ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying An Image To A TextField With The 'img' Tag?

Oct 28, 2008

it is possible to display an image in a TextField by using html and the img-tag. The image is identified by an URI:

textField.htmlText = 'An image: <img

Now here's my question: Is it possible to refer an image which is in the same .swf-file as the code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Clicked Dynamic Textfield In Another Textfield?

Jun 12, 2011

What I have is a dynamicly created row of movieClips. In which TextFields are added with text that's received from an Array. What I would like to be able to do is click on the movieClip that's visible and have the code understand I clicked array[3] for example and it will show the 4th array item in another textfield.

Current development: [URL]

and code:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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TextField Displaying On All Frames

Nov 12, 2009

I am building flash site with a number of different pages containing a variety of different things (picture gallery from an external swf, pictures, text, contact form etc). This is all working fine apart from one thing. On my contact form I have the following code to create a textField to contain the contact information. I do it this way so i can automatically resize the textField and align it to the bottom of the page no matter how much text is present.

The problem is once you have visited thecontact page once (and run this code to create the textField) then it appears on every other frame of the video (even though it is contained on it's own layer within the contact page keyframes). I thought that if you created a textField like this then it would only display on the current frame and until there was another keyframe (much like if you manually add a textField onto a frame).

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// Creating textfield text formatfieldTextFormat = new TextFormat();fieldTextFormat.bold = false;fieldTextFormat.italic = false;fieldTextFormat.align = "right";fieldTextFormat.color = "0xffffff";//fieldTextFormat.font = "Arial";fieldTextFormat.font = "EmbeddedCenturyGothic";
[Code] .....

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package scripts
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;


When i put the same code into the actual timeline, it works fine. What could be wrong? No compile errors.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamically Displaying Text In A Textfield?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to display text in a textfield which dynamically creating. Also this textField is creating inside a movicelip which is created dynamically. I used the following code. Its not working.

var mainMc:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mainMc",1000);
mainMc.createTextField("my_txt",1,100,100,300,100);  my_txt.text = "This is my first test field object text.";


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// Setting default values for the Textfields
hTotal_txt.text = ("0");
sTotal_txt.text = ("0");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField Not Displaying After ScalX = -1 - Horizontal Flip

Aug 3, 2009

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Mar 17, 2010

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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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var fl_SecondsToCountDown:Number = 30;
var fl_CountDownTimerInstance:Timer = new Timer(1000, fl_SecondsToCountDown);
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[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Array Values In A Dynamic Textfield

Apr 15, 2008

This sounds so simple, but its to save me doing things like this:

var Lol:Array = new Array();
Lol["Rofl"] = 0;

_root.Lol_Rofl = Lol["Rofl"]; Just to get the array value to display in a dynamic textfield, is there any other more efficient way so that I do not need to declare a seperate variable with the value of the array data to get it to display?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Displaying Textfield Input On Stage?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Dynamic HTMLText Displaying Erratically In TextField?

Jul 29, 2010

HTMLText is displaying really strangely. I'm displaying a textField with htmlText provided through XML, and in this bulleted list it'll display the first line all on one line, keep going off the end of the textareas size (ie. not do multiline) until the last word of the bullet, then put that word at the start of the next line. And it'll put the last word on the next line no matter how long your bullet item is.


myField.htmlText = "<li>Seek the input of experts</li>;

Would output

'seek the input of


I've checked and this thread was similar however I've removed all my tweens to test and it hasn't had any effect.

what to do about this? I've tried these to no avail:

myField.htmlText = myString;
myField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
myField.wordWrap = true;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SubmitButton - Error Message Not Displaying In Dynamic TextField

Nov 13, 2009

I have this code (below) where a user enters 6 numbers ranging from 1-49 but they cannot enter any other number apart from the ones specified. If they do press the submitButton at this point it should trace the error message 'OUT OF RANGE' into a dynamic text field. My problem is that I don't know why the error message wont display in the dynamic text field in the scene.

submitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitInfo);
function submitInfo(event) {
var index:int = -1;
var num:int=0;
var myArray_array:Array = new Array ();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField.htmlText & Image Tag To Capture The Image Loading?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Not Displaying?

Aug 23, 2010

Made this class that loads pictures for me. You pass on the picture URL, the object that the picture needs to be added to and a function to do after the image is loaded.Here is the class:

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Text Instead Of An Image?

Jan 13, 2011

I have the following AS:

function clicButton(e:MouseEvent) {
//if (MovieClip(root).gallery_category_num !== numButton && _root.gallery_flag_animation==true) {


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Professional :: Displaying A .jpg Image By Xml In Flash?

Aug 23, 2010

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Actionscript :: Flex Image Isn't Displaying

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to extend the Image class but hit a problem that I can't get past. I have a private image (img) that loads an image and a function that takes that image and copies it onto the parent. The debug function "copyit2" displays the image fine (so I know it's loaded OK). But the function "copyit" doesn't work - it just displays a white rectangle. I can't see how to make copyit work so that the original image is copied to the BitmapData and then subsequenty copied onto the parent?

(The idea is to do some processing on the Bitmap data before it is displayed, although this isn't shown here to keep the example simple.) I suspect it is something to do with the security of loading images, but I'm loading it from the same server as the application is run from - so this shouldn't be a problem?


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Flash :: Displaying An Image In Flex

Mar 25, 2012

I worked with HaXe and actionscript programming, but I'm new to flex. Here's my question. If I want to get image from server (blazeds) in AS3 I'll load it to Loader a loader and then add it to some e.g. MovieClip. Should I do the same to load an image in flex? Or there some common for flex schema for doing that? Another question is. If I have an Image on blazeds server what will a better way to get it: to pass it through java (i.e. read it, and then pass to client) or directcly with Loader?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying FLV's First Image Frame At Runtime?

Feb 9, 2010

isnt there a way to get an FLVPlayback component to display its FLV's first frame until it has enough frames buffered to start playing the video? I can add a preview to it that i can see while im authoring the flashfile the component is in, but it just shows up as a white frame for a second at runtime.. id like to get it to display its first videoframe instead of that. The component inspector assures me there is a way to do this using actionscript, but leaves me hanging on exactly how its done, or where to discover such information

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load An Image For Displaying In A Container?

Dec 12, 2008

I'm trying to load an image for displaying in a container which have been loaded from the Library and placed on the stage.Loading the image for which to use is no problem but algning it to the center of the stage is a problem.Now, keeping in mind that loaded images usually are placed at the top-left corner of the stage I tried to solve the problem like this...:

a = stage.stageWidth/2 (finding the center of the stage)
b = image.width/2
c = a-b (giving us the result of which to place the image)
image.x = c;

The formulas above make sence... in theory. In real life (at least on my computer) it doesn't work.Now, there might be some factors to consider when doing simple math like this...: - Can it be that the container is not the same size as the image loaded? - Can it be that I have to keep the x and y of the container (although I have aligned it so it's placed at the center of the stage)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying The Image To A Movieclip Instance?

Jun 8, 2009

loading my images (from an xml) and text, to a movieclip instance.i completed the parsing but i can't load it in my mc instances.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Image In Scrollpane Component

Mar 14, 2010

I need info regarding ScrollPane tool in Flash CS4. As I need to display a image in it. I have a "zoom" effect set up to where when the user pushes the + button,the x and y scale is increased. But when I does so Scroll bar does not get resized automatically. And thus due to increased size only half of the image remain visible.

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Get Flash To Check To Make Sure That The Image Is Displaying?

Jan 7, 2009

I am dynamically loading my images thru XML and noticing that sometimes the image is not displaying even when at the bottom of the bar it sais that it is "done". How do I get Flash to check that the image is displayed?

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Flex :: DataGrid Itemrenderer Image Not Displaying?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a Datagrid with an ItemRenderer assigned to a column which is a Currency column(String). The renderer is mean to display the Flag of the currency eg; for USD it should display a USD flag image etc. At the moment the column is appearing Blank without an image. I have the following renderer (which extends UIComponent). I am dynamically loading the images in the commitProperties() method. At the moment I have hard-coded it to the USD image to get it to work

public class CenteredEmbedImage extends UIComponent implements IListItemRenderer,IDropInListItemRenderer
private var _loader:Loader;


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Image Not Displaying In Dynamic Text Field

Nov 19, 2009

Trying to display an image in a Dynamic Text Field that reads in an html file: using the <img> tag. The text shows up just fine, but the image is not being displayed ??

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