ActionScript 2.0 :: SetVolume - How Come The Output Is 100?

Feb 21, 2004

i have a flash document that contains two wav file in the library with ID name "soundloop1" and "soundloop2". and there is no other stuff except for the following code on the first frame:

_root.mySound1 = new Sound(mc1);
_root.mySound1.start(0, 50);[code]....

how come the output is 100(and it sounds like 100 too...pretty loud ) ?? what did i do wrong?

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Professional :: .setVolume - Fade In And Out The Volume?

Jun 21, 2010

i am sperimenting with new types of sound implementing in my site (normally i used to import the sound in the flash library and use id from there)
i no longer use the sound in the movie itself but i load an external .mp3 file ..
i wanted to make 2 buttons that put the volume of the sound o 0 and 100 and it works for me but i wondered if i can make the same thing but with a fading effect ..
i want the button to bring the volume of the external file to 0 but not istantly .. it should fade out slovly ..
same thing when you put the volume back to 100

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetVolume() WTF - Adjust The First Volume To 50

Oct 11, 2007

heeeelo people ! Big Big Problem ! straight to the point i have created new sounds :


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Feb 19, 2011

The problem that I am having is that stopping sounds using a basic "mySound.stop()" command, or using "setVolume" to fade it out instead - causes clipping. I understand that, technically, it is not "clipping" (this is part of the reason why I can't find any forum threads about this). What is happening really is that the sound card is interpreting going from an average dB level to zero makes a square wave, and thus the popping sound. For example, imagine that each dot is a sample in a WAV, and as you can see the straight vertical line occurs when the sound is stopped:BUT, what I am confused about is that this does NOT ALWAYS happen. I find it hard to believe that I am just getting lucky and hitting the stop button exactly at a moment when the wave is at zero (or really close).

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var nextY = 0;
var nextY2 = 18;
for (var count = 0; count < result_lv.typeCount; count++)


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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;


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Jul 22, 2010

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I would like to have it as
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Jun 9, 2010

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stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,KeyMovement)function KeyMovement(event:KeyboardEvent):void{  var myStr=String.fromCharCode(event.charCode)  output.text="key is Pressed="+myStr}
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public var rows1:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection([
['Google', [{Projectname:"1", Client:0},
{Projectname:"2", Client:1},
{Projectname:"3", Client:2},


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Im working on a site with influences from this tutorial[URL]..It is basically a tutorial how you can make a 3D rotating carousel witch picturens from an external xml-file.

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Sep 10, 2010

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Aug 29, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Output XML From Flash

Sep 9, 2008

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Mar 4, 2009

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IDE :: Remove Some Scripts In Output Box?

Aug 30, 2009

I made a button with an instance name 'go', then i made an input text box i named 'amount' (variable) and in the input text i put the number 33. Then i used the trace command in actions to see if i can make connection between them. And it seems to work fine except that a lot of scripting comes with the number in the output box. I'm using actions 2.0 in flash CS4 pro. I've never tried CS4 before and in the old versions this never came up.

This is my Actions(i like doing all in layers to get more organized):

go.onRelease = function() {


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IDE :: CS5 Output Window Not Scrolling

Jan 30, 2011

I've just installed CS5 on a new laptop using Windows 7. I was running it before on my Windows Vista machine and CS3 on that same machine before that with no problems.However on this install, the 'Output' window isn't scrolling properly. I commonly use a trace on an enterframe event so I can track exactly what is happening to a variable and when changes occur. The Output window scrolls so it is constantly at the bottom and the most recent trace is visible, except when it gets to about 50 it just gives up and stops scrolling. This obviously isn't very useful because I can no longer see what the trace is saying unless I scroll down manually (and then it is instantly outdated considering a new trace is produced each frame).Anyone know why it won't scroll to the most recent output? It always used to on my other installs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Output From 2004MX?

Oct 9, 2004

I have built a little piece of software w/ FMX2004. I have Flash writing all of my desired output to XML. I was wondering is there a way that I can have Flash write this to an XML file and eventually append that file w/o some server side script. I want the software to work on a local computer and not need Internet access. Basically I want it to be able to write to an existing XML doc on the users computer for future use w/ the software.

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