ActionScript 3.0 :: Centering Dynamic Text Not Working?

Mar 16, 2010

I have an AS3 project I'm working on. All the text is coming in dynamically via XML file.I'm also using an external CSS to control the look of the text. Everything seems to be coming in fine. I can dynamically create a new TextField and put my text into it. The problem is that I want it centered on the stage and I've been trying with NO success.If I set the width of the TextField to be the width of the stage, that works, but I cannot get the text to center in it if multiline is true

var serverNameTxt:TextField = new TextField();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertically Centering Dynamic Text?

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I have a dynamic text field that is pulling random quotes from a text field. They are populating over a graphic of a customized playing card. Everything works fine, and the text horizontally centers fine.... but it vertically centers to the top of the text box I have drawn.Is there a way to make the textvertically align in the center? I am just learningactionscript... or re-learing it rather.Here is the code I am using for the random text:

ranQuote = new LoadVars();
ranQuote.onLoad = function(success) {


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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

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Professional :: Dynamic Text Not Working In CS5

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HTML Tags Not Working In Dynamic Text Box?

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TextField.prototype.maxviewable = function(){
if(this.maxscroll>1) return this.bottomScroll;
var b = (this.html) ? this.bottomScroll-1 : this.bottomScroll;
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but it always shows bold, even i gave tf1.bold = false.


Note: where options[0][0] is an array has all the properties bold = true/false, color = 0x----.

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1) Tried with and without text embedding

2) Turned on and off html

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Swapdepths With New Mc From Dynamic Text Still Not Working

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ActionScript Code:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Fields Not Working?

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var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.align = "right";


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var news = new XML();
news.ignoreWhite = true;


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_root.txt_progressbar.text = "Parsing CSV file to grid.";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Family Tree / Centering Dynamic Content?

Oct 15, 2010

I have one movie that I want content to appear in driven by xml. With text and background image for each node. (see attached diagram).It's only one row that gets wider as nodes are added.Problem is I need the cells to always be centered within the container - so they appear from the middle line.You can see diagram 1 and 2 the calls are positioned differently. I cannot find an example of this anywhere - In all example's I've found the nodes always output left to right, looping to redraw a new row.Any one know if this is possible, could a script calculate the number of nodes in the row and adjust the first node x position accordingly?

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Oct 15, 2010

I have one movie that I want dynamic content to appear in driven by xml. With text and background image for each node. It's only one row that gets wider as nodes are added. I need the cells to always be centered within the container - so they appear from a center line. I cannot find an example of this anywhere - In all example's I've found the nodes output left to right, looping to redraw a new row. Do you know if it is possible to achieve this? Some kind of script to calculate the number of nodes present then position the first cell's x position accordingly, I have no Idea how to do that. I cannot post the images here so if you imagine a family tree style diagram with a center vertical line - cells appearing and spreading out centered in one row.

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this post references the files listed at:i've implemented a dynamic text box that calls a txt file into it. it uses a scroller that i found a tutorial on:i've got everything working splendidly - everything EXCEPT the scrolling bar... as you can see, it scrolls up and down just fine, but doesn't control the text.i've pretty much exhausted my search through the actionscript to locate the problem and i can't find it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Property On Dynamic Text Not Working?

Sep 25, 2008

I have generated several TextFields dynamically through a for loop. I would like all the text fields to have their alpha set to 0 so that each field can eventually fade in.

When I apply the alpha property by setting it to 0, or even .5 the text appears to still be at an alpha of 1. Does anyone know how to make the text appear with a low to 0 alpha?

I have attached the code from the function which runs the for loop to generate the text fields. Please not that the value of the text fields are stored in a global array, and the text format objects are also global and are declared in the main body of the class.

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Professional :: Dynamic Text Fields Not Working Properly In CS5?

May 27, 2010

In an attempt to use a dynamic text field on my page, and passing text to it such as..

question.text = "Sample text here"

..where the instance name of the dynamic text field is "question" ..I found that if I add another text box to the page as static text, but using the same font as the dynamic field, the dynamic field populates incorrectly.If I compile using CS4 it works fine, and if I break apart the static text in CS5 it works fine.I also found if I change the font of the static field to something other than that of the dynamic.. it works fine.However in further testing..if I place a second static text field on the page,the dynamic again breaks even if I use the different font as before.

All of these scenarios work fine in CS4, but in CS5 is causing my dynamic field to change to the same as my static text, or simply mixing letters and otherwise not displaying my dynamic text...I've tested on three systems here all with CS5 ...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get The Script Working To Read Dynamic Text?

Jul 17, 2009

ok, i have been working with this text to load in dynamic text fields. what I have is a movieclip called 'textInfo' inside this two dynamic text fields called 'headerTex1' and 'headerText2' where I want the text to load into from the XML file.the text should appear next to image that rotate on menu which has 25 images on the menu.What I am getting confused with is do I need to repeat the script 25 times with 25 differently labeled movieclips and text fileds,this is the script;

var textInfo:TextInfo = new TextInfo();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Field AutoSize Not Working?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a dynamic text field populated by xml which doesn't seem to like the autoSize property. The field populates correctly but doesn't auto size at all. The purpose of this text field is to inform the user of the url for an ad they can click on as they roll over it.

ActionScript Code:
popUpmc.popUpTxt.autoSize = true;

Setting autoSize while inside the XML onLoad() function and outside it made no difference. Please help, I'm sure I must be forgetting something? Does this have to be applied with a new text format or something?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Script Working To Read Dynamic Text?

Jul 17, 2009

i have been working with this text to load in dynamic text fields. what I have is a movieclip called 'textInfo' inside this two dynamic text fields called 'headerTex1' and 'headerText2' where I want the text to load into from the XML file.

the text should appear next to image that rotate on menu which has 25 images on the menu.

What I am getting confused with is do I need to repeat the script 25 times with 25 differently labeled movieclips and text fileds,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Box To Show Current Frame Not Working?

Dec 3, 2009

I would like my dynamic text box to display the roots current frame. I have triedthis with no luck
frameNumberText_txt.text = currentFrame;
Im pretty sure the problem is because the text field needs a string value..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit Number Of Characters In Dynamic Text Box Isn't Working?

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to limit then number of characters in a dynamic text box, but its just not working. I am loading the text from an external xml file and thought that this might be the problem, but to be honest it shouldnt be really... I have put this code inside the movie clip:

ActionScript Code:
this.title_mc.alpha = 0;
this.q_mc.alpha = 0;
this.a_mc.alpha = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Cadata HTML Tags Not Working Dynamic Text Box?

Apr 11, 2011

i am making an flash histroy the desc text shoud be accept the cadata Structures i tried to make this , i dont know where i am missing . i am getting the desc text in ( "filed") inside an mc called " nod" i am loading this mc from library plese check my code

left.useHandCursor = 0;
var gata:Boolean = true;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: XML Loaded Content Not Working With Html Dynamic Text Field?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm trying to load an XML file and place the content into a dynamic text field.  The XML nodes contain content within CDATA sections that have basic <b> and <i> tags.  Once I have the content loaded into a variable and trace it, I can see all my tags within.

I then place the content into a dynamic text field with html set to true but for some reason it doesn't show any formatting, the tags appear to have been rendered because they don't show up inline.  I thought maybe this was due to embedded fonts but i have all of my bold, bold italic, italic and regular font's within a text field embedded so I wouldn't think thats an issue.  Is there something I'm overlooking?

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Centering Datagrid Text And Headers?

Jun 25, 2009

I've be messing around with Flash for a little while now and just recently starting trying to do a datagrid which is loaded from an XML file. Well I've gotten the XML to populate the datagrid. Everything is fine in that aspect but I cant seem to get my text to align properly in the datagrid. By default ofcourse everything is aligned Left. I would like align everything centered (the cells as well as the column Header.The code that I have basically creates the datagrid at runtime,

Note: I had found two other threads from a couple of years ago that said use the line below, but I've tried that line of code to no avail:

myDataGrid.getColumnAt(2).textAlign = "center";
import fl.controls.DataGrid;[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Centering Text On Movieclip?

Jun 7, 2007

I want to make my createTextField centered on my movieclip, does anyone know how this is done? I've tried using the texWidth/_width property but it only makes it to narrow. Or is it possible to size the background fill to the length of the word?

PHP Code:
var aPoints:Arra =["one", "two", "three", "four"];
function printIt()


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