ActionScript 2.0 :: TextField.selectable Not Working?
Jul 11, 2003
This is a really basic question, and I feel like I'm probably overlooking something extremely obvious.I'm working on a text-based application, and it's important that users aren't able to muck about with certain portions of it. OK, I thought, I'll just set textField.selectable=false right after I've created the text field.
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I have 2 clips sitting on each other which can be tabbed between via swapDepths(). The initial 'underneath' clip has one large textfield/box of type 'input'. For some reason when you mouse over the upper clip in runtime (which has NO textfield) the cursor is coming up. Like as if it is selecting the textfield in the underneath clip. This shouldnt happen!!!!. Ideally users should only be able to select and enter data into the input field when that Mc has been tabbed and is at the top.
I did try making a function to turn the 'selectability' off when the input clip is at the bottom, but this of course doesnt work on textfields of type input
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package {
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this.createTextField("myText", 1, 100, 100, 300, 100);
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myText.wordWrap = true;
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[Code] .....
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p {
font-size: 24;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-style: italic;
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Script code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;
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Script code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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this.createTextField("news_txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 10, 320, 240);news_txt.border = true;news_txt.wordWrap = true;news_txt.multiline = true;news_txt.text = "To see the custom context menu item, right click (PC) or ";news_txt.text += "control [code]....
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txtField.htmlText = xmlElement.node.node.text();
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<node>For more information, <a href=''>Click
Here</a> to see the information.When I run the flash move, it displays:For more informationto see the information.If i remove the <a> tags, it displays fine.
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I have a bunch of prototype methods that I use to speed development up, and most of them are attached to DisplayObject or InterActiveObject. Here's an example of one such prototype:
DisplayObject.prototype.$click = function(clicked:Function, released:Function = null):void{
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ActionScript Code:
cssStyle = function(my_txt){
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Apr 21, 2011
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ActionScript Code:
package GameObjects
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Aug 3, 2009
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Select all
var thumbContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var sl = new slNum_mc; //This is being referenced as a class from the library.
sl.slideNumber.text = "abc"; //slideNumber is a dynamic textfield in the movie clip class sl, the initial
sl.slideNumber.y = 90; // text "abc" does apply at runtime
searchSlideArray.push(thumbContainer); //Adds it to an array I already set up
This much does work. But when I try to trace it like this:
Code: Select alltrace(searchSlideArray[0].sl.slideNumber.text);
I get an error. How can I correctly reference the text in a text field that is housed in a movie clip class?
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Oct 18, 2009
I've made a simple package that creates a custom textfield and a circle sprite. pressing the circle sprite is supposed to update the textfield text with some sent string. The string is being sent by using a custom event. The problem is, for some reason the script never reaches the function that handles the custom event....why isn't the updateText event firing??
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Jan 20, 2011
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contentBox.container_mc.contentTxt_mc.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
Unfortunately I'm getting error:1120 but I've checked and rechecked every instance name so this error doesn't make much sense...
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Aug 20, 2009
We have a little app in use with a customer where html links are generated dynamically at run time. The link text and url are put together from a couple of txt files that the customer regularly goes in and edits. These links have recently stopped working.
Of course, you would think the immediate culprit is the customer who has made a mistake in the txt files. But the the same vars from the same files are used to generate a couple of buttons on the page that DO work. And everything works when I export it from flash. It stops working as soon as it gets to a web server.
Here is the output from the functions that piece together the input data:
And here is the link to the app: [URL]
Choose a category in any of the lists and then any of the subheaders that appear. Most have a link in them. It's in Swedish but I know you lot are smart enough to navigate a flash app without understanding what you're clicking on
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Aug 11, 2010
Is there a way to have Dynamic Text non-selectable and not have a white background? Such as a transparent background?I'm looking to dynamically change text over a coloured background.
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Jun 18, 2010
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Sep 23, 2010
I found if I make the text selectable, the SWF ignores format such as bullet points indention, spacing between paragraphs. How can I keep both?
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Jun 14, 2004
My program is enable user to choose movie with click on any radio button. Then the movie will store in the array. then the contain in the array will be loaded. Now i would like save the choice of user in a array and after that the program will trace the arrayand load the swf files that choose by user.User can choose as many choice as they want.
My problem is
1. when click, how the swf files save in array
2. there are the "next" button to let user click and proceed to view their next choice.The "nexScene" and "nextFrame' is not i want.I m seeking any opinion.
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Mar 19, 2006
Ive figured out how to make an object selectable with this [code]...
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Feb 16, 2007
why are the dynamic textfields selectable? The textfield is inside a movieclip. Once the clips are attached, why can they not act like buttons?
ActionScript Code:
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
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Jan 9, 2008
I searched and searched.Anyway, I have a swf sitting in a layer above html text. It's set to wmode transparent, and looks fine. it stays small until rolled over, then the buttons slid out as expected. However, when the swf buttons are still hiding, the html text in the area that the swf buttons will eventually occupy is not selectable when directly clicked.
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Nov 11, 2009
I'm working on a project where I add a text field as a child to a sprite on the stage.
Even though I make it selectable and it's text field type "TextFieldType.INPUT", I still can't select it.
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