ActionScript 3.0 :: E4X: Traversing Xml Using Attribute Name?

Jul 22, 2010

I have spent multiple hours on it to find no result. Here is the situation. MY xml structure looks like this:

<R N="1">


But I am not able to refer to the corresponding parent <R> so that I can traverse it to retrieve corresponding <SEZ N="name" V="dummy name"/>

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Traversing Xml Using Attribute Name

Jul 22, 2010

This might sound really simple, but I have spent multiple hours on it to find no result. Here is the situation. MY xml structure looks like this:[code]But I am not able to refer to the corresponding parent <R> so that I can traverse it to retrieve corresponding <SEZ N="name" V="dummy name"/>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Traversing 3 Dimensional XmL?

Mar 5, 2010

I have this as xml :


I wanna parse it and install it on in array or an object how do i that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Traversing Through An XML File?

May 10, 2011

First of all, this is not specifically for homework. It's a project I've been working on for the past few months and I've kinda hit a road block. The short version: I've got a Flash file (which is a DJ program) whose main functionality is to play mp3 files, load the files a user uploads into a web page I made and let the user have the ability to choose which song they would like.

I literally have this almost completed except for this final piece: playing what the user uploads. More details of how I got here: I've got a PHP page that creates (or updates if you wish to call it that) an XML file. I'm not sure which way I should approach it (most tutorials online show AS2 but I've already made my project in AS3 and I've seen it's easier...yet I'm not able to figure this out).


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_dest = 'example_mc'; // example_mc is pulled from an array
if ( MovieClip(root)._dest.numChildren < 2 ) { // do stuff; }


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myXML = new XML();myXML.ignoreWhite = true;myXML.onLoad = function(ok) {
if (ok) {  alldata = this.firstChild.childNodes; allEntries =


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[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Attribute Tags - Add In Custom Attribute Tags That Flash Can Recover?

Dec 15, 2006

I have been trying to figure out how you could add in custom attribute tags that flash can recover.

<param name = "movie" value = "somefile.swf">
<embed src = "somefile.swf" width = "550" height = "400">

Except, that I would like to add a Custom tag, like "randNum" so that the tag user could input some number, or rather, a flash movie could generate a tag with a number already put in...Basically, heres a really basic version of the idea.There is a Flash Movie.In the movie, you can input text into a textfield.Upon finishing your message, you click a button "save".

The flash movie then:

1. Comes up with a random number unique to the message.

2. Assigns that number to a variable... "randNum".

3. Saves message as a xml file to the server as "filename" + randNum.

4. Outputs into a textfield a generated HTML tag that a user can post on myspace and such so that it will load in the flash movie.

Except... in the tag, there will be a custom attribute. If the random number variable "randNum" was 00112233, the custom attribute will be 00112233.

<embed src = "somefile.swf" width = "550" height = "400" randNum = "00112233">

So when the movie opens, it retrieves that randNum from the tag and can use it inside flash. How can this be done? Sorry this post was so long, but I wanted everyone to understand the concept.

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XML Attribute Is Undefined?

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I am on AS2.0, CS4:i am trying to extract the following data from the XML attribute:[code]i tried to load the xml attributes into the two separate dinamic text fields:[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Attribute Value From XML?

Jan 21, 2012

I am trying to get the value of an attribute full where another attribute name is equal to something

So in this case I am trying to get the value of "full"

var full_url = myXML.item.@full.(@name=="");

This is my XML:

<item name="Toy Box" thumb="resize/thumb_image2.png" full="full_images/image2.png" />
<item name="Toy Train" thumb="resize/thumb_image3.png" full="full_images/image3.png" / >
<item name="Toy Truck" thumb="resize/thumb_image4.png" full="full_images/image4.png" />

So my as above should return one of the But when I trace full_url I get nothing and no errors.

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Xml :: Get Textnode By Attribute?

Mar 2, 2012

I have this XML

<language lang = "ru">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Attribute NAME From Xml?

Jun 19, 2009

I have some xml that is full of attributes. Without much detail, i would like to translate the xml into objects. However , i need a method that can get the attribute values AND names. Getting the value is a no brainer, but the names are not coming so easy. For example, the following will translate and xml node into an object with a prop and value of the same[code]...

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Apr 10, 2008

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Code: Select all<setup<animation speed=".5" />
<animation transition="saturation" />
<animation easetype="linear" />
<animation clickthrough="true" />


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get XML By Value Of Attribute?

Jun 18, 2007

I'm updating an old AS2 project and have a question about XML. This thing I'm working on uses two xml files, pics.xml and lang.xml. The last one of the two contains translations for the flash file and looks like this:

PHP Code:

<lang>    <trans lang="sv">        <nextPic>N�sta bild</nextPic>            <prevPic>F�reg�ende bild</prevPic>        <showMap>Visa karta</showMap>    </trans>    <trans lang="en">        <nextPic>Next picture</nextPic>            <prevPic>Previous picture</prevPic>        <showMap>Show Map</showMap>    </trans></lang> 

and in the pics.xml you choose what language to display by setting an xml attribute to either "sv" or "en".My question is, how do I tell the function that parses lang.xml to only parse the node with the right language. If "sv" is set in pics.xml I only want to parse the first bit om lang.xml there, you se what I mean? I don't what to use something like: this.firstChild.childNodes[0].blahblah cos most likely the users of this will ad more languages...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] How To Trace Xml Attribute

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I wanted to ask that what is the method to trace the attribute in the xml file. I am trying a code but its saying undifined. The xml file looks like


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Xml Attribute NAMES

Jun 19, 2009

i have some xml that is full of attributes. Without much detail, i would like to translate the xml into objects. However , i need a method that can get the attribute values AND names. Getting the value is a no brainer, but the names are not coming so easy. For example, the following will translate and xml node into an object with a prop and value of the same:[code]in trying this with attributes, i need to first find a way to get the attribute name.

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Professional :: Set The Bgcolor Attribute Value?

Jul 25, 2011

The following doesn't work: But if you change setAttribute to ("width", "800"), it works with no problem! What am I missing? Is there an alternative to setAttribute method?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Custom Attribute In XML?

Oct 19, 2011

How to add Custom attribute recusrivly. With sequence order.[code]

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Xml :: Set A Variable Attribute Of A Xml Element?

Jan 28, 2010

How do you set a variable attribute of a xml element?This is what I expected to work:xmlElement.attribute(variableAttr) = "the variable attribute is set to this string";

However, I'm getting some error that this value can only be retrieved as a reference and not set.Ofcourse, the following does not work either as it will look for the attribute named "variableAttr" and not for the attribute named after the value of the variable variableAttr:

xmlElement.@variableAttr = "example";

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Xml :: Flash - Get All Nodes Attribute Value?

Feb 19, 2010

Here is the xml file

<alphabet id="A">
<term heading= "Anchor" definition="A mechanical device that prevents a vessel from


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Flex :: How To Rename An Attribute In XML

Jul 9, 2010

i have XMl like

<record id="1" name="CustomerInfo">
<field name="id" index="1" type="String"/>


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Xml :: Binding Attribute In Flex

Sep 14, 2010

I have this variable in Model class:[code]I've used BindingUtils to get notified when the XML changes:[code]Function onChange gets triggered when I assign an XML to the variable, but not when I change some attribute of the XML: Model.getInstance().someXml.@attr = "newValue";

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ActionScript 3 :: Cant Read An Attribute From A XML/RSS?

Feb 14, 2011

very simple question, i have this: (only a part of the complete rss file)


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Xml :: Flash - Check Value Of Attribute?

May 20, 2011

Not sure how I would check to see if the value of a nodes attribute "action" is equal to "left". My XML looks like the following:

<track timestamp="18/05/2011 13:21:49-0400" id="3" action="track">
<coordinates> test 1</coordinates>


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Javascript :: Set The Bgcolor Attribute Value?

Jul 22, 2011

The following doesn't work:

<embed id="foo" src="" width="400" height="40" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />


But if you change setAttribute to ("width", "800"), it works with no problem! What am I missing?

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Flex :: Getting A XML Attribute Using Variables?

Oct 21, 2011

I wish to extract an attribute from an XMLList and assign it to a string. Here is the snippet of the XML

<sport GAME="Squash" TIME1="2" TIME2="3" TIME3="8"/>
<sport GAME="Table Tennis" TIME1="4" TIME2="6" TIME3="7"/>

I have two variables. One variable will contain the game type, either Squash or Table Tennis. The other will contain one of the following strings "TIME1", "TIME2" or "TIME3". The variables are called game and time. I have tried many variations on the code below to get the needed attribute but with no joy.

var result:String = == game).(attribute(time));

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