ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface Always Return Null From IE?

Jun 12, 2009

I copied following code from the ExternalInterface example to my flash:
if (checkJavaScriptReady()) {
console.appendText("Javascript is ready.
} else {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface.addCallback() Return To Frame 1

Sep 22, 2009

how I would go about writing code with ExternalInterface.addCallback() that would have my flash file return to frame 1 if clicked outside of the flash movie (if clicked anywhere in the html page)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: IE/ExternalInterface Do Not Return Any Value If Movie Added With AppendChild?

Sep 8, 2009

There is a problem with IE/ExternalInterface if movie is added to DOM f.ex appendChild. JavaScript functions are called but they do not return any value.MS first response was that this is 3rd party/Adobe problem.Fixing this with innerHTML is not the solution.

Simplified test case has
var flashMovie = '<OBJECT id="testId" codeBase="http://fpdownload..
Works in IE and FF[code]...

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Javascript :: Get Function In ActionScript To Return An Array Using ExternalInterface

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to get javascript to call a function in ActionScript and store the returned array. I have looked everywhere for help and i cant seem to get this to work. My actionscript is below:

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.FontType;[code].....

There is a getDeviceFonts() method that works, and the .call function works too, calling the function within the javascript. However, when i try and call the getFonts method in javascript it dosent work. Relavent Javascript is as below:

function getFlashMovie(movieName) {
var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName];

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface.Call - URLPath Showing Null

Mar 24, 2012

This is not working. If I trace(urlPath) showing - null.
var urlPath ="window.location.href.toString");
if(urlPath != "[URL]"){
pageMsg.text = "this is html"
} else {
pageMsg.text = "This is swf"

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Flex :: Return Value Instead Of Null?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm trying to call a function and pass a couple of properties to it however it's complain the object i'm attempting to target is null.

<mx:ViewStack id="vs" width="100%" height="100%" y="53">
<mx:Canvas id="view1" label="Community" width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="#ff9900" showEffect="WipeDown" hideEffect="WipeUp">
<mx:Label text="Community"/>


It's returning null the first time I click an image however subsequent attempts traces a value (I assume because it is set then, just not when the app loads). how to recognize it when the app loads?

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"Stab" is a tabnavigator, I like to access the id within navigatorcontent which is datagrid. I tried getchildbyname can't it can't seem to find the datagrid "nc1,nc2, etc" and return null.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetChildByName Return Null If Public Setting Is Flash 9

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I am facing a weird problem. The following code returns null if targeted player is Flash player 9 but works fine for Flash Player 10.


It works fine if I give a delay using setTimeout. I am not sure what I may be doing wrong. I have attached the source files. (Flash CS5 format)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Forum FAQ (work Topic) - My Reference Is Null - Stage Is Null

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Flex :: MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null) Getting Null Pointer Exception?

Jun 12, 2010

I am creating Dynamic Destinations

MessageBroker broker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);
MessageService service = (MessageService) broker.getService("message-service");
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) service.createDestination("Group1");


But I am getting Null Pointer Exception

MessageBroker broker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);

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Javascript :: Flash Embed Error - 'null' Is Null Or Not An Object

Jul 18, 2010

the script i wrote is working fine. but the script attached to the flash player which i have no control over is throwing a script error (im using IE8).how can i fix this? if i run it locally there is no error.

'null' is null or not an object

try { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue(__flash__toXML(function() { return document.location.hostname; }()) ); } catch (e) { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue("<undefined/>"); }

but this is from flash script and i dont have control over it. it just say JScript - script block.

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private function createAndShowmyMenu():void {
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Child = Null Before Setting It To Null?

Jul 28, 2009

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//[object MovieClip]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Null Object Error That Is Clearly NOT Null

Sep 15, 2010

I have the following piece of code(part of a much bigger program). I this code I am re-using a motion that has been previously used successfully. The trace stmts are used to identify the exact location of the error and the error conditions as best I can.[code]

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The objects that result from these casts can have properties set on and read from them. It's as if the cast created information, or removed whatever special information the null and undefined values have. But there's no indication in the AS3 documentation that the null and undefined special types are actually objects.

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I created a Sponsorbar which dynamically adds sponsors according a XML script.

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for each( var imgPath2:XML in xdata.img )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Inheritance / Interface - Override A Function That Return An Object Of Class A And Make It Return An Object Of Class B Which Extends A?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Null Object Not Null

Sep 5, 2009

I am trying to add an EventListener to a MC, but I am getting the 1009 error. My script is referencing a MC that does exist. I have verified that my code is typed correctly, and that my instance names are correct.I am creating a portfolio site. On the first frame I have my main navigation (well, it's actually not the first frame. I alpha-fade everything in so it's really the 6th or 7th, but I'm not sure how pertinent that is). The main navigation works fine (5 movie clips, fyi). Clicking them will move to a different frame, and the information and sub navigation for the frame will fade up. It is the sub navigation that I am having trouble with.[code]

As you can see, it doesn't even get to the function before it gets thrown off. I have verified that the instance names are correct. The script and the MC I am trying to add it too [I/]are[I/] in the same frame, which is what's stumping me. Normally you get 1009 when the object you're trying to reference is not there, but mine is!!Obviously there is something wrong with my EventListener. I am not sure what else do; there is a gap in my understanding of AS.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Are Object Variables Null If Object Is Null

Jun 29, 2011

If I set an Object = null, does that remove all references to the Object's variables assuming there are no external references to said variables? Or do I have to manually set all said variables = null?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Return A.attributes.first > B.attributes.first Will Return What Value?

Jun 8, 2006

i was mugging on this tutorial :


The return a.attributes.first > b.attributes.first will return what value?

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CS4 - ExternalInterface & FireFox V3.013?

Aug 19, 2009

I've spent about a day on this... Publishing a swf for AS3/FP9, following the example in the ActionScript 3 documentation to get two-way communication between a SWF and javascript. Works great in IE.

I've sifted through what seems like a million posts on the subject, with people getting the same result... the function I/they are attempting to call doesn't exist.

In the documentation example, there's a function to find/return either the SWF as an object or embed tag depending on which browser you're viewing the page in.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface On IE?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm trying to use ExternalInterface to expose functions of my as3 code to javascript. It is working very well, following the Flash CS3 help on Firefox and Chrome browsers, however on IE 8 things are getting hard...
At my HTML page I used the help-suggested functions to confirm the connection between js and as:


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ExternalInterface To Work With VB.NET?

Apr 15, 2012

I just had this conversation with a colleague and I am now turning to the SO community to provide evidence based on fact, not opinion, as to which tool would be ideal to grow into in the current programming environment. Director or Flash?I am deciding if I should stick with Flash or bother learning Director 11.5. He want to know if he should stick with Director or learn Flash. No, we don't work together. Hehe..


I've gotten ExternalInterface to work with VB.NET, hence the need for Director in the context of its ability to do File System IO and "non-flv" video are eliminated. No if only VB could do the kinds of animation that Flash could do, I could turn towards being a "real" programmer...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: ExternalInterface With Grabbing URL?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a flash menu that needs to play a different scene depending on which page it is embedded into. So I need the it to grab the URL of the html page it is on and do some simple test on it to figure out what scene it should be on. *For the record, I tried to do it without scenes but the frame jumping started doing some cracked out things

Code: (on a single empty frame in Scene 1) import flash.external.ExternalInterface; var urlPath; urlPath ="window.location.href.toStr  ing()"); getURL("javascript:alert('"+urlPath+"');"); if (urlPath == ""){ gotoAndPlay("Scene 3", "portfoliopage"); } else if (urlPath ==


Somehow, my urlPath isn't getting the correct value, and therefore the if-else latter isn't functioning appropriately. I am posting the website on my test server, so the http addresses are correct, and the if-else latter functions perfectly when I just change the conditions to 'true'/'false', so neither is the problem. The problem is that the alert shows me that the value of urlPath is undefined, and so then all conditions in the latter evaluate to false.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface Not Working?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm using Flash Professional CS5 with AS3. I have this line of"alert",;Nothing happens. I've tried IE7, FF5, Opera and Safari. Nothing.My import is: import flash.external.ExternalInterface;If I use trace(), I get the proper feedback (but only in my test movie, NOT my swf).

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Flash In IE

Feb 21, 2010

I am having an issues with to return a value in IE. It is working fine in Firefox. Eventhough I changed the "allowscript access" to "always", still it is not working. Is there any thing that I need to change in Flex or the HTML to make this work? or this is a security setting in IE?

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Javascript :: Flash - Get A VAR With ExternalInterface?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to use the function in my ActionScript(2.0) to get a javascript var value set in the wrapping document. The following seems to work in FireFox and in Chrome but, naturally, it does not work in IE(8). getting the value stored at this variable?

var linkPath ="function(){return window.customLinkLocation;}", null);


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Flash :: Way To Use ExternalInterface Locally

Oct 11, 2011

The problem is this: I have an swf embedded in an html. I must call a js function in the page from the swf via ExternalInteface. Ok. But it must work locally, for any user, without doing nothing. That's because this thing must be distributed in cdroms.

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Javascript :: ExternalInterface Not Working In Ie9

Feb 6, 2012

I am having problems with External interface and IE9. The swf objects play fine but none of the information input is transferred to the cookies that should be set. I have seen that there are other questions similar to this but have not been able to solve my problem using them. THis is the html we are using

<div id="flashcentre">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"data="http://workingflashlink" width="600" height="450">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ExternalInterface And Wmv Player?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a problem in the communication between as3 and javascript: simply I want to use a flash movie in the same page where I included an wmv object player. When I try to invoke a function on JS (from as3) I note that all the normal playstate and commands to handle the wmv player are inverted. (for example the movie is playing the variable document.Player.playstate is set to 2-paused and so on). Even further I figured out I have big problems in fullscreen/set volume commands. Does anyone face this problem too? Where can I find useful links?

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