ActionScript 3.0 :: Current Selections Can Not Have Action Applied To It Error
Jul 31, 2009
I just got CS4 and was following some tutorials for what I wanted to do. I Created a button and then inside of that button I created a movie clip in the keyframe "Up." In that movieclip I created a keyframe at frame 10 and created motion tween. I went to put a stop action in frame 10 and it says the current selection can not have action applied to it. I cant write any code for the button at this stage and I am not sure why.
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ball0:Ball=new Ball();
ball1:Ball=new Ball();[code].........
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Apr 8, 2009
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Lesson = external swf
var myLesson:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
myLesson.x = 205;
myLesson.y = 30;
[Code] .....
This is what unloads the external swf: I call this in a couple of places depending if the selection is in another external swf.
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Mar 10, 2011
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I still need to add the other 54 boxes and set them as .chosen = false;
Surely there's a more efficient way of doing it than my code ??
if(event.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("m1").chosen == true && event.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("m2").chosen == true && event.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("m3").chosen == true &&
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Aug 2, 2007
I have a comboBox that I need to associate different email addresses with the different selections (the "selections" are the labels of the comboBox - not the data... the data fields for the comboBox are blank). right now, as written it returns "email2" no matter which I pick.
if (comboBoxName.getValue() == (("selection1") || ("selection2") || ("selection3") || ("selection4") || ("selection5") || ("selection6") || ("selection7") || ("selection8"))) {
var comboSelectionEmail = "email1";
} else {
var comboSelectionEmail = "email2";
Also, is there an easier way to do this than by using the if statement?
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Oct 7, 2010
I have problem with error 1009. I have put action on first frame for my firs animation and now I want on new layer to put some new tween animations from keyframe 50 to keyframe 150. I want to put animation without action script. What am I doing wrong? What I need to do?
My action script on first frame and this is working:
Code: Select allimport fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;[code]......
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Aug 10, 2002
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Nov 18, 2009
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Is it possible to test or export only a small selection of a movie?
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Jun 25, 2011
I am working in flash creating a drag and drop documetn and when I am trying to link to my taregt I get the following error 1120: Access of undefined property.
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