ActionScript 2.0 :: Transparent Flash Over Html?

Aug 4, 2002

i am working on this project wherein the main frame has html content. Now is it possible to add a flash animation, let's say, an arrow that runs around and over the html the same way a higher level swf would do over an swf? is this possible on flash or is it strictly enforced through javasripting?

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Html :: Embed Flash Transparent FLV?

Dec 1, 2009

I am trying to embed a flash movie (.flv) into a webpage with a transparent background.


- Flv runs in transparent mode - I must be able to view html contents below.

- Movie does not auto play

- Movie is contained in a div and positionend absolutely using CSS

- No video controls or overlays, you shouldn't know it's an flv

- On load Movie is hidden

- Using jQuery, I click an image link to show and play the video, clicking it again stops and hides the video - vice versa

I have tried using Longtail Video Player with swfobject.js and javascript controls but no joy. Video is not transparent and controls with a click to play still feature.

Am I overcomplicating what appears to be quite a simple task.

I happy to explore any implementation.

Adobe flash embed parameters have been set correctly and wmode = transparent.

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Html :: Flash Movie Transparent?

Nov 27, 2011

I've added a flash movie to my website, and set it's background to transparent, with wmode=transparent. This works flawlessly on Firefox, but on chrome, the background is just black. the website is http:[url].....

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Flash :: Html - Not Transparent In Chrome Or Firefox

Oct 16, 2011

I'm using Flash 10.3 in Firefox 7 and Chrome 14. I have some HTML and Flash content where the Flash, containing complex vector drawings with a transparent background, is layered overtop of the HTML. I use Flashes wmode=transparent setting to allow the HTML content underneath to be seen through Flash.


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Flash 10 :: Transparent Swf Over Entire Html Page?

Oct 2, 2010

I wanted to know if it was possible to have a transparent swf sit over the whole of a html page? Basically I want to have a standard html page and create say an insect crawling over it, is this possible? I know about swfObject but I can't seem to figure out how to make the swf full screen AND to still see the html?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set My Flash Banner To Be Transparent Without Html Codes?

Jul 13, 2010

The thing is that once uploaded in DART, my ad is not transparent so we always see the white screen where the ad expands.I know this problem is normally solved with wmode=transparent but the thing is that the person can't have an html code to put the wmode code.I wonder how I can set my flash banner to be transparent without html codes..Using Flash CS4 with ACS2! Here's the fla file : http:[url]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transparent Flash Movie Getting Over HTML Links

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to get my flash movie to pop out of the box, so I have an opaque background of 500 x 400, but the stage size (the total overall size) is 1000 x 800. Then I use a DIV tag to place the flash movie over the rest of my page, making it seem like the flash movie is only 500 x 400 but some items can pop out to anywhere inside the 1000 x 800. Up to here it works fine, but the problem is you can't click the HTML links that are beneath the transparent part of the flash movie. Is there a way to make the links clickable?

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Html :: Get An Element To Cover A Flash Video (tried Wmode=transparent)?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a Youtube video on my homepage, and now I need a modal to display on certain events.For some reason, even when adding <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> to the Flash object, it still covers the HTML elements (with higher z-index too).I've got it on JSfiddle.I figured maybe an iframe could solve this, but that would require me to make a new page just to put the video on.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place A Transparent Flash Movie In A DIV Over A HTML Page?

Mar 15, 2007

I've just started working on a Flash-based annotation tool. How it works is I place a transparent flash movie in a DIV over a HTML page and draw on it.Now the drawing part turned out to be fairly simple and I found numerous examples to get me free-form drawing. Its the erasing that's driving me nuts. All the examples out there I looked at either cleared the entire canvas, or let me click on specific drawings to take them off the canvas. I need an MS-Paint style eraser that just rubs things in its path.I could draw in white to simulate erasing, but that wont work. I have a transparent flash movie and the background HTML needs to show through.Here's the script for the drawing bit I picked up from Adobe, and on which I'm trying to build the eraser.

function init() {[code]....

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Make Html Code Into Transparent?

Sep 11, 2009

i'm trying to make this html code into Transparent?


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Html Text Under A Wmode:transparent Swf Not Selectable?

Jan 9, 2008

I searched and searched.Anyway, I have a swf sitting in a layer above html text. It's set to wmode transparent, and looks fine. it stays small until rolled over, then the buttons slid out as expected. However, when the swf buttons are still hiding, the html text in the area that the swf buttons will eventually occupy is not selectable when directly clicked.

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Html :: Display A Transparent Mov File On A Webpage

Aug 17, 2011

I bought this flying birds MOV file from istockphotos and now I'm stuck trying to implement it into my webpage, I want it to run like a flash file, every few seconds but I can't seem to be able to import it into Adobe Flash, I tried using the code below but it does not allow me to do much and is not transparent:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Create Transparent Html Window With It?

Jan 18, 2009

I have published my html with ' transparent windowless ' but it doesnt work...I pressume I need some code to make it work?

I have created a MP3 player and I want the html to be transparent.

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Html :: Wmode=transparent Lightens The Gray Color In Swf?

Dec 12, 2011

I am using lightbox++ to load images outside of flash in order to make that work I have to set wmode=transparent in the object properties But doing this lightens the gray color used in the swf.. Without adding wmode=transparent Screenshot with wmode=transparent


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Html :: Click Doesn't Fire When WMODE=TRANSPARENT In SWFUpload Button

Jan 1, 2010

I have a Flash-based SWFUpload upload button in a HTML page. I am trying to style that button. SWFUpload provides a Javascript setup interface to the Flash button's settings. I don't have Flash myself, so I have to work with the pre-compiled SWF file.


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Html :: Css - Enable Content On Top Of Flash Content Without Using The "transparent"

Jan 24, 2010

I'm developing a Flash application which is communicating with Javascript to allow more features such as custom html input etc., by placing an absolute positioned div on top of the flash application and controlling it's position etc. with Flash & Javascript.

Because these html elements have to appear above the flash content, I figured the following basic css would be enough to do the trick:

#flashContent {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;


So, the htmlContent has a higher z-index than the flash content and thus it should be shown above it. Unfortunately, this only seems to work when you set the Flash object's "wmode" parameter to "transparent".

The problem with this setting is that it's seriousely decreasing the application's framerate to an unacceptable amount.

For static content this does not seem to be a problem, however for my application there's all kinds of elements that you can drag around which have to be moved real-time (while moving the mouse).

So, how do I enable html content on top of flash content without using the "transparent" wmode parameter or how do I optimize framerate when using the "transparent" wmode parameter?

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Html :: Wmode="transparent" Attribute Required In Both The <object Tag As Well As The <embed Tag?

Apr 3, 2012

To get flash to sit behind html elements on a page I read that I have to add this inside the object tag:

<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>

And this to the embed tag:


Is it necessary to add both? Because in FF I got it to work with just the second, just wondering if that may cause issues in other browsers and devices.

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Professional :: Transparent Background Is Not Working With Vmode Transparent?

Oct 17, 2010

I imported a video into flash and have a transparent photoshop layer to create an iPod skin. The video works fine, but I cannot get the "stage" to be transparent so that you do not see the flash background color behind the iPod skin.
I've read in the forums and have followed the instructions here from Adobe. If you look at my code, I have


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Actionscript 3 :: Draw Transparent Graphics Onto Transparent BitmapData?

Feb 5, 2012

I'm trying to draw PNGs onto BitmapData that is transparent.

I create my BitmapData like this (using ARGB for the color):

new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0x00000000);

And clean it by using the same ARGB value:

bitmapData.fillRect(bitmapData.rect, 0x00000000);

When I use copyPixels() to draw graphics onto the cleaned BitmapData, I get this result:

If I don't use ARGB for the BitmapData color, it works fine:

But I have to specify a solid fillColor, meaning I can't render what's behind the Bitmap.

How can I make my BitmapData transparent, but not have the above occur?

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Html :: How Does Wmode="transparent" Works

Oct 31, 2011

I have an activex object (developed in delphi 6) and floating div message. When I dragging floating div over activex object its blinking. I'd like to add wmode param to my activex object like in flash objects to overcome this blinking, how does this feature works exactly ? By the way I developing activex in Delphi 6 and already tried to use DoubleBuffered and VCLFixPack and there were a little improvement but it didnt fixed the problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Transparent Pixels From Transparent Png?

Feb 27, 2010

I am creating a map in flash cs4 with all the countries on it. I used photoshop for creating the map and separated countries. Now I imported all pngs in Flash and I want to give Mouse CLICK event and Mouse Hover on all pngs, but as the transparent pixels are overlapping the other states, it is getting difficult. So, I converted all pngs in movieclips and now then I broke up pngs. Now I want to delete all pixels having alpha 0 using eraser tool, as per the borders. And I have to do it manually for individual countries. So is there a way to remove transparent pixels from the bitmap data?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transparent Png Not Acting Very Transparent?

Oct 6, 2009

I have two png's that kind of look like paint brush strokes. they have some transparency in them that lets the stage colour bleed through a bit.

I am adding two of these images to the stage in AS 3. One adds quite fine - looks as expected. The second one however doesn't have any transparency other than around its edges. What i mean is it looks more like GIF than a PNG. Rough around the edges, no transparency "inside" the image itself (where there should be)

i have tried re-creating the image (yes it IS a PNG) which did nothing. I ensured the library item is not being treated as a JPEG. I also even tried externally calling the PNG to see if that made a difference. Unfortunately it did not.

why this second PNG doesn't seem to have a transparency set?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Over Html, Hide Flash Access Html After Flash Movie Ends?

Dec 4, 2007

We've got a green screened video playing in a flash movie over top of our html content.when the movie ends, flash uses external interface .api to call a javascript function which swaps the flash movie out with a 5 x 5 pixel flash movie (rewrites the <div>).this works and you can interact with the html content after the flash movie in all browsers except firefox.anyone know of any work-arounds or is there a better way of handling flash over html in this fashion?

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Professional :: Transparent Gif From Flash?

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to export these gifs with transparency and I am still getting the background with transparency selected in publish settings. Does anyone know a way to remove the background and just have a transparent gif?

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Transparent Flash Firefox Fix

Jul 27, 2008

This is how you fix the flash wmode="transparent" problem in firefox.[code]basically you have to include that 2nd wmode="transparent" in the embed line.

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Flash :: Set A Certain Color To Be Transparent?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm using copyPixels to copy a parts of a larger Bitmap to smaller Bitmaps to use for individual MovieClips. However, around there is still some extra space white space and corners around the Bitmaps' edges left over. How do I set the color white in the Bitmap to be transparent so I won't see these unsightly edges?

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IDE :: Creating A Flash Map With Transparent Png's

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to create a rollover flash map of England. In the past I have simply got a map image, traced over each section and saved as a button with a rollover effect, job done.

However this time I have the various counties within England as individual png's with transaprent backgrounds. I have converted each of them into rollover buttons and every single button has its own layer on the timeline, but the problem arises as the mouse detects the square box around each png image, ignoring the transparency.

I want the 'hit area' for each button to just be non-transparent part of the png.

I have seen 'InteractivePNG': [URL] but am not great at actionscript and can't get it to work.

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Carousel & Transparent Video - Add A Transparent Video In The Center

Oct 30, 2007

there are few comments i hear from other people. some say the axis of the carousel crooked and the icons are pixelated when they are scaled down. i m trying to add a transparent video of myself in the center but when i mask the carousel the embeded swf files also get the mask so i was wondering if there was a way to make the icons have alpha 0 when they are back all the way.. here s the link for the regular website [URL] and below is my actionscript


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Flash File With Transparent Background

Jul 26, 2009

Is it possible to make flash file with transparent background. I want to make animated buttons on transparent background, so you can see background image in wordpress under the buttons.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS3 Transparent Background

Sep 11, 2008

I have been trying for weeks on this project but I know it can be done. I shot a subject in front of a green screen and he wants a Flash movie of just him (the subject) and no background. I told him it could be done. I shot a 1 mintue video using the old DV rack to make the green screen fairly good. I imported the avi clip to Premiere Pro 2 and used the chromakey ( Color key on some tries) to remove the green screen whereas the background was black. I saved it and exported it as a quicktime movie, animation compressor codec, millions of colors square pix. Then I used Flash CS3 and imported the video to the library by On2 VP6 codec with the alpha channel selected. I created two layers, layer 1 a jpeg image. I highlighted layer 2, dragged the FLV playback to the stage and made sure layer 2 was about layer 1. I saved and tested it but the background is still there. I have tried several ways; saved a flash file from Premiere Pro2 and imported it with CS3 Flash encoder following the same steps. I even loaded and older version of PPro 1.0 and followed a tutorial exactly. The FLV plays well but I can't see the image from layer 1 because the background is black and not transparent. All I want is a transparent background where the subject is there without a background. I have Ultra 2, Visual Communicator, I can make a background of anything but I can't seem to make a background transparent!

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