ActionScript 2.0 :: Submit Password To Get Data From .txt?
Aug 7, 2006
I have a text field for product code and a submit button. When a certain code would be submitted, data from an external .txt file will be loaded into a number of other fields.
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edit: What if the flash object returned some javascript and set a variable that way? making it submit the form as well while still catching a variable?
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loadVariables ("", "", "POST");
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site: [URL]
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on (releaseOutside, rollOut){this.gotoAndPlay("s2");}
on (release) {
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on (release) {
name =;[code].....
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Oct 7, 2009
I am working on a game it is almost complete. The problem that i am having is in the codes for the submit button and the checkboxes the pseudo code is:
1. player chooses two choices for each element listed
2. when the submit button is hit the checkboxes are given a number value
3. those values are added together and compared to the value pulled from the database
4. if correct they go to next substance - it should just reload frame 8 (i think)
5. if incorrect it goes to frame 11
the submit button is not working so i can not tell if the checkboxes are working The full files can be seen at [URL]
substance.text = myVars.substance;
sum.text= myVars.sum;
score.text = Score;
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Mar 13, 2010
I know this seems like a stupid question but I am really not able to get this to work.I need an input box with a submit button.I gave the box a var of levelCodeInput and the frame has a code of [code]When I type skiptut into the input box it doesn't go to frame 8.It just stays the same and nothing happens.I tried tracing accepted in the code on the button as well and that didn't make any output.
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May 23, 2010
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Jul 18, 2005
anyone know any good tutorials where the drawing drawn with the drawing API can be submitted to a database.Also a reset button to clear the drawing?
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm building a flash-game-site for a while. The big trouble is Secure Score Submitting System .I search on the net and find some ineffective techniques:
-Secret word method: there is an secret word (crypto pass) on the server and flash gets it from server and uses for crypting score data then sends it to server. But the algoritm that does the crypto job, can be accesible with a swf decompiler. Also getting the secret word from server outside of flash is simple. Not safe!
-HTTP_REFERER method: php (or what else) check HTTP_REFERER data to determine where the post coming from. But with a simply firefox extensions, the referer header can be changed. Not safe!
That is my own idea but can only make cracking harder, not more:
-We can get flash vars with js (:swliveconnect) and send to server. Flash just make a fake submit that makes no effect. Just a trick. But not safe
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Jul 27, 2009
I've got a FLA with the facility of changing colors, adding text, etc...
Does anyone know a method or referance link on how to SUBMIT the online edited graphic data? I'm wondering whether it's possible to get a screenshot on click to be mailed.
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Dec 9, 2010
I am having a problem trying to make a little game. I want to create a password box using input text but i dont know how to put a variable on my input text. It's telling me i can only do it with AS2. What I am trying to do is that if you enter (in the password box) a specifically word like ''Pizza'', your sended to ''Question 1'' using go to and stop. I tryed to create once myself with this tutorial [URL] but I think it's for AS2 cause i cant place a Var on as3. Can someone tell me how to put a Var on my inputtext? My Input text occurence is called ''Pass'' and is already set as ''Password'' (not single line or multi line). how to cade a var myself and i juste dont understand.
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Apr 5, 2009
I have a question which I think should be fairly simple but my AS knowledge is rather poor so i'm wondering if someone could help me out or point me in a direction to find out how to do this...
I'm playing around with a game, (skinned it and slightly modded it) and at the end I want the player to be able to enter his email and hit a "submit" button and have his score emailed to me? Is this simple?
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Dec 18, 2008
i have desgined it so that i have written most of the story but the user can sellect say for example the name for the character by selecting a comobox.
i now need to create a submit button that will store their choices, and it anther use them in another frame. to basically to show the user their finished story.
i will paste my code onto here. note the options for combo-boxes are loaded from a simple xml file.
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Apr 17, 2009
I might as well put it out while I'm writing. I'm having problems linking my Submit button on my form. Here is my code:
stop();var getPHP:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, formClick);
function formClick(event:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(getPHP);}
I put this code on the timeline of the form. Correct me if I'm wrong the submit button just needs to link to your PHP file on your server. I'm getting back a #1009 error Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.I tried referencing the movie file that the button is in ie: form.submit_btn, still get and error.
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Apr 29, 2009
I'm a Flash newbie using the program to develop a multimedia lesson. I want to include some practice questions where students are asked to answer a quesion by typing numerical values in the box. Then when they hit "enter" I want it to take them to a new question if they get the right answer, or a screen that says "try again" if they get it wrong. Here's the script that I used. I attached it to the "enter" button. The variable name is "answer_box"
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