ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Linking An Interactive Flash Tutorial To A Database?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm creating an interactive flash tutorial for kids teaching them about healthy eating. Part of the tutorial involves them learning about different food groups, then playing different 'games' to test their knowledge.

I would like to incorporate a user login system, so the user logs in on the main menu, and then the system records which activities have been completed, and a score for each activity. This will update whenever they finish a game or achieve a score better than their previous attempts.

I found a tutorial but that was just retrieving stuff from a database and plugging it into an SWF. any suggestions / tutorials available on how I can achieve this 2 way interaction?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Video Player - Button Linking

Feb 18, 2011

I'm trying to make an interactive video player where you have a choice of 3 buttons and each button links to a different frame that has a video player embedded in it. Once on of the frames are brought up, I have a button to take you back to the main screen. However, after clicking back to the main screen, I'm running into the following output error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at memorialsample_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()[memorialsample_fla.MainTime line::frame1:4]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
at memorialsample_fla::MainTimeline/gotoMain2()[memorialsample_fla.MainT imeline::frame2:11]

Once the above output error occurs, the buttons are no longer active and no longer work. Here's a look at my code that I have going on:
Frame 1:
stop()//Link to Frame 2btn_MJ_Main.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMJ) function gotoMJ (e:MouseEvent){
//btn_Beach_Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBeach)
//btn_MJ_Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMJ)
btn_Cloud_Main.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoCloud)gotoAndPlay(2)
[Code] .....

If you want to see the actual SWF for a better visual at what I'm doing, you can see it here: [URL]. Scroll down to the Flash object, it says "Memorial Tribute Samples". I have the videos streaming, and am not sure how I could get the FLV videos to stop playing when I click the flash's "Return to Samples" button. Right now, the users would have to pause the video if they don't want it to play in the background as they go back to the first frame.

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Mar 6, 2009

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Easing on Mouseclick [URL]... Now i tried to combine these 2 together and nothing happens , either 1 works or the other one works but never the 2 together.... [URL]...

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Jun 4, 2009

I am building a flash based website and have a large rectangle mc that I am panning left to right that has buttons nested inside. I followed the kirupa tutorial called "interactive image panning" and everything seems to be working fine. My problem is this. I want this panned mc to be centered and framed by a black border that will also act as a mask hiding the ends of the rectangle that have not yet been panned to. When I add this black border the code thinks the stage dimensions are larger and the panning gets whacky. How can I contain this panned mc so it doesn't react to a change in the stage dimensions. it also does this when I open the published HTML in the browser. I basically want it to behave like the sample image on the first page of the "interactive image panning tutorial". There must be an easy solution.

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actionscript code "on (release){

and all it does is reload the home page as if it can't find it's way out of the home page back to scene1. I realize I created buttons inside the home page and not in the main scene1.

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I receive the following error:

1172: Definition could not be found.

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Actionscript :: Flash Tutorial For Programmers

Mar 7, 2011

I am a programmer with a relatively good background programming in ActionScript using Flash Builder. However, I have been handed a FLA file meant to be opened in Flash CS 4, and I have to add some code to it, but this is the first time I've ever used this software in my life.After I opened the file, I was greeted by a quite unhelpful interface (maybe it's friendly for artists?), and I immediately had questions such as:

-How can I edit the source code?
-How do I run the program?
-How is the source code organized?
-Where is the entry point of the program?
-How can I do source control of these files?

I've been looking at flash tutorials online, but every tutorial starts with drawing shapes, tweening, the timeline, etc. Honestly, I don't care about any of those things (they've already been done by people at the design team).I already know how to code in ActionScript, so what I need is a tutorial to give me a kickstart in coding -already designed- flash files using Flash (not Flash Builder).I have been fighting against flash cs4 all day and I am very very disappointed with it. I thought I was good with technology, but it has been a really long time since I last found a tool so difficult to use and understand.

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Mar 12, 2009

I was wondering if there was a way to make the XML Flash Slideshow begin playing once it loads and to possibly have a pause feature. I saw this asked in another thread but there was no response to it.

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In LeeBrimelow's Flash MP3 Player Tutorial

Jul 8, 2009

How can you modify it so that the music DOES NOT start playing when it loads?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom In/out From 3D In Flash Tutorial

Oct 1, 2003

i am pretty new to Flash, and I have started going through alot of this tutorials on this site, and it is really great btw. Anyhow, I was reading through the zoom in/out tutorial in the ActionScript > 3D in Flash tutorial, and I am having a little trouble figuring out where I should put the code, and actually see it work.

I did the following. I only made one figure so far, because I was just doing a test:

1) I draw a simple shape on the stage, converted it into a movie clip, and named it figureA

2) I then double clicked on it, and in the first frame, right clicked > Actions, and wrote the following code:


My question is what am I suppose to do next? Insert a keyframe and make a motion tween? I am kinda lost in the difference between actionscript motion or using motion tween.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Xml Slideshow From Tutorial?

Mar 7, 2006

i just followed the tut fmx2004 about the slideshow, it is very good! i just have one question : i would like the slideshow to be started by a click on a button (not run when loaded), and then run infinitly, how do I do that?

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Flash :: IDE - Coloring Book In Tutorial

Sep 3, 2009

i am leaning Flash for about 3 weeks now, and i am quite good in that. I am AMAZED by all cool effects and trying to learn atleast 1 new every day. This tutorial, Coloring Book in Flash , is giving me headache for the last 2 hours. On the beggining of tut, it say to download and open souce FLA file- I saw that there is only drawing in start FLA file, so I make my own. Is that mistake, right at the beginning? If so, where I can find tut in the whole, so I can use my own images?

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IDE :: CS4 Tutorial : Drawing Shapes In Flash?

Aug 24, 2010

This thread is designed to help collect discussion on the Drawing Shapes in Flash tutorial.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom In/out From 3D In Flash Tutorial?

Oct 1, 2003

I was reading through the zoom in/out tutorial in the ActionScript > 3D in Flash tutorial, and I am having a little trouble figuring out where I should put the code, and actually see it work.I did the following. I only made one figure so far, because I was just doing a test:

1) I draw a simple shape on the stage, converted it into a movie clip, and named it figureA

2) I then double clicked on it, and in the first frame, right clicked > Actions, and wrote the following code:

origin = new Object();
origin.x = 150;
origin.y = 150;


Insert a keyframe and make a motion tween? I am kinda lost in the difference between actionscript motion or using motion tween.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Xml In Flash Tutorial?

Dec 22, 2004

Just got through with the "Displaying XML in Flash" tutorial and it was very easy. I took the XML document on the tutorial and created more childNodes within the parent node. The problem is that I cannot get the actionscript to display text in the text window beyond the first child node.I noticed in the [URL] that it tells how to get other data from the first child node but not the second.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tutorial Called Senocular's 3D Car Race Tutorial?

Jul 27, 2005

I am looking for a tutorial called Senocular's 3D car race tutorial

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery Tutorial With Thumbnails Tutorial

Feb 28, 2006

original: I really just need to figure out how to center the pictures. here is what I did I have modified the tutorial that I finished to have a bigger stage for bigger pictures. Everything is working properly but the pictures are displayed on the left side, I want to have them centered in the stage for the images, after clicking on the thumbnails, plus my images are different sizes as well. ranging from 200x410 to 744x410 but all are the same height of 410. i will post up what I am talking about at the end. I believe it is something within either the action script or the xml coding that allows the position of the image to be differently? please help here is what i am talking about[URL] Continued: Here is my coding in action script:


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