These event listeners receive a message from the browser whenever the user opens another window or a program. And at that point I fade out the sounds and pause the videos. It prevents my site from making annoying noises in the background while the user is doing other things.
One limitation of ACTIVATE and DEACTIVATE is that every browser handles them differently. Worst of all, Google Chrome doesn't seem to handle them at all. I am wondering if there is something in my HTML or Javascript that I can do to make them work in Google Chrome. I can't seem to find anything on the subject.
For an example of these events in action, you can check out my personal website. URL]
If you leave my page, the music will fade out. It will fade in when you come back. Note: You do have to click on the Flash first before you leave the window, or it won't work.
I am working on a portal which is built in flex. I wanted to perform some action based on my applications is in focus or out of focus. So I tried to use two Events for this purpose Event.Activate and Event.Deactivate inside my flex code.
These events fire perfectly in FF 3.0 and above, Safari, Chrome and these events get triggered till IE 7.
But when I switch to IE 8 and above versions with latest flash player plugin 10,2,152,26 the Event.deactivate is not firing, and I am not able to detect whether my Flex application is out of focus.
I tried doing some research around this issue both using Flex Events and Javascript approach using window.onfocusin and window.onfocusout, but still no luck in IE 8 and higher versions with latest Flash plugin 10,2,152,26.
As we have a large number of users viewing this portal in IE 8 with latest flash plugin.
I have found that events Events.ACTIVATE and Events.DEACTIVATE do not fire in the browser when wmode = transparent or when wmode = opaque. This is found when the swf is published with or without fullscreen mode capability.However, the events do fire:In the standalone player, such as opening the publised swf locally ( not using a browser ) In the browser when wmode = window
My Goal:Is to detect Events.ACTIVATE and Events.DEACTIVATE with a swf that has been published with fullscreen capability, where the wmode = opaque. ( I have found that when in fullscreen and wmode = window, mouse interactivity events, such as clicks, do not fire. Mouse interactivity is something I need, which I get with wmode = transparent or opaque. )
FYI:I have found that when wmode = window, the DEACTIVATE event fires both when entering and leaving fullscreen mode. The event ACTIVATE does not fire when entering fullscreen mode or when returning to the browser from fullscreen ( user presses Escape, etc ). In the event the user switched to a different window, the DEACTIVATE event fires. When the user returns to the browser, the ACTIVATE fires in IE but does not fire in Firefox until the user clicks in the swf
Setup: Flash CS4 Using the Flash published HTML ( wmode = transparent / opaque ) Firefox 3.6.6 ( Windows XP Pro ) IE 8.0.60 ( Windows XP Pro )
I am trying to extract the last part (after the last .) of what trace( shows, but when i try to use the code bellow to do it i get some of the info i get for the traces EventOb=_level0.RightSide.instance435.Ath (or whatever it is that triggered the event) Legth=Undefined
i get Undefined for all the string commands i have tied
example for with _level0.RightSide.instance435.Ath i want to get just Ath
I created a button that looks up the coordinates of the device. There is no errors in the code but for some reason which is eluding me, the event is not being triggered.
Here is my code:
protected function lblCheckIn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { if (Geolocation.isSupported)
I have created different buttons on different movieclip. Then i assigned onPress event on each buttons. But the function of onPress event is not triggered. The arrangement of movieclips is following.
var mainMC:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mainMC",0); mainMC._alpha = 0; var adImgMC:MovieClip = mainMC.createEmptyMovieClip("adImgMC",0); var offerMC:MovieClip = mainMC.createEmptyMovieClip("offerMC",1); var offerList:MovieClip = offerMC.createEmptyMovieClip("offerList",0); [Code] .....
I have created an event as follows: offerList.onRollOver = function(){ offerList.stopTween(); clearInterval(autoScrlTimer); } offerList.onRollOut = function(){ duration = 0; autoScrlTimer = setInterval(automaticScroll,duration); ovrFlag = true } I doubt that the onPress event is not working because of the above piece of code.
I've got 3 classes: The class that recognizes the change in URL (using SWFAddress by Asual):
And the "Hello World" never appeared in the output window - so I'm not sure if is it possible that my MenuPanel has a chance to receive a info about completing the validation triggered by some other class?
Im doing a program in AS3 and, i'm trying to do the following:Lets say I have a button, which have onClick event, and when the event is triggered, the popup window will appear. And in this popup window there is going to be an animation (countdown) of 2020 (this is just an example).Is there a way to do this without javascript. Because i'm not doing this for website, its going to be a animation.
What's the call analogous to creationComplete that happens every time a component is rendered? I want to rerun a function every time the component gets rendered (it has to make an HTTP request, but the url it calls changes each time) and I can't figure out how to do it.
When the escape key is released, I close the deepest child in a tree-like structure, and then tell it's parent (which is now the new 'deepest child') to close when the escape key is released ... but I do that while such an event is triggered, that causes the whole chain to close.
I've got 3 classes: The class that recognizes the change in URL (using SWFAddress by Asual):
And the "Hello World" never appeared in the output window - so I'm not sure if it's possible that my MenuPanel has a chance to receive an info about completing the validation triggered by some other class?
Actionscript is really stressing me out! My code is too messy to post as I have tried everything from design patterns to procedural approaches. In short, is there any way i can retrieve my XML data in a variable after loading the URL request?
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); this.loader = new URLLoader(req); this.loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, readXML);
Basically I am trying to capture my XML output so I can place it a list. There doesn't seem to be a way to assign it to a variable without it losing scope when the event is over.
I have code that sends variables to an .asp file to be put on a database, and all that works fine the database connects and is updated fine, the thing is flash doesn't recognize that the operation was successful and won't continue with the further functions. I understand this may be due to a problem on my asp file, but the SQL executes successfully which I see when i check my DB, so I was wondering if anyone could look at my AS code and see any problems?
I'm working on a project that uses a resize event and the Flash is full-browser (100% height and width). This means of course that every time the Flash stage size will change the resize function will be triggered. This works all fine. But the problem is that if you open a new tab in a browser besides the Flash tab and you go to another website and you resize the browser itself than the rezise event wasn't triggered when you return to the Flash tab. It only triggeres when you resize the browser with THAT tab open.
So is there a normal way (without having an enterFrame loop) to still trigger the event if you return to the Flash tab?
I thought maybe a timer is best way. It should trigger the resize every 3 or 5 seconds or so.
This example relies on 1 MC on the stage called testMc now when you run this code it works fine. Every time you click the movieclip in does what its suppose to do.
The output shows trans trans trans trans etc
The problem lies when you resize the screen and then press the button again for a few times you will see this in the output transresizeresizeresizeresizeresizeresizetransresizetransresizetransresizetransresize
Somehow after the resize is done it keeps calling out for the resize event. How is this possible ?! I made it in CS5. import;import fl.transitions.*;import fl.transitions.easing.*; stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageResize, false, 0, true); function stageResize(evt:Event):void{ trace('resize'); [Code] .....
I have a USB barcode reader attached to my tablet (running Android 2.2), it seems to work, but how to read the date from it? And which event is triggered when it is scanning?
i am trying to have a change in a property of an object, when this object `touches` the area of another object. Let s say, i have a car; when the car arrives on a ball(bcs i have a path), i want that ball to change the alpha transp. I don t want to use the I cant use the Mouse Event listener....
I want a sound to play every time Code: Select all(explode) is triggered. I have had little success trying to attach audio when it happens, so i decided to make an empty 2 frame long movie clip, frame one has Code: Select allstop(); for obvious reasons, and frame 2 has no action but it has the sound "blast".
Is the code i'm using, i am getting no error reports but no sound is being played. What am i doing wrong? (the audio i want to play is named blast and has an export name of blast, the movie clip is named blastmc and has an export name of blastmc)
There seems to be just one problem I cant get around. Its a full screen flash site so when the browser gets resized, it looks all weird until you refresh the browser. I think it would be too hard to make a function to reposition all of my movieclips when the onResize event gets triggered so I figured it may just be easier to restart the flash movie from the start when it gets triggered, how could I refresh the movie, or possibly even refresh the browser? here is the site so you can see what I am talkin about [URL]
I've got a problem listening to the event. I've got 3 classes: Code: package com.zeeto.swfaddress { import flash.display.MovieClip; import com.asual.swfaddress.*; public class SwfAddress extends MovieClip { private var dispatcher:Dispatch = new Dispatch; [Code] ..... And... it doesn't work... is there any chance to listen to the EventDispatcher triggered by some other class?
Ok, I have 2 buttons on the stage. Each button does almost the same thing, so I want to create a single function, and each button calls that same function (we'll name that function "Navigate")... however, the function will need to end up doing something different dependant on which button was clicked.So, previously, in AS2, I would've added some code onto the buttons themselves with on(release) methods, like so:
Code: // Define the Navigate function function Navigate(myLabel){
Trying to migrate my way of thinking from AS2 to CS4/AS3. Ok, I have 2 buttons on the stage. Each button does almost the same thing, so I want to create a single function, and each button calls that same function (we'll name that function "Navigate")... however, the function will need to end up doing something different dependant on which button was clicked. So, previously, in AS2, I would've added some code onto the buttons themselves with on(release) methods (see CODE EXAMPLE 1) So, each button effectively calls the Navigate function, and passes a different frame label to the function. Now, I'm trying to recreate this functionality in AS3. As you all know, on(release) has been done away with (still don't know why), but we now have to use event handlers, so I'm trying to figure out a way to pass a different frame label argument to the Navigate function. Currently I can achieve that by using a switch statement to test which button was clicked, and act accordingly (see CODE EXAMPLE 2).
I have a movieclip(parentMC) which consists of several other movieclips(childMCs). Each childMC can trigger an event, and each event performs a different function. I want to check from my parentMC whenever there is an event triggered by any of its child.
I am writing a web application that will serve as a configuration for a random data generator that I have written in Java.The values that I set in this application will write to xml. The xml data is updated by a file called and that file is added to each child in the "viewStack" so that when I change any of those values the simulationConfig file will be automatically updated.The problem is that when I press the randomizeBtn the proper events are fired and the listeners grab those events.My problem exists when I uncheck the randomize button.For some reason an event is triggered or the listener isnt listening so that when I uncheck randomizeBtn the values go back to their last position or value on the slider. Ex. if my initial value is 0 then press randomize the slider will go to 100. The config file updates and all is well.When I uncheck the randomizeBtn, the sliders value goes back 0 but the config file isnt update.The same thing happens when I press the useDefaultBtn for both selected/unselected, nothing gets updated.[code]
I have a custom component I've developed that's part of a dashboard.It does some polling based on a timer that's part of the component.
When the user navigates away from the view that contains this component I would like to stop the timer and hence stop the polling.I can obviously fire an event when the view's changed and catch it within the component but I was hoping that there might be a way to contain this all within the component.Is there an event or state change within a component that triggers and even when a component is currently be displayed?