ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Display Selections From Array
Sep 11, 2008
I'm not that knowledgeable with AS, but what I'm trying to do is display my selections from an array. Basically, there are some checkboxes -- from there the user ticks a few boxes, submits their preference and then the system tells them what they have chosen and acts accordingly. In this case, the reason there is an array is because the user is selecting which videos they want to watch, and the videos will then play after each other, once one of the videos has come to an end. At the minute, initially the array is set up, the user ticks the boxes, submits, then their options are added to the array. I'm having difficulty looping through the array to find only the values that have been chosen.
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Lesson = external swf
var myLesson:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
myLesson.x = 205;
myLesson.y = 30;
[Code] .....
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I still need to add the other 54 boxes and set them as .chosen = false;
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if(event.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("m1").chosen == true && event.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("m2").chosen == true && event.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("m3").chosen == true &&
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Aug 2, 2007
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if (comboBoxName.getValue() == (("selection1") || ("selection2") || ("selection3") || ("selection4") || ("selection5") || ("selection6") || ("selection7") || ("selection8"))) {
var comboSelectionEmail = "email1";
} else {
var comboSelectionEmail = "email2";
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Feb 26, 2010
Context: Making a guessing game where up to 20 users guess times. A countdown timer script runs at the game start. As time goes by, flash compares the guess with the real time, moves a movieclip (horse1, horse2 etc) along the x axis and displays an integer (time between the guess and ever changing clock [horse1.displaybox1, horse2.displaybox2, horse3.displaybox3, etc]). This is all working.
How to I display the current closest guesser?
I TRIED to avoid arrays, but doubt I can. JUST learning about arrays and for loops, but found this elegant code to find the max number in an array (or with modification could get the min):
maxValue = function (array) {
mxm = array[0];
for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
if (array[i]>mxm) {
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And here is the php array's data.I want to display the data: info, name, number, address
</pre><pre class='xdebug-var-dump' dir='ltr'>
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Mar 21, 2012
I have made a 3dCube and each face has 4 boxes fitted in that will display a slideshow of pictures. The trouble is that it skips striaght to the last box leaving the others blank. here is my code:
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Jun 30, 2011
In a Flex project, I have an array with objects in it. I want to save this array in a cell on a mysql table along with some other basic info like title, and an id. How to echo all the rows... I'm trying to echo the contents of an array that was serialized and placed in a single cell. This array has objects in it. So, I have this code here to serialize the array, and insert it along with the other info into my DB:
function submitLogDbObj($array,$id,$title) {
return mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (text,id,title) VALUES ('".serialize($array)."','$id','$title')");
Then for a test I'm trying to make a loop that will display the log in a way that looks like a conversation... An object in my array would look something like:
icon = ""
msg = "this is a test"
name = "Them: "
systemMsg = 0
[Code] .....
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Sep 25, 2009
I'm creating an array from an XML file, attaching a movie clip to another movie clip for each object in the array, then creating a dynamic text field and inserting text from the XML file within each new movie clip, then applying a tween to each array object.
ActionScript Code:
var sectionData_arr:Array = new Array();
function buildSectionMenu(){
sectionData_arr = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(_root.configXML.firstChild,"/config/content/section");
The problem is that since the AS in on the first frame, the script is run and then everything is dumped out onto the first frame. How do I display the tween for each object in the array sequentially? Should I use setInterval? Or should I attach each object to a specific frame?
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Jan 6, 2010
How do I display the contents of an array in a text box? (AS3) It's a 2-dimensional array, if that matters.
This shows me the first entry, of course:
ActionScript Code:
outputBox.text = bigChunk[0];
This shows me all data in the array, but of course the user won't be able to see this:
ActionScript Code:
What I want is this, but of course it doesn't work. Gives me an error because I'm trying to use an array as a string.
ActionScript Code:
outputBox.text = bigChunk;
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Dec 12, 2011
I've got e website where the thumbnails for the gallery are dispaly using:
{foreach from=$product_images key=count item=imageArray name=images}
{foreach from=$imageArray item=image}
and the <ul> list.
Now I would like to display it also on the flash presentation attached to this website.
How can I do it?
I'm passing variables from the wbesite to flash using:
<param name=FlashVars value="myVariable={$product.product_name}&item_no={$product.product_reference}&thumb={$}" />
When I use '$' without checking the Array it returns only the last image.
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Nov 17, 2008
Is it possible to display array values in a dynamic text box -- All created in As2? My problem is I need a dynamic text box that will load On button press, at the bottom left hand corner of images of various size. I got the positioning part down...but I cant seem to make it display what I have stored in an array -- namely 'text' from an xml attribute.
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Jan 17, 2005
to display the items from an array in a certain way, in two columns for instance so that they fit into a dynamic textfield or maybe to force a break when theyre displayed in one row
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Mar 31, 2009
If I have an array of strings, how can I display the array on screen if a button is pressed?
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