ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Swf File From Within A Different Project?
Jul 29, 2009
I am brand new to flash and action script so am just learning the basics.My question is how do I call a swf file from one screen by clicking on a menu in a different project?
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I'll show you all how its organized:
Right side: a List of Products.. Each click it loads his respective title, image and description on the left side of stage.
My doubt is: How to control these items. How do I control the array?
When I click Item 1 it goes to item 1 image, title and description on the left side. When I click in Item 2 it removes the last item, put the new Item 2 image, title, description, etc.
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var meuXML:XML; // vai guardar todo o contedo do XML;
var imageLoader:Loader; // ImageLoader;
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("tv.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, carregouXML);
[Code] .....
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var colorTransform:ColorTransform=clip.transform.colorTransform;
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Feb 14, 2010
what i am trying to do is by pressing zero_btn which is an object in the library to print a number in the dynamic text box ( result_txt ) which is also an existing object in the library and on stage. my knowledge in actionscript is not much and messing with .as files is totally new to me! then thing is that this code when i locate into to .fla file works fine. there is no error with the code i posted, but am sure something is missing ... like calling the constructor of the .as file.In the library the name of it is Zero_btn and the instance name of this object is zero_btn and it is a button.[code]
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Jul 9, 2009
I'm trying to drop in a quick mp3 player into a site that creates a playlist from an XML (to the folks at ClickPopMedia for the basics of the code). It works fine in the Flash testing environment, but when I put it online, or even on my local testing server, the playlist doesn't load ,just an empty space where the List component should be. I get this error in the debugger in the Flash environment even thought it works (C:htdocs is my localhost):Quote:Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.URL:file:///music.xmlat Mp3Main()[C:htdocsTrafficEntertainmentTE_sitephpsitemus]I'm assuming it's some sort of pathname or URLRequest issue but Every file involved is in the same folder for now. Do I need to do something different because it streams?The AS (only a portion):
ActionScript Code:
package {
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Dec 17, 2010
I'm calling a function:
public function playCover(){
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Apr 4, 2011
Im trying to call the resetLI function from
ActionScript Code:
public function resetLI():void {
itemList = new Array();
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Apr 13, 2009
I am struggling with what seems to be a simple problem. Searched and can't find the answer, it seems. I have an FLA I said I'd edit for a friend... just a few simple text edits. However, when I go to publish the movie, it makes a call to an external "State Manager" that it can't find, so the movie loops endlessly. Here is the actionscript: Code: Select allimport com.exanimo.managers.StateManager;
So I'm guessing it's looking find that at that domain. I guess that's the doing of the original programmer. However, I have noticed that there is a StateManager.js file on the webserver in the same directory where the SWF resides. Have I received an old FLA that pointed externally instead of to the local js manager? How can I change the syntax so that it finds the state manager locally?
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Feb 2, 2010
Is there a way to fire up a call to a php file on my website everytime the .swf file is loaded?
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Aug 29, 2011
I am trying to attach URL's to a button in my Flash movie for a photo gallery. Photo, description and URL's will be generated from a XML file. The action script is as follows:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
var xml:XML;
I get no errors when testing the movie, except when clicking on the button (that should be going to the URL from the XML file), I get the following error in the Output window:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null.
at global/
at Function/<anonymous>()
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Aug 4, 2010
I've got a project that has an FLV with cue points controlling when graphics appear in the swf file. The graphics are being loaded into empty movie clips via AS on the stage (everything is being loaded and unloaded into the first frame of the main stage). What the client wants is a pause button that will pause/play both the FLV and graphics being loaded in the swf.
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May 17, 2010
How to embed a YouTube video file in particular place of my Flash project, should I do this in action panel or in final html file. Here is exactly what I'd like to do: On this website [URL] under 'Film' panel I have some movie samples, and after clicking buttons on right side I'd like to play embedded YouTube clips instead of flv.samples uploaded to my ftp. as it takes too long for customers to download them.
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