ActionScript 2.0 :: Uploading Images To A User Submitted Gallery?
Jul 10, 2009
I am a designer with some knowledge of actionscript 2.0, but have never tried to do anything like this. Does anyone know of a good resource to see how this is done, or maybe have Fla to look at?
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protected function empIdCheckResult_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
IdCheck.text = empIdCheckResult.lastResult;
} btnSubmitClick() {
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//Some Function
} else {
// Some function
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import flash.display.Loader;
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I have been working on a flash website and finished it yesterday, and among other pages, i have a gallery section. The gallery works perfectly on my local PC, but when i try to upload the website to ftp so I can put it online, the gallery shows completely wrong, in fact only one picture is visible. The AS code for the gallery is written in one movie clip with the instance name gall, and this movie clip is located in the actual page of the gallery, the one with the animation.I don't know if that's relevant, but i thought i should mention.I have attached a pic of what the right gallery looks like on my PC
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As for Adobe is concern, We can upload the files up to 10MB But for my application i am facing problem while uploading the image or video more the 2MB size.I don't have any restriction in my coding part both AS and PHP.
ActionScript Code:
uploadMsg.visible = false;
var URLrequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost/udip/File_Upload/uploader_script.php");
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Jul 22, 2010
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var progressBar:MovieClip;
var reference:FileReference = new FileReference();
var referenceListener:Object = {};
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This is the AS code:
import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
save_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, guardarImg);
function guardarImg(e:MouseEvent):void
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Dec 8, 2011
Ive been trying to create this code for some time now and just wondered if someone out there who may read code better than me may work out why the image doesnt end up on my server as i seem to have brain freeze on this :(
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectHandler);
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
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Oct 14, 2005
I'm in trouble, because i need to build a site for a customer who needs an uploading file system, but i can't handle it. He wants to have the possibility to upload images and text that will be visible in another page of the site. These are the offers of his shop, that will be shown as a list in another mc. This console should be invisible for visitors (i'll use a password system to prevent accesses).
I know there are many examples and tutorials for this ("flash upload file" in google), but im a newbee in programming and i really can't figure out how to solve this problem. It could be even a php system. I don't care about graphics cause it would be invisible for visitors. What i care is that those images and text are reported in that "offer list" mc. Finally, is possible to have an auto resize (pixels and kbs) of the images?
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Jan 22, 2009
I have a flash file sitting inside of a web page in our company domain. There is another server (used to store images) that is part of the domain but is not running any web services (for security reasons). A folder on the images server is however shared in such a way that any site on the web server can display images from the images server as long as the user is plugged into the domain. For example, both I and my boss can pull up a web site on the web server and see all the information, but only he can see the images
because I have Vista Basic and no domain support. This is done via "<img src='\serverNamedirectory.'/>"
That's ok, but on this particular instance I don't want to display the image on the webpage, I want it in a SWF on the page. However the SWF can't seem to load the images even though the page it's sitting in could. I've tried tons of variations of URLRequests and Loaders, most resulting in security errors. Since most of the online discussions about these errors revolve around cross-domain access, I can't seem to find any tech support for our specific situation.
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Feb 3, 2009
My users upload a certain kind of text file that sometimeshas references to images stored locally on their hard drive. I needto check this file either on the server or within a flash app tosee if it has these references and then grab those images in aflash app to upload to my server.So I can use FileReference easily enough to have users uploadlocal images. But FileReference requires users to select their files with a dialog box. I can't have that. Myusers wouldn't know where to look and there are typically way toomany files, sometimes with the same name but in differentdirectories.
I can also just use URLLoader with a local URL, I guess I canprobably just use Loader too? That works great. The problem here isI can't communicate with both the server and the local filesystemin the same flash application due to Flash's security sandboxrestrictions. So I can get out of those security restrictions byplacing or editing a trust file in designated locations on variousOSes. I then need to install this trust file which is more invasiveand confusing to users then I want to be...Java's method of accessing local files from a web applet bysimply signing the applet with a certificate and having a dialogbox popup where the users grants access is ideal. Is there anything
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Dec 22, 2005
i couldn't find a tutorial on this matter so i sorta started making my own hypothesis... what i'm trying to do is: have a gallery of images automatically scrolling horizontally while having the set of images loop. like at[URL]..
here are a couple of my theories and questions for AS commands to have this work:
1) display a range of pixels of an image at certain positions, i.e. if gallery is scrolling to the left, leftmost image when its parts are disappearing out of the viewing area, they become visible at the right.
2) have two instances of each image and when an image is disappearing on left, the second instance of that image comes visible on the right. this I imagine would take up more HD space.
i guess what i was wondering more about is how jager did their gallery where there's only enough images are in a set to be viewed in the viewing area.
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Mar 1, 2010
Actionscript:"http://" + _root.tdomain + "/");
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Feb 21, 2010
I'm trying to upload images with Uploadify but I run into IO error. I have gotdemo and it works on my computer, so I decided to implement functionality of my application to this example step by step to catch the error and discovered that the reason of IO error is my local proxy.pac (I use FF):
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(host, "*.app.local*")) {
return "PROXY";
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Feb 8, 2010
I'm looking for a way to upload images that were created in my flex app to rails. I've tried to use paperclip, but it don't seem to work. I've got this tutorial here: [URL] The problem is, that they are using a FileReference to browse for files on the clients computer. They call the .upload(...) function and send the data to the upload controller. But I'm using a URLLoader to upload a image, that is modified in my Flex-App. First, here is the code from the tutorial:
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Apr 23, 2009
Url...He wants something similar but his site will be 100% flash and so this will have to be done form a flash form.I'm having problems even getting this running from an HTML form. I've done my best here:URL...but since I don't know the original output settings of these flv files I'm trying to load over the submitted page, the versions are messed up and when I run the form, I keep getting prompted to download flash player.Do I need to embed these flv fiels of presenters I have and plonk them into a swf file and then load that swf file from the form, rather than link directly to the flv?I'm tearing my hair out over this - I thought I'd be able to work it out easily from the numerous pages out there that offer the same service but there don't seem to be any resources online that point me at creating a form to load flash content over a submitted URL.
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