ActionScript 3.0 :: Depth Sorting In 3D Space

Feb 5, 2012

With flash builder and away3d I have made a 3D building where you can walk through.
When you start, you are outside the building and you can enter the building through a door. This building has an outside wall made of bricks and an inside wall. There is a little space between the inside wall and the outside wall (just as a cavity wall).

But when I walk outside the building, I can see sometimes parts of the inside wall through the outside wall (depth sorting problem). The same as I walk into the building, I see parts of the outside wall through the inside wall. Some of these depth sorting problems you can solve with pushfront and pushback, but not all. For example when you are outside the building, you can use pushfront for the outside wall.

You don't see the inside wall through the outside wall anymore. But when you walk into the building you see the outside wall through the inside wall (of course because you used pushfront for the outside wall). Actually it depends on your position in the 3D space for which wall you have to use pushback or pushfront. Is there a way to solve this kind of depth sorting problems?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frustrations With Depth Sorting?

Jun 9, 2009

I used to dabble with AS2 a while back, and never really liked it much. I mainly program in Django and Python, with some PHP on the side - Flash was never one of my strengths. However, due to a new project I am delving into AS3 which is a MUCH needed improvement over AS2.

But there also comes a learning curve (which is not too large because OOP languages are very similar). I am currently trying to get depth sorting to work in AS3.

The project I am doing is basically a complete clone of [URL].. and I am 90% finished. I have the sprites (alligators not penguins in this instance) moving, chatting, etc. via url requests to Django for the server. The only thing I am having problems with is where the sprites move towards the chat text mainly (look at penguinchat if your not sure what I mean). I would like the sprites to appear underneath the chat text, so the users can still read the text if somebody moves there.

I have the chat text, a room changer, a user manager, and input text movie clips all on the .fla stage, and have .AS files with code in them for all of the objects. I can easily take the movieclips off the stage and spawn them with actionscript if needed, but I would rather not (easier to design the interface this way IMO).

The sprites are added as children of the user manager MC, which is a sibling to the chat text MC. Everything would be solved if I could simply assign a number to the user manager MC (depth) that would be lower than the chat text MC. Or even having to assign a number lower to each sprite.

I have tried "addChildAt" when creating the sprites and specifying an index of "0" but this does not work. Is it because the chat text is on the stage and not spawned via actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Depth Sorting Based On Their Y Coordinate?

Aug 7, 2009

Im busy with a rpg graphics engine, while discovering as3 whilst doing it. So I made different classes for the world, tile managers and players, etc. But since I have a 45 degrees SNES rpg view on my world I need depth sorting based on their Y coordinate. At least my npc's and the middle tile layer need that. But all these objects are now all different classes now and the swapchilderen method is quite cumbersome. Do I need a whole messy cumbersome method to sort specific tiles and npc's based on their y coordinate or is there a simpler method to have proper depth sorting in as3?

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I've been playing around with ActionScript 3. They have a new way of placing clips onto the stage, "addChild(clip)," which automatically places the clip onto the stage with it's own depth. So here's my problem, when making a tile based game, I have to constantly depth sort to make sure the object lower on the screen has the higher depth than an object higher on the screen. Pretty much, their depth depended on their y-coord. Does ActionScript 3 still let us play with depths?

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Flash - Sorting Display Objects By Their Display List Depth

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I have a list containing display objects from throughout the application (insertion order). I want to process the list either top-down (parent, child) or bottom up (child, parent). The only requirement is that either a parent is processed before any child or vice versa a child before its parent. What is a good approach? This question is not about sorting a list. It's about retrieving the depth of a particular display object.

Display list:
A (root)

My list:
list = [E1, F4, A, B2, B1, C3, ..., N9, N8]

N9, N8, F4, E1, C3, B2, B1, A

A, B2, B1, C3, E1, F4, N9, N8
Does not matter if N9 before N8 or N8 before N9. Important is that any N is before M (first run) or any M before its children N* (second run).

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on (release) {
getURL("'url.html ','newWin','width=1133,height=425,left=425,top=113 3,screenX=1133,screenY=425');NewWindow.focus();voi d(0);");
each of the thumb windows being a different specified size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sorting An XML?

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Flex :: Sorting An ArrayCollection?

Oct 21, 2009

Is there any way in Flex where in we can sort an arraycollection based on strings .I have a dataprovider with strings like "Critical" "High" "Medium" "Low" where in I need to sort it in such a way that I need Critical to be displayed on the top and next High , Medium and Low follows.

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Sep 26, 2011

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for (var key:String in values) {

After that I sorted my ComboBox as:
private function sortConnection():void {
var dataSortField:SortField = new SortField(); = "data";
dataSortField.numeric = true;
var numericDataSort:Sort = new Sort();
numericDataSort.fields = [dataSortField];
conns.sort = numericDataSort;

And on finish I want to select item on my specific value in ComboBox. How can I do that? I try:
for (var ii:Number=0; ii<combo.rowCount; ii++) {
var item:String = combo.getChildAt(ii);
if (item == name) {
index = ii;
But does not work. I do not know where I made mistake, and how I can select on specific item in my combobox.

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<s:HTTPService id="photoServ" url="pics.xml" resultFormat="e4x"/>
<s:XMLListCollection id="photoList" source = "{}"/>


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<entries cat="all">


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IDE :: Sorting Again Array Of Objects?

Sep 18, 2009

Trying to re-sort an array of objects from:
var arr:Array = new Array({num:0},{num:1},{num:2},{num:3})
var arr:Array = ({num:0},{num:3},{num:1},{num:2})

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting An Array Of MC's By X/y?

Mar 23, 2010

- Put a bunch of MC's on the stage distributed horizontally.

- Store them in an array.

- yourArray.sortOn("x", Array.DESCENDING)

- loop though the now "sorted" array and trace their x property.

Doesn't work, does it? If it did, shuffle them up and try again (sometimes, perhaps randomly they will be in order).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sorting Arrays And XML?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm trying to bring XML nodes into an array so I can sort them in alphabetical order, then display the data in some textfields in a movieclip.I've managed to get the XML displaying fine in the movieclips and all the data in the arrays, but the problem is I'm not sure where to use name.sort();. Right now you can see I have it at the start of the loop that places all the data in, but it will only sort as it populates and hence becomes pointless.Is there a way to add all the data into an array, sort it, THEN display all the data in my movieClips?My XML looks like this:

PHP Code:
<example><item><name>Zack</name><donation>99</donation><message>Zacks msg</message></item><item><name>John</name><donation>70</donation><message>Johns msg</message></item><item><


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Sorting Multidimensional Arrays With No Identifiers?

Jul 6, 2010

I have this array



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Nov 6, 2010

In the project I'm working on, there are towers the user can place. However, it you place a tower higher then another one, it appears infront of that one, which looks weird.I want to be able to arrange all the towers so that that does not happen.There is an sprite called towerHolder holding, which all the towers are children of, and an array called towerArray, which the towers get pushed to when they are created.I tried clearing towerHolder, then running the sortOn() function on the array, and then adding each tower back to the towerHolder, but the towers just seem to be randomly placing themselves irrelevent to their height.Here's my code for the relevant parts:

Actionscript Code:
function clearTowers():void {  while (towerHolder.numChildren > 0) {  towerHolder.removeChildAt(0);  }}function orderTowers():void {  clearTowers(); 


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Mar 8, 2009

have a twodimensional array that consists of 6 other arrays(like array[0 to 5][0 to 4]). The [4] of each sub-array is a indexnumber that i'd like to use for sorting the array[0][x] toarray[5][x] according to their array[x][4]-value. How would I do

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Oct 8, 2009

would anyone beable to help with sorting out an XML file, what I have is a tooltip that loads in via XML and exported from flash. the XML loads in 2 text fields,  field and field2. what I am trying to do is add a button also to the tooltip so that you can click and go to a url. this is what I have in my XML file;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting Array By Largest Sum?

Feb 1, 2010

How would I do to sort this array by the largest sum and not just the first number?
var myArray:Array = new Array(100, 200, 9);
//puts out (9, 200, 100)
How would I do to get it (200, 100, 9)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting Columns In Datagrid?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a datagrid that uses a custom cellrenderer class to allow me to use a combobox. I have an invisible column that holds the value returned by the cellrenderer when the combobox value is changed. BUT sorting is wonky. Since what really lives in the combobox column individual cells is an object, it never really sorts properly. Is there a way to fire a sorting event to the column that holds the real value?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting A Vector By Count?

Sep 4, 2011

I have a vector of Objects. Each object has two properties - a country and a person's name.

I'd like to sort & count the number of people from whatever country they are from...

20 USA
18 France
16 England

I've found articles online that deal with sorting, but I'd like to be able to count the objects' "country" properties dynamically because they aren't known beforehand (I don't want to loop through every country).

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Flex :: Customize The Sorting In Datagrid?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a column with 4 fields named : a> Main, b> Forward c> Back d> Link, if I use pre-defined sorting of datagrid with the column names which will be alphabetically, then the order is c>Back b>Forward d> Link a> Main. But, I do not want to sort based on the alphabets. I prefer to sort by names of the column fields. i.e. somehow give priority to each individual column field names. Like pre-define my own order.

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XML :: Flex Sorting Of ListCollection Sub Elements

Aug 13, 2009

In a Flex webapp, is there an easy way to go about applying a sort to the children of an XML element, based on the children's attributes? Example follows below:

<a anotherProp="ABCDE">
<e prop="AB">1</element>
<e prop="BC">2</element>
</a><a anotherProp="FGEH">
<e prop="HF">3</element>
<e prop="AD">4</element>
<e prop="AC">5</element></a>

I would like to sort the <e> elements, within each <a> element separately, according to their "prop" attribute. My code for generating the array containing the <a> elements is along the lines of:
for each(var node:XML in initialInput:XMLListCollection){
//I was hoping to be able to sort the <e> children of the node variable here

At the end I would like the <a>'s to remain in their defined order, but their <e> children to be sorted based on the "prop" attribute. So far if I try:
Where someSortVar has its fields set to:
I get an exception about a null value. Any way to convert the children list to XMLListCollection, sort it and integrate it back into the node variable?

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Flex In DataGrid Default Sorting?

Dec 12, 2009

I have a datagrid with data like this:


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