ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Active State Buttons
Feb 12, 2009
when a user rolls over a button, the button plays the "open" frame inside the button. When the user rolls off the button, the button plays the "close" frame of the button. When a user presses the button, the button goes to the "dock" frame of the button. Here's the problem : when a user clicks a button, all the other buttons go to their "close" frame when only the button that's previously open when the user clicks a differen button should go to the "close" frame.
More emphatically, a function is needed to check to see if any buttons are in the open state (not a frame 1) when a user clicks a buttons. The way the code is now, when a user clicks a button, all the other buttons go to their "close" frame when only the button that was open should go to their "close" frame. Thus, if any button is not open when a user clicks any button, then, that button shouldn't do anything.
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Apr 6, 2010
I tried doing a search here and online. Most of what I found was buttons controlled via XML.I'm trying to make an "active state" button.I have 3 buttons. When a user clicks on the button it stays an active color. When the user selects another button the active color goes back and the current button stays on the color.Does that make sense?here's the code I have so far:
Code: Select allbutton1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, redover1);
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, redout1);
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, redclick1);
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Jan 11, 2007
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Feb 11, 2010
Here is the code on my buttons, which work fine.[code]....
How do I setup these buttons so that when button1 is clicked, and the button1 page is loaded, that the button stays in 'Over' state?
And just to elaborate, when button2 is clicked and loaded, I want button2 to be in 'Over' state while button1 goes back to normal.
So basically, how do I highlight the active menu item with my 'Over' state?
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Jan 18, 2010
Ive got a simple menu that upon hover of each item, plays a movie clip, then on mouse_out it plays the movie clip in reverse. What I'm trying to do is to have a third state (active) that is shown upon clicking. I'm thinking I need to do something along the lines of:
-When clicked, gotoAndStop(5) //Five being the location of my active frame
-Also remove the event listener that triggers the function to play the movie in reverse.
-Then when another menu item is clicked, re-add the event listener to the previous menu item so it's not stuck 'active'
My code is as follows:
// Imports
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
[Code] .....
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Jan 4, 2008
I've found two good techniques for implementing menus with an active state, these are not mine. One is very simple but elegant. The other is more script. But who says more script is always better? Could I get some opinions on which you prefer and why? Do you have a better technique perhaps?[URL]..
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Feb 9, 2009
I've been attaining help with buttons and movieclips here, and I got awesome code from cbeech.The buttons code I'm trying to write will keep a button in the active state when pressed, and if any other buttons are in the active state, they will close up...Im posting alink to a flash file of the effect i want in actionscript 2.0 . However, I need the effect/code in actionscript 3.0. and I need it to be modular where I can easily add or remove buttons to my heart is content.
Put more clearly, when a user rolls over a button, I want the button to play the "open" frame in the button/movieclip. When the users rolls off the button, the button/movieclip goes the "close" frame in that button/movieclip. If the user presses the button, the button/movieclip plays the "open" frame and will stop at the stop (action) to stay in the active state, and if there are any other buttons open, they should go their respective "close" frame and play from there. Here's my starting code. please bear with me; Im just migrating from 2.0:
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Jan 14, 2011
I am new to actionscript 3. I have created buttons with up/over/down states. The button changes colour during the over/down frames.How do I keep the over or down state active until the user clicks another button?
Right now when the user puts the mouse over the buttons, they change colour, but it goes back to the original colour once they click off. I would like it to remain on the changed colour so that the user remembers which button s/he's pressed until the another one is clicked.I came up with the following code in actionscript 3 and got it to partially work:
ActionScript Code:
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, startTransparent)
function startTransparent (e:MouseEvent):void{
btn1.alpha = .6;
So when it's in the down state, I get the transparent state and stays there. But how do I get it back to normal when the user clicks on another button?
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Aug 22, 2008
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Mar 26, 2009
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Dec 11, 2005
I've used the tutorial for the XML Driven Drop Down Menu to create the main navigation for a site i'm doing, it's all working fine except I want to keep the 'current' area highlighted after it's clicked on. The rollOver events are defined in the AS but when I tried adding a function to change the colour of the item it either had no effect or broke the nav eHere is the code (from Sen's tutorial modified with new actions):
// generates a list of menu items (effectively one menu)
// given the inputted parameters. This makes the main menu
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Aug 22, 2010
I decided to post this question as a new thread since my enquiry is altered.
I got this sliding menu attached ("") that works according to plan. My problem is that I want the buttons to stay active(red) while the corresponding image is in place. Is this doable with a button?
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Dec 17, 2004
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Jul 25, 2009
I have buttons inside/on window01/mc that are still active/clickable when the opacity is 0, I basically have a area on my website that if you click it opens the window corresponding to the button. how do I stop this? I only want the buttons to work when window01 is opacity 100. I'm not a pro at AS so please if you reply, walk me through it a bit or edit my code. [URL] just click in the blank black area below the nav bar and the window will appear. The normal way to get to this window is click products than the buttons.
Code: Select allimport gs.TweenLite;
function f2(e:Event){
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Feb 6, 2006
I have buttons in my container that fade out at one point of my website. But they stay active as obviously the movie that is playing at that point is loaded into the same container. How do I stop the buttons from being active?
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May 14, 2009
I have a timeline with several buttons on it - some if these are created at runtime, and some by putting buttons on the page on frame 1 I then have an emptyMC into which I import a swf that COVERS the whole stage. This all works fine - you can't see anything of the underlying material. However, as you "mouse around" it seems that the buttons that are covered are still active - pointer becomes a hand etc. I can disable the buttons using enabled=false. This is quite invloved, and I would have thought that these buttons wouldn't be active - surely they are covered! How is the possible, and is there a neater way to stop these buttons being active.
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm currently working on an AS3 scripted drop down menu and for the most part it works exactly like I had envisioned with one small hiccup. The issue I have is if you accidentally navigate away from a button that creates one of my drop downs before the script has finished running the other drop down buttons will drop down but not be active until you go back to the original button and finish the script. What I believe will fix the problem is to disable the other main menu buttons until the script has finished. I could just disable at the beginning of the script and enable at the end but there are 5 flyouts and 9 buttons on the main menu. This would add up to a ton of extra code. So how could I create a block of code that disables the buttons and another block that will enable them at the end of the script but be able to call them in each script?
And here is my site that I'm currently working on. [URL]
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Aug 21, 2010
If you have a look at the attached sliding menu there are four buttons. Each button brings an image in place. I want the button that�s been clicked to remain red until I hit a different button, even when the cursor is not right in front.
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Feb 19, 2003
When I load a movie, the buttons that are beneath (on my main movie) are still active... Is there a way that these buttons can't be active.
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Jan 31, 2006
when I load a movie in a container in the main swf, the buttons below the loaded movie stay interactive and conflict with the loaded movie. is there a way to get around this,deactivating or pausing the main movie so when you load a movie in the container, the main movie doesnt interfere with the loaded one?
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Feb 27, 2009
Below is the code I have for my buttons.I have 3 different swfs loading in once each corresponding button is selected (CLICK). I also have rollover and rollout or idle states. Now the dilemma: Once a button (mc) is selected (CLICK) I need it to remain in its rollover state. Once another button is selected I need the previously highlighted button to switch to idle state and the new button to be highlighted... Sounds like the most basic, simple, AS3 101 question, but alas I am hitting a wall. Based on my provided code what is the best option for this, an array with an active state on the timeline, a toggle with Boolean ect, ect...?
var Hotspots:Loader = new Loader();
moreInfo_btn.alpha = .5;
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Jan 6, 2011
i have movie clip buttons on main timeline, i want that the buttons should be active (as they are on mouseOver) when click on them, and become back to normal when other button is clicked....
button AS2 is:
on (rollOver)
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Mar 23, 2009
im having trouble making the buttons within my drop down menu active.basically, on the main timeline, i have a movieclip, and within it have a button that once u roll over it, will go to another instance in that timeline to display a drop down menu located below it (with buttons). these buttons do not perform any actions to the main timeline regardless where i place the actionscript or how i point to those buttons.
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Aug 21, 2010
If you have a look at the attached sliding menu there are four buttons. Each button brings an image in place. I want the button that�s been clicked to remain red until I hit a different button, even when the cursor is not right in front.
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Dec 31, 2009
I've got an infographic I'm working on, and every time I roll over an image (a ring) the alpha goes up to 100, then I roll out and it goes back to 50. That much I'm good with.
Then, I click on each one of them, and a movie clip (built inside of each ring/button) pops up and plays. Fair enough.
I've got a script (ugly, but it works!) that will hide all other buttons while this movie clip is playing. But, when I click to close it, I can't figure out a way to make them reappear. I tried putting visible = true again for all of them, but no dice.
The actionscript for it is right below.
I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to make it modal in AS3 or something like that. Or should I go ahead and set it up in a parent/child kind of way (not too well-versed in that regard.
All the buttons to click on are in the same layer and I'm not sure if making them different layers in Flash would make any difference.
ring1926.movie1926.visible = false;
// add a rollover to make the inside movieclip appear
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Oct 7, 2010
I have 8 movie clips. They are set up to disappear when clicked.on (release) {this._visible = false;}The problem I am facing is that I want the movie clips to be clicked in a certain order, so mc1 has to be clicked (and disappear) before mc2 can be active and click-able. That way the user has to click on them in order for them to disappear.
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