I'm trying to make a flash application that list the content of specific drive or folder in my local computer, and then when user selecting one of the file the application open that file.the idea is to make everything as dynamic as possible, so when i change the content of the that folder, i don't have to edit the code.
I have view stack in a app like so:[code]When an event is fired, I call viewStack.selectedChild = childSelectionView.how do I code a listener for the NavigatorConent being selected?[code]I know that all the NavigatorConent's dispatch a creationComplete event on the application start, but their childrent aren't created yet. How did I respond to the on selectedChild change to self?
does anyone knows how i could just eliminate the folder icon of a tree control and display only the leaf? supposing i have an xml structure looking this :
i have situation in which i have some library projects, say
, included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory
, when i build the project it automatically place all the libs .swf in its "E:in-debug" folder, but when i debug or run the project it it gives loading error that
I AM USING AIR FOR ANDROID. I want to get all the jpg's (or Mp3's) in a folder of an external folder ... that will be stored on the users PHONE with included in the APP.
How can I do that from FLASH using Action-script 3?[code]...
I have a db file Resided in Flex Air Bindebug Folder,Here i want to Move/save this db File at another location let say In mydocument/or any Folder, I am not able to do it's programatically.
I need to find a way to detect keystrokes when the flash file is not selected and send that information to an .swf file. The file would be stored locally (not on the internet).
I have managed to get it to open a file browser but all I can seem to get it to do is give me the NAME of the selected file *eg. selectedFile.name* I also need the path of the file as in C:examplefile.mp3.
The program I'm making plays an MP3 of your choice at a certain time, like an alarm clock. But I got tired of entering the file path of the MP3 EACH time so I wanted to have a browse feature.
This code works perfect when testing, and it works perfect viewing the SWF, but when you view the HTML file with the SWF embedded, it doesn't display the text file content.
When i save the file as an .swf file to view it in my browser the video gets really big (sized the flash document 250x240 px) . How can i easily control my flash video sizes?
another thing: When im doing a video and work with things that are outside of my white document (in the gray area) for instance things that are to be faded into the document and so on. These things also show up in outside of my video when i view it in my browser.
I recently had Flash CS4, I made an AS2 .swf, published to .fla. Now, I have Flash 8. I am attempting to open the CS4 .fla, and it says, "Unexpected file format!"
When I use swfobject (or, for that matter, publish from Flash)...if my HTML file is in the same folder as my Flash .swf (called "bin")...the flash file displays as a blank white page. I can tell the .swf is on the page, because when I right-click I see the flash context menu...however, the swf is blank. So the path isn't written incorrectly.If I move the HTML file inside the "bin" folder and change the path from "bin/myFile.swf" to "myFile.swf" everything works again...what gives?I think it might have something to do with using the Loader class...I am using loaders to loader external .jpeg files. But I don't know what to do about this other than to keep my HTML files in my "bin" folder which is a bit of a pain.
I have a .fla that is in actionscript 3.0 and when I try to open it it doesn't show up. It's almost like I open it and flash just forgets about it. No tab shows up. I don't think it's loading because there is no lag and I have full use of flash with other open projects.
I am making an interactive press kit that will be a .swf application on a DVD. I would like the viewer to be able to open PDF files on the DVD by clicking on a button in the .swf. Is this possible?
I have a protected swf file we need to open for work but the one who protected it is no longer around. What is the best program to open this protected swf?
[URL] launch a pdf from a button. The problem is that I will end up launching 47 pdfs from 47 buttons (one per, obviously). What I want to know is, do I need a .bat file for every single .pdf file? or is there some way to consolidate? if I DO need a .bat for each .pdf then do they all have to be at the same level as my main swf? Or can I tuck them into a subdirectory?
I was wondering if it was possible to open up a separate Swf from the running Swf file using a button, without closing the running swf file. Like html's target
i have uploaded a simple 1 page website with the flash video sitting outside of the root folder of the site itself. i have pointed the flv playback components to the video and published it and uploaded it but the video does not appear on the pages.
On my PC I cant run swf file from a folder if I click on it as I get an error (no program asscoiated with this ). On my laptop it works fine.Both have flash installed.
i have a webpage created at http:[url]... and i can see the scrolling text on the right but someelse has viewed it and they cannot see the scrolling text does anyone know why.
We recently upgraded to CS4 and this morning I had to put a file together for a meeting, in a couple of hours time. When I viewed the uploaded files for the first time it asked me to install Flash Player 10, which I did, but even afterwards I still just got a blank page.At the bottom the page tells me it is transferring data from [url]....? Eventually this stops but nothing happens on screen.
This is the same on Firefox and Safari on my Mac, and IE7 on our office PC.I have checked all of my paths etc in the code to the expressInstall.swf and swfobject_modified.js but they all seem correct...I have the Scripts folder with the 2 above files within the same folder as my index file:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html[code]..........
I really don't know actionscript but i downloaded an fla for a calendar and but it can't find the xml file it needs.. i have the xml file in the root folder but it still cant find itthats the code thats looking for the xml
Code: xmlpath = _root.locationuri + "calendar_xml.asp?" + cb; i named the file calendar_xml.asp
im having no luck with this at all. im building a site for my company, building and selling homes. ive made a website in flash, nothing too complex, ive also made a pdf in indesing, which when published left me put a page turing feature on it, and that pdf was then published as a swf file. its put all the code in for me automatically so the people can now interact and page turn it.i simply want a button/link i can put on my site to open this swf in its own browser window or in a flash player window. this code in previous versions of flash has been easy...on release etc but now with as 3.0 i see people using child, navigatetourl, its so confusing and every example ive found just doesnt seem to work
I use flash 8 to edit my projects, recently I got a website related to music downloads and it was built in flash, now when I try to edit the fla file it opens up in flash 8 but I cannot see the library and when I edit it and make some changes in it it saves but it doesnt work like the original one.
The code, To open a new .swf file in the same window, like on my website when u click a button I want it to load another .swf file in the same window. Its either this or to make it open a new scene.