Actionscript :: Flash Tutorial For Programmers
Mar 7, 2011
I am a programmer with a relatively good background programming in ActionScript using Flash Builder. However, I have been handed a FLA file meant to be opened in Flash CS 4, and I have to add some code to it, but this is the first time I've ever used this software in my life.After I opened the file, I was greeted by a quite unhelpful interface (maybe it's friendly for artists?), and I immediately had questions such as:
-How can I edit the source code?
-How do I run the program?
-How is the source code organized?
-Where is the entry point of the program?
-How can I do source control of these files?
I've been looking at flash tutorials online, but every tutorial starts with drawing shapes, tweening, the timeline, etc. Honestly, I don't care about any of those things (they've already been done by people at the design team).I already know how to code in ActionScript, so what I need is a tutorial to give me a kickstart in coding -already designed- flash files using Flash (not Flash Builder).I have been fighting against flash cs4 all day and I am very very disappointed with it. I thought I was good with technology, but it has been a really long time since I last found a tool so difficult to use and understand.
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origin = new Object();
origin.x = 150;
origin.y = 150;
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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1. How do you control the play order of the imported .swfs? For example, if I load my movie border/bg and it has action, then the menu with action then the main image which also has an action, how do I set up the movie clips to play in order?
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