function() {
if (current != null) {
Tweener.addTween(current, {_y:0, time:.5, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
Tweener.addTween(menu01.menuslide, {_x:0, time:1, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
[Code] .....

I need to assign a value equivalent to the name of the button that is being pushed to the variable 'current'. when I trace 'current', I get 'undefined'. I used this in the past in this way below and it worked:
a2.onRelease = function() {
if (current != null) {
current._alpha = 0;
attachMovie("002", "box002", 10, {_x: 0, _y: 30});
[Code] .....
Why the first code block isn't working?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Dynamic XML And Images Into Assigned MovieClip

Jan 8, 2012

I have written the following to send variables to PHP which searches a MySQL database and returns the results in XML. However I cannot get the XML data loaded into the assigned Movie Clips. I think the problem might be somewhere in the URLLoader.
var imageDir:String = "Images/";
var getImage:XML;
var imageList = new Array();
var newPic:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var thumbnailGroup:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var loadGallery:String = "getImage.php";
[Code] .....
The remaining script (not included) handles the loaded data but is there an obvious problem I have overlooked in the above?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Click A Button It Plays The Movies Assigned To The Variables Gallery & Button To The Frames Mentioned

May 2, 2006


Ok- so the idea is that when you click a button it plays the movies assigned to the variables gallery & button to the frames mentioned. Then the variables are changed and then when another buttons is clicked it does the same - 'except it doesn't - it does it once then sits there I have to use variables because there's a lot more buttons..but i don't understand why it doesn't work - it seems such a simple and obvious thing to try and do - why is it so HARD???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Created A Couple Movie Clips One Of Which Is To Be Assigned A Value Of "0" And The Other Is To Be Assigned A Value Of "1" Randomly?

Jul 11, 2009

I am tring to create a simple mine I created a couple movie clips one of which is to be assigned a value of "0" and the other is to be assigned a value of "1" randomly. That is if the one on the left has "0" the other should have "1" and that if I click the one having "0" value ,let it explode or do something..The problem is that I am not sure how to use "onClipEvent(enterFrame)" and on(press).. I named my MCs as "mcleft1" and "mcright

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Variables With No Reference Name

Feb 4, 2011

Is there any difference, regarding the memory management, between the following:

var p:Point = new Point();

Code: doSmthgWithP(new Point()); I don't use this point again after the execution of doSmthgWithP function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Primitives To New Variables By Reference?

Feb 8, 2011

As primitives are copied as 'value' not by Reference, this doesnt work:

ActionScript Code:
var myPrimitive1:int = 10;
var myPrimitive2:int = myPrimitive1;
myPrimitive2 = 20; // i want this to affect myPrimitive1 too

My goal is to pick a random property on a data Object() and alter that. My approach was to put all the Objects properties into an array, and then randomise that array, and pick the first element. The only problem is of course that, that element is no longer a Reference to the original, so If I change that it wont alter the original...

ActionScript Code:
// Create Data Object
var myObject:Object = new Object();
myObject.primitiveVar1 = "string1";


View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Array Variables By Value Not Reference

Dec 11, 2006

It took me hours to figure our why this was returning the wrong value - when assigning one array to another it passes by reference not Value. I need a way to force it to pass by values. e.g. copy the existing array and have the second array reference it, so i am free to modify the first array without changing the values of the second.[code]From the example above You see that in Actionscript when assigning one variable to another it does it my reference not value. So when you chage the value of one array it changes the value of the other automatically.I need to have the "test2" variable reference the "test1" array only by value so if modify "test1" the values of "test2" won't be modified.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Variables Inside Movieclips?

Aug 14, 2009

How can i reference variables inside of movieclips

i've tried.. mcname.variablename but it doesnt work...

also how do access a variable in the main timeline from within a movieclip.. i used to do it through _root.variable but that doesnt work anymore..

and lasty... how do i access a variable inside a class from within a movieclip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Naming Conventions For Reference Variables?

Mar 25, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Imported Class Reference And Static Variables

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to make methods available like so:
ActionScript Code:
Instead of
ActionScript Code:
var myVar:MyClass = new MyClass();

I know that to do so I need to declare the functions/variables/constants as static:
ActionScript Code:
package MyPackage {
public class MyClass extends Object {
public static function myFunc():void {
} public function MyClass() {
[Code] .....

When I try to access the static function through the full reference (i.e trace(MyPackage.MyClass.myFunc);), it works, while trace(MyClass.myFunc); returns undefined. This contradicts what I've read in tutorials and posts on the Internet. They all use the short syntax, not the full path.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Reference To A Movieclip Instance That Is In Another Movieclip?

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to make a reference to a movieclip instance that is in another movieclip.

Here's the deal: I have a main timeline for different pages of a website...then within that I make all of the art on each page into a movieclip so I can do animations every time that main timeline frame is called to, yet still keep my main timeline clean.

Within one page's movieclip I have a few buttons that I want to use to go to other pages by referencing them on the main timeline.I have been using this: (home_about is the about us button on my home page, and frame 31 is on the main timeline).

home_about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6(event:MouseEvent) :void

Since this home_about is within another movieclip,I get the access of undefined property error. Do I need to change the code I've pasted above or add in variable definitions to fix this?

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CS3 Play (reference) MovieClip Instance From Within MovieClip

May 20, 2009

I am trying to create an interactive graphic. Basically, it's three squares layered on top of each other, with a large square in back, a medium square centered in the middle of the large square, and a small square in front centered in the middle of the medium square.

When you roll over the medium square, say, it expands to almost the size of the large square and some text fades in, and the small square on top of it fades away. When you roll off of the medium square, it goes back to it's smaller size, and the small square fades back in.

Currently, I have the actionscript in the movieclip to make the medium square get larger and smaller (and the text fade in), but I need to somehow reference the instance of the small square movieclip to hide it when I roll over the medium movieclip.

My actionscript for the medium square activity, currently:

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){


how to have this rolling over action get rid of the small square and then bring it back on roll out.

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Actionscript :: Reference A Dynamic Movieclip From An Outside Movieclip

Feb 21, 2010

I have built a movieclip (parentMC) that houses two movieclips within it (mcA, mcB).

in mcA, i'm dynamically attaching movieclips from the library through a loop.

in mcB i'm trying to reference a particular movieclip from mcA via "_parent.mcA". Doesn't seem to be working. However, when i reference said movieclips from the loop within mcA - or even parentMC, it works fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reference A Dynamic Movieclip From An Outside Movieclip

Feb 21, 2010

i have created a movieclip (parentMC) that houses two movieclips within it (childA and childB)

in childA, i am dynamically creating movieclips via a loop:

var newX = 0;
var pagTotal = 8;
for(i=1; i<pagTotal+1; i++){


...and in childB i'm trying to reference one of these created movieclips via "_parent.childA.pagClip01" so on and so forth.

but they dont seem to be working. when i trace the dynamic clip from within childB i keep getting "undefined" in the output. however, I can reference the movieclip from within childA, and even from parentMC no problem.

i've used _root and _level0 absolute paths and still the same failed result.

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IDE :: AddEventListener Assigned More Than Once?

Feb 4, 2010

If in a situation, the addEventListener is being assigned more than once for same actionwhat will happen then? Suppose on frame 5 there is ample_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK...... ... and when user navigates the application/site it comes on frame 5 again and again. Will the addEventListener be applied more than once on that button? If yes then what will happen on clicking on that button? will the associated function be called more than once now?

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Reference Movieclip Within It?

Jul 26, 2004

If I have movieclip named box01_mc inside movieclip btn01_mc and I wanted to change box01_mc's alpha to 0 on the rollover of btn01_mc how would I write this? I tried writing the following code on btn01_mc but it didn't work[code]...

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Access To Variables By A MovieClip In A MovieClip

Jul 15, 2010

I'm making a fighting game and so far all the controls are good, characters can walk, run attack etc. My problem: The character is a MovieClip, Guy, and is exported to a class Guy. In I have a boolean "hitting" which is set to default "false". If the Guy object hitTests an enemy while "hitting" is true, the enemy will take tamage.

In the Guy MovieClip there are about 7 frames, each with its own animation. 3 of those frames are attacking animations in form of MovieClips, i.e, if we click them we get another set of frames. Say one of the attack MovieClips has 10 frames in it, frame 7 of 10 is where the punch actually lands, this is when I want the enemy to take damage, not before (while the character is still moving his hand forward). Seeing as this frame is inside a MovieClip which is inside another MovieClip(Guy), is there a way to access the property "hitting" with this inner frame?

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Create And Reference Dynamic Variables Created With "for"?

Aug 3, 2009

I am building a Gallery/Case Study application and I am running everything off of XML, and I need to be able to add images/text to the application whenever, without causing any problems. On the sideshow portion of the application, I am putting dynamically generated textfields under the picture viewer, with the number of the current image, highlighted. Similar to the one here:[URL] the first slide haha this was one of the best examples I could find. Anyway I've created the textfields, that display the correct numbers (that is, from "01" until say "07" depending on the .length(); of the XML tag <image>), but that is all they do so far. I am setting the type in the textfields by doing this

_tf.text = "0" + myIndex as String

myIndex is a varibale incrementing as long as var i:Number is less than the length property of the XMLList I'm using to store the image URL's. I am adding the _tf var to the stage using addChild(); and multiplying i by like 20 or something to make the x values different for every _tf. My problem is that if i try to reference the myIndex value when the textfield is clicked, it says the value of myIndex is 7, which is what it was set to when the last iteration of the loop executed. Basically I need to be able to store a value somewhere, that is unique to each textfield so I can load the corresponding image from my XMLList. I've tried messing around with the .name property of MovieClips, but I'm not exactly sure how it works. I use it earlier in the code with my Loader instance, but I don't know how to use it with MovieClips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flag Assigned To One MC

Aug 1, 2010

I have an array packed with 100 movieclips. Say, I randomly move each array element across the stage. Now I decide to stop a specific mc. What I would normally do is remove it from the array it currently is at, so the for loop cannot "see" it. When I work with only one mc, I simply set a boolean flag, e.g. ActionScript Code: var isMoving:Boolean = false;, and make it possible to move only when the flag is true. However, it fails to work right when there's more objects on the stage, because once I set the flag to false, all mc's freeze, not the one that actually was meant to. Finally, here comes my question: is it feasible to assign a flag to a specific element of an array? Each element to have its own flag?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Maintimline From Movieclip?

May 1, 2010

I have a movie clip I am adding to the stage via addChild() within this movieclips timeline I am trying to reference functions and variables on the main timeline.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference A MovieClip Via Variable?

Nov 12, 2011

The scene is a number of movie clips, all already added to the stage (i.e. not dynamically) and when one is clicked, I need to call a property of that clip. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Variable Value As A Reference To A MovieClip?

Oct 14, 2008

How do you use a variable value as a reference to aMovieClip?I'd like to do this:

A2.visible = false;
myVar = A2;
myVar.visible = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic MovieClip Reference?

May 9, 2009

how does one reference a MovieClip instance dynamically in AS 3.0? Example, I create a new instance of a "marker" MovieClip class that inherently has within it a series of embedded MovieClips labeled: "m1", "m2", "m3" etc ... and I want to be able to dynamically reference those embedded MCs.I used to do this all the time in AS 2.0, and can't recall how to do it in AS 3.0.I know it is something like this:

number = 1;
marker = new StaticMarker();
var thisMarker = this.marker.m[number];[code].........

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Flash :: Remove Movieclip Reference?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a movieclip (childMc) that is the child of another movieclip (parentMc) on the stage.My code creates a reference (refMc) to the child movieclip on the stage, and then deletes the previous parent movieclip (parentMc) through a call to function deleteChild. The problem is that the delete is deleting the reference also. How do I break the reference so that the reference (refMc) is kept on the stage? Here is my code:

Stage Code:
var refMc:MovieClip;
var parentMc:MovieClip=this.addChild(new parentSymbol()); // parentSymbol has childMc


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Flash :: Reference An Movieclip With Same Name In An Array?

Mar 6, 2011

I realize this is very basic but i need a quick way of referencing all my objects in an array,I have a series of movieclips with instance names "block1" "block2"... etc.

I there a quick way to reference these in an array something like "block"+1 ?

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AS3 :: Link A Reference To A Movieclip In Another File?

Jul 3, 2011

In my main AS, I am using a MovieClip as a Container despite of the stage. In another AS file, I want to take the Container as a reference as well as addChild (such as bullets etc) to it, but I really don't know how to write the code.

If I only addChild in the current (sub)AS, it's working, but it's just a problem to removeChild.

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