ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot View Anything When Inserted On FlashScript File?
Oct 21, 2009
Whenever I use the pen tool, or brush tool, or anything for that matter, I can not view it on Flash Stage. I've noticed that if I set the file to ActionScript 2.0 I can though. This would be fine, except that I need ActionScript 3.0.. I'm a student, and I have a project I need to start...calling Adobe support did not help at all.
P.S. (if this makes a difference) Whenever I test the movie, I can see whatever I put on the stage.
I have a loop which duplicates a MC ('news_list')on the stage and places it underneath the most recent clip...
code: for( i = 0; i < total; i++) { var news= news_list.news_item.duplicateMovieClip("news_item" +i, i);[code].........
I have a text box inside the MC which autosizes depending on how much text is inserted from an xml file. This should then obviously increase the height of my 'news_list' movieclip.What I want is for the next instance of the 'news_list' MC to be placed directly underneath the current one,no matter the height of the clip.Currently,I can only get it to position a specified distance below the current instance.The code above is what I've currently got,but I can't quite grasp how to grab the height of the current instance, and then use that in the code to place the next instance below it...
I've inserted my flash movie into an HTML page and uploaded all the necessary files, but it will not display. I've seen other users post their code, so I will here:
i have created a photo gallery using AS3 in Flash CS5. I have used prevFrame() and nextFrame() actions for "previous photo" and "next photo" buttons as well as for "previous thumbnails" and "next thumbnails" buttons.
All the buttons work fine when i run the swf files as well as when i run the swf files in Firefox 8.0 and IE9. However, once I insert this swf file into my html file using Dreamweaver CS5->Insert->Media->swf, the "previous" buttons dont work in Firefox 8.0! the previous image button works sometimes whereas the previous thumbnails button does not work at all They work fine in IE9. The next buttons also work fine in every browser. Heres my code:
I have created a SWF file that plays/stops sound. The SWF file works great when previewed in Flash CS4, but does not work when inserted in the HTML file.Here are the 2 files that are automatically generated when I INSERT>MEDIA>SWF in Dreamweaver CS4:
swfobject_modified.js expressInstall.swf Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:
This code works perfect when testing, and it works perfect viewing the SWF, but when you view the HTML file with the SWF embedded, it doesn't display the text file content.
When i save the file as an .swf file to view it in my browser the video gets really big (sized the flash document 250x240 px) . How can i easily control my flash video sizes?
another thing: When im doing a video and work with things that are outside of my white document (in the gray area) for instance things that are to be faded into the document and so on. These things also show up in outside of my video when i view it in my browser.
i have a webpage created at http:[url]... and i can see the scrolling text on the right but someelse has viewed it and they cannot see the scrolling text does anyone know why.
We recently upgraded to CS4 and this morning I had to put a file together for a meeting, in a couple of hours time. When I viewed the uploaded files for the first time it asked me to install Flash Player 10, which I did, but even afterwards I still just got a blank page.At the bottom the page tells me it is transferring data from [url]....? Eventually this stops but nothing happens on screen.
This is the same on Firefox and Safari on my Mac, and IE7 on our office PC.I have checked all of my paths etc in the code to the expressInstall.swf and swfobject_modified.js but they all seem correct...I have the Scripts folder with the 2 above files within the same folder as my index file:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html[code]..........
I wonder if there is any way to view the Actionscript that is exectued when executing a fla file. Or maybe a tool that would allow me to generate Actionscript through a graphical interface.For example, I create a Flash File and draw a circle.
I recently finished my first little project and I wanted to send it to my friends so they can give me feedback; however, once they got the file (.swf and .html) all they recieved was a blank document. How can I save/publish my project so the graphics are displayed correctly on other people's computers that don't have the original files.I can provide additional informatin as needed.
I'm about to have to write a web page/app that will serve the agenda for circa 100 people on a page. One line per person, one column per day with 3 clickable zones in each cell. In HTML, the page is way complex for the browser to load quick and there is no possibility to click on a border between 2 cells to for example split an event that spreads among several cells. So I search an not too overkilling technology to render this kind of view. I begun with a PHP generated HTML page but the number of elements in the page make the mouse move jerky.
Moving to JAVA would give me better performances regarding the reuse of the generator of the view but it will still be an HTML page. So, here is my question: do you think that going forward with JAVA and its graphical capability is the simple solution or is Flash a better option for this part of a Web App? I'm afraid of the code I'll have to write in JAVA to handle the GUI presentation as well as the events generated by the 1000's cells plus borders of the page. In Flash, the graphical part seems simpler even if the actions handling is still huge.
I'm currently using RobotLegs with the Presentation Model pattern to develop a Flex 4 project. I understand that all business logic related to a View resides in the Presentation Model associated with that view, however, I am confused when it comes to View specific logic.For example, I have an indicator that needs to be positioned relatively to list items depending on which list item is selected. Is it acceptable in the Presentation pattern to put the logic that will position the indicator in the View and simply have that logic run in reaction to a selectedIndex property changing in the presentation model?The reason I am considering this is that since the Presentation Model does not have a reference to the view it is difficult to come up with an ideal solution for manipulating view components.
I am wondering how to make a 360º view bubble, like they use for Google Street View, but have no idea how to go at accomplishing this task... i have the string of photos that i attached in photoshop(so that if you connected the left to the right it would be a full 360º view).
I have been playing with my brothers Adobe Flash Builder program but I can't figure out how to view game files for a open source game? The game is FLASH all the sprites are listed as the AS (actionscript?) file format. I am not trying to view the code, but the actual sprite, such as characters etc. I wanted to save them as PNG or any other image files.
I'm trying to make a flash application that list the content of specific drive or folder in my local computer, and then when user selecting one of the file the application open that file.the idea is to make everything as dynamic as possible, so when i change the content of the that folder, i don't have to edit the code.
The web designer on a project is using Flash Gallery which loads a images.xml file. The SWF expects it to be in the same directory as the .html file. So if I am at the action /Public/Home/Gallery, it would expect the images.xml to be in at Public/Home.
How do I allow the Flash SWF to load the file? I have no access to the source code, so I cannot change the behaviour of the SWF.
I run a school lab with a few users on each machine. One students came up with a problem. She is always in outline view, even when the outline button in the layers panels is not punched. When I log in to the same machine, I do not have the problem. I assume the problem is in the user preferences file. We are on Windows 7. I went into AppData and deleted what I thought was the preferences file, but it continues to return.
why FLVPlayback isn't working properly in MVC views?I think i narrowed it down to the "hard coded" skin url file not being correct. Where should I put the skin file( e.g.skinOverAllNoCaption.swf)so that flash can find it?Or are there any alternative approaches to somehow setting the skin file dynamically.
I have the following problem of how to display another mxml file as main view of application For example, lets say I have main.mxml displaying as main window. When I click button I want to display another mxml file lets say newMain.mxml and close main.mxml
I downloaded the Sothink SWF Decompiler, which allows you to open and view the structure of a .swf file. (the unregistered version limits the amount of actionscript you can view). It even can resave as a .fla file. Does it concern anyone that when you host your Flash code and applictions, it is basically open sourced, whether you want it to be or not?
I am using Flash CS4 AS3.. When I open my browser "Internet Explorer 7" it opens normal. But When I open a link using the following Flash code it opens half in length and half in width. I need to click on "Maximise" button to view in full. How to solve the problem? It is our Intranet link.
I have one .mxml file (the Application) with a ViewStack (with 4 views) and a ControlBard, obviously I can change the views with it, but what I want to do is: in view #1 I have an image which I want to convert to a "hyperlink", so when I click it I go to View #2, is this doable? Also I would like to pass somehow some data (like a String) to that View #2 (lets say the it's a user avatar I click so I want to go to the second view which will show me his profile, that's why I need his name/id).
My problem is that when I try to pass an object from the navigator.pushView(view, dataobject), I can't figure out how to access the dataobject from actionscript. I can access {} from MXML easily, but I want to set a variable in the new view to the passed dataobjects property.