ActionScript 2.0 :: Regarding The Proper Flash Structure Tutorial?
Sep 22, 2006
I didn't see anything posted on this, hopefully these questions aren't repeats. So, in the tutorial, it shows how to define globals, import XML, import CSS, and load some external files into movieclips. My questions are:
1. How do you control the play order of the imported .swfs? For example, if I load my movie border/bg and it has action, then the menu with action then the main image which also has an action, how do I set up the movie clips to play in order?
2. When I import my bg swf, how do I scale it to 100% but leave the rest of the items unscaled?
3. Can certain parameters of the DropShadowFilter that gets assigned to "filtersArray" be accessed to alter the distance (as an example) so specific params can be altered for different movie clips?
I will probably add to this. The tutorial was so useful that I am trying to relearn my methodology, but there are some gaps.
I seem to run into compile issues in Flash Builder when I import 3rd-party libraries at the wrong level in the directory structure. For example, sometimes I'll import a library one level too deep into its directory tree, and the package explorer ends up excluding the prefix root-level package, usually "com." or "net.". Even though the content of the source itself doesn't change, this will cause compile errors.
Thus: Is it a 1) convention or 2) language requirement that a class's package structure (e.g., "") must match its path location (e.g., foo/bar/ If it's a language requirement, why is it a requirement? Wouldn't that overdetermine the package structure, since it is already specified in the source code and quite happily consuming the first three to eight columns of each line? If it's not a language requirement, are my compile errors just a result of Flash Builder enforcing the convention?
I sent an email to pom regarding a tutorial that he wrote, but the email was bounced and he hasn't replied to my PM. I have followed both of pom's tutorials that involve experiments with perspective in Flash, but I have encountered a problem while attempting to duplicate a movie clip symbol in the second tutorial ([URL]). I have a single instance of the "ball" movie clip symbol appearing at random positions. However, I cannot seem to successfully duplicate the symbol instance at random positions using the loop that pom provided:
I have built a catalog in flash that was orginally built in InDesign and exported but it has some small content that is hard to read for the elderly users viewing it and I would like to add a zoom feature or some type of magnifying glass.
original: I really just need to figure out how to center the pictures. here is what I did I have modified the tutorial that I finished to have a bigger stage for bigger pictures. Everything is working properly but the pictures are displayed on the left side, I want to have them centered in the stage for the images, after clicking on the thumbnails, plus my images are different sizes as well. ranging from 200x410 to 744x410 but all are the same height of 410. i will post up what I am talking about at the end. I believe it is something within either the action script or the xml coding that allows the position of the image to be differently? please help here is what i am talking about[URL] Continued: Here is my coding in action script:
I'm wondering if there is a proper way to upgrade from Flash CS4 to CS5. What I did was just open existing CS4 project in CS5 and saved it as CS5. It seems to work but I'm wondering: did I miss something in the transition? Do I need to make additional modifications for project to work better in CS5?
I am writing an ActionScript class and I don't know where the standard place to put it is.In other words, where should I put the package in regards to the hierarchy? In flash.myname.mypackage? What is the standard naming convention? As you can probably tell, I haven't had a lot of experience writing ActionScript classes :)
I'm trying to replace instances created by dragging and dropping into a MovieClip through Flash's IDE with actual classes so I can add them to a game loop and have them as actual entities. In other words, I'm trying to create a streamlined way to allow developers to visually add their entities to a platforming engine I'm working on.
This is my third attempt at it and I'm completely stuck.The code below loops through a movieclip that contains an exported symbol with a class linked to it named MyEntity. However, it loses its extension to BaseClass and thus doesn't move when compiled.
It inherits: MovieClip > BaseClass > MyEntity. However when compiled with the IDE it ignores BaseClass and just does MovieClip > MyEntity.
My code is designed to find and store the position of MyEntity, remove it from the container movieclip, add a brand new instance of it (with the base being proper) then set that new instance to the same position of the original.
for ( var i:int = 0; i < LayerInIDE.numChildren; i++ ) { // first we want to get all the display objects in the layer // these are objects that were placed from within the Flash IDE (ie. dragged and dropped into the MovieClip var original:DisplayObject = LayerInIDE.getChildAt( i );
This does not work.
It outputs Game.entities::MyEntity [class MyEntity] false. MyEntity is a proper class and DOES extend from BaseClass. However, the issue is the IDE weirdly removes the reference to the base class - as if MyEntity never had a base class. I cannot seem to recreate it as getting the reference to the class also returns that MyEntity never had a BaseClass. However, if I type in var newEnt = MyEntity(); instead of getting the class name through getDefinitionByName it works normally and extends from BaseClass.I need it to extend from BaseClass as that is the main class all entities in my game engine require to use.
I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with this code:
I have a sample XML file with two images. If I remove either of the items from the XML, it everything displays fine, but with 2 items in the XML, the first item doesn't show an image, but the second does (maybe the first is being attached in a position behind the second?)
I dont know if its the right forum for my post or not. But I need to ask if there is anyway to show the folder structure of a clients PC in flash when the user clicks on a browse button in a web site just like the one below? I googled for a "Multiple File Uploader using flash" but what I found there is that an open file window opens and we are able to select multiple files from it. I could not found anything like below. So my question is that whether we will be able toshow all the folder structure or not?
Is there a way for an XML file to be displayed in a textfield in Flash just like it's displayed in a text editor? I mean... displaying it and keeping the original XML text formatting (including white spaces, indents etc.)?
What is a good structure for a complete Flash website. ex.
1) Index.swf ( which is just a container and loader for the actual SWF site content)
2) Main.swf (the main content of the site that gets loaded in by Index.swf)
Should the index.swf load in several SWF's , like navigation file , news reel file , etc....Also , if anyone know of a web site that has this information or knows of a book that covers this material ,
I saw a post from circa 2006 on Kirupa, regarding the best way to efficiently structure a flash website. I'm wondering if this has changed? Should I be coding everything in document class... using xml.... using only external swfs as my 'pages'? an anyone offer advice or a resource on the best way to organize contemporary clean and efficient flash websites?
How do I organize my flas, class, xml, shared library, and deployment files? What does the com in the standard layout stand for?Here is my attempt so far:
There are many articles available online regarding directory structure best practices, but none of them seem to fit exactly what I need/would like. That, and it seems regardless of what I try, I always get a "5001: The name of package '[package name]' does not reflect the location of this file..." error. This is my current directory structure:
Does any one know of an article's on the element's / structure needed to create a flash , php , MySQL cms ? I failed to mention flash would be the GUI for the CMS
package obfus_plugin{ import org.flowplayer.model.Plugin; import org.flowplayer.util.Arrange; import org.flowplayer.model.PluginModel; import org.flowplayer.view.Flowplayer; public class obfus extends Sprite implements Plugin {
and when I try to publish, I get the error:
5001: The name of package 'obfus_plugin' does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file.
Is it possible to upload a complete folder with subdirectories and files (in the subdirectories) in Flex?
I am using a Flex / BlazeDS / Spring application. The question is not how to transfer the data to the server.The question is: if it is possible to get access to the files and subfolders (recursive) with Flex?
I was just wondering what the best data structure would be to use to represent data objects in a side scrolling game, basically the stuff the user can't see isn't on the stage so I would generally create a custom class to define its properties (x,y,weight,type, derp, etc) and then push that into an array and as the user moves forward I project the info from the array while checking if their x position is.
The problem that can occur is that the user can move left and right so whats the best way to keep track of the indexes?
how to build and structure a full flash website using the OOP approach. I have an idea of how to structure an application using the MVC design pattern, but I cannot put things together in order to structure a whole website.
I'm building an application that is going to use Flash Remoting very heavily. I'm wondering how I should structure my Service connections. Should I put them in each(several) loaded movies or in the root timeline where any loaded move can access them. The latter would cause issues when trying to test each movie individually. But by putting the Service connections in each movie would require imports needed for FR at the top affecting load time. Also, I'm new to using the moviecliploader. I have a few functioning properly, however, is it wise to try and create a "smart" loader? Meaning use one loader having code to zip when the zip.swf is loaded and zag with zag.swf. Or should I just accept, and get in the habit of using a zip loader and a zag loader separately, meaning each loader simply serve a specific function.
Scenario 1: Within some 3D container object, I would like to add two Cubes: one without any transformation, and one with small position, rotation and scale adjustments. After adding those two cubes, I would like to also transform the container's position, rotation and scale.
Scenario 2: In a 3D character's body, it consists of many hierarchical children (and subchildren), each having various transformations over the course of an animation.
How do I calculate these individual 3D object transformations efficiently? Can it even be possible to do this with only one VertexBuffer3D? Or do I need several VertexBuffer3D to keep track of each objects? Using multiple VertexBuffer3D seems like it could hit a limit (but I haven't read enough of the Stage3D / Context3D documentation to know for sure).
I downloaded the Sothink SWF Decompiler, which allows you to open and view the structure of a .swf file. (the unregistered version limits the amount of actionscript you can view). It even can resave as a .fla file. Does it concern anyone that when you host your Flash code and applictions, it is basically open sourced, whether you want it to be or not?
I have a "person" so to speak, in flash, with a few different parts; head, pants, shirt and hat. There can be, for example, 10 different colors of shirts for the person. I've done a lot of the AS3 code behind it, but I'm awful in flash, and I've had a ton of trouble with this.
What I'm really trying got figure out (in vain) is how I can have basically a blank skeleton structure (i.e. I'm trying to have "blank" or "placeholder" symbols connected by Inverse Kinematics as bones) consisting of the pants, shirt, & head, and when I find out that shirt #6 needs to be on the person... put it in that placeholder. Does that make sense? That's the big problem. The other thing is that I've had nothing but trouble figuring out how to have, for example, one or two outlines of shirts, and when it sees shirt #6, it fills in that shirt with blue dynamically. But that might be for another question.
How I have it now: In AS3, each of the parts, the shirt, the pants, the head & hat, have their own custom classes behind movieclips, and for example, I've got it set up that the body contains the pants, shirt and head classes, and the head contains the hat class, etc.
I got a problem with adobe flash cs4 : I can't launch it normaly and its says that a fatal error has occured.. I really don't know what I must do.. Please, help me.... I've just lost like 3 or 4 files of adobe by trying to reinstall it.