I was just wondering what the best data structure would be to use to represent data objects in a side scrolling game, basically the stuff the user can't see isn't on the stage so I would generally create a custom class to define its properties (x,y,weight,type, derp, etc) and then push that into an array and as the user moves forward I project the info from the array while checking if their x position is.
The problem that can occur is that the user can move left and right so whats the best way to keep track of the indexes?
I'm making a top-view side-scrolling racing game in Flash AS3. I'm unsure about the best way to store levels in the game.Please provide suggestions for both tile-based and art-based backgrounds.
My goal: To create a side-scrolling motocross game (horizontal - already have terms on side scrolling methodology).The bike - should react to jumps, etc.Wheels need to turn when gas is pressed, etc (is this a basic animation on keyboard events, or is it actually what 'drives' the machine??)The rider - should hang on to bike, lean forward, backward, etc.My question lies within where should be the best place to start? I know this isn't going to happen over night, and my primary focus is on the bike & suspension & rider physics (making sure the suspension/bike/rider react correctly to bumps).URL...
As you may have seen from my previous posts, I am creating a side-scrolling action game in Flash/Actionscript 3.0. Right now I am trying to get enemy objects to face the player's direction. Here is what I mean (dartD1 is an instance of the enemy character object. If its scaleX is 1, it's facing right; if its scaleX is -1, it's facing left):
how to respond when a rectangle hits another rectangle? I already know how to detect the collision, I just don't know how to respond to it. I'm just trying making a simple side-scrolling platform game where I have platforms I can walk on and bump against on all sides.
hey everyone. im currently making a side scrolling game and its going good. especialy thanx to sum people from here. anyway. i was trying to make it so that u could enter vehicles and then control the vehicles and shoot with them and then u could exit them. Im not asking you to write the code for me. but if u guys know of any examples/tuorials, or if u could giv me sum ideas on how i could do this.
I have a movieclip that is scrolled by means of a 'sensor' on each side of the stage. The clip scrolls fine in both directions, however here is my problem:When the users mouse leaves the stage, the movie clip stops dead in it's tracks, and this does not provide a nice smooth effect. Looking at the code below, is there any way I could tell the animation to ease out when the users mouse leaves the stage rather than simply stop suddenly?
class Sensor extends MovieClip { public function Sensor() { }
create a side scroll game in flash..and i dont know whats the easiest and best to do it,, if i can i wish my game can access to a database to save and load it.
In flex 3 I have a hierarchical data structure. I would like to display the content of it in a tree. My problem is that I have nodes which data calculated from children nodes. How to structure the hierarchy to make automatic changes to those parent nodes, if their children's data changed? For example:
Every node has a warning flag. If some of the children warning flag changed to true, then the parent warning flag should change automatically set to true. A node integer field is the sum of the children integer fields, and if any of the children changes, the parent integer field "calculates" the sum immediately. Is there an easy solution wit good structuring changes happen automatically, or I have to make some custom functions?
I seem to run into compile issues in Flash Builder when I import 3rd-party libraries at the wrong level in the directory structure. For example, sometimes I'll import a library one level too deep into its directory tree, and the package explorer ends up excluding the prefix root-level package, usually "com." or "net.". Even though the content of the source itself doesn't change, this will cause compile errors.
Thus: Is it a 1) convention or 2) language requirement that a class's package structure (e.g., "foo.bar.Class") must match its path location (e.g., foo/bar/Class.as)? If it's a language requirement, why is it a requirement? Wouldn't that overdetermine the package structure, since it is already specified in the source code and quite happily consuming the first three to eight columns of each line? If it's not a language requirement, are my compile errors just a result of Flash Builder enforcing the convention?
I'm trying to make a game where the character stays in the middle of the screen and the background scrolls as the arrow keys are pressed.
I've got it moving fine, but the background scrolls off the stage when you reach the edge. The background's bigger than the stage. I want to stop the background moving before this happens.
I'm trying to put a Tween in here so it's less 'rude' when I roll over the bottom bar (interface).See the swf here:(Press Start, then one of the windows)Script:
Code: private function scrollMovement ( event:Event ):void {
I used to play this cool game (till the blocked it in school ) where you click and a helicopter flys up, while its going through a tunnel. Decided to try recreating the fun but having problems when it comes to deleting the sections of the tunnel after they go off the screen. I'll show you what I mean.
I want my site to do this.I have spent 3 days trying to find code that will let me do this.All I found was cheezy **** you had to pay for, or some guy who managed to do it on a 200x100 scale.
- The menu scrolls to the left when mouse is over the left side of the menu (there will be an arrow pointing left), and the menu reacts in the opposite fashion when the mouse is over the right side of the menu- The menu is constantly scrolling in the left direction when the mouse is not over the left or right arrow- The menu stops scrolling (or slows down) when the mouse scrolls over any of the items in the side-scrolling menu.
url...Once it's loaded click the screen and at the bottom left go to portfolios. Click on one of them and you'll see a slow continuous side scrolling gallery. I've got everything working apart from when I mouse off it continues at the speed at which I left it. I would like it to slow to a default speed and continue scrolling as in the example I've given.It's been a while since I dabbled with Flash and especially action script! url...
Does flash have a wait command?i have this code here
Code: targ._x = targ._x - 2.500000; if (targ._x <= -350) { targ._x = 344; } // end if }
it scrolls targ from right to left and when targ gets to -350 it restarts by putting targ clip back at 344 (start point)my Q is does flash have a wait command? because i want to stop the side scrolling when the targ gets to -100 then wait a few seconds the nrestart scrolling.
Once it's loaded click the screen and at the bottom left go to portfolios. Click on one of them and you'll see a slow continuous side scrolling gallery. I've got everything working apart from when I mouse off it continues at the speed at which I left it. I would like it to slow to a default speed and continue scrolling as in the example I've given.I should mention I followed tutorial here:
http:[url].....It's been a while since I dabbled with Flash and especially AS3! Here is the code I'm using so far.
Code: import gs.*; var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2; var galleryWidth:Number = images.width;[code].....
I'm working on a StarFox side-scrolling shooter in MX. I need instructions for the coding of the following features:
|Character Has Lives |Arwing (ship) Takes Damage - Explodes After All HP is Lost |Arwing Cannot Leave the Screen |Arwing Can Perform Special Moves - A Barrel Roll That Will Deflect Enemy Lasers
|Game Timer |Pause
|Power-Ups - Regain HP - More Weapons
|A Boss at the End of Each Level - Boss Has a Health Meter - Goes to Next Level After Boss is Defeated
I'm using Flash 4.0 as UI tier, and I'm trying to send data to the server side, which runs on Tomcat. I wrote a servlet that the calls are directed to it. But I do not understand how can I see the data that was sent from the flash tier. to clarify, hereby example:
I'm trying to create the look at the following website: [URL]. Once it's loaded click the screen and at the bottom left go to portfolios. Click on one of them and you'll see a slow continuous side scrolling gallery. I've got everything working apart from when I mouse off it continues at the speed at which I left it. I would like it to slow to a default speed and continue scrolling as in the example I've given.
I should mention I followed tutorial here: [URL]. It's been a while since I dabbled with Flash and especially AS3! Here is the code I'm using so far. Code: import gs.*; var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2; var galleryWidth:Number = images.width; var speed:Number = 0; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, move); function move(e:Event):void { [Code] .....
I'm creating a side scrolling presentation that has logos from different companies moving from the right to the left of the movie. The images are high resolution, but the type becomes unreadable when they are in motion. Is there a way for me to have a smooth image from beginning to end without a loss in image quality? Here is the presentation: [URL]
My .fla/.swf file is unable to load the data from server. Instead, it is displaying the below error: Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: [URL] cannot load data from [URL]. at MiniHumanAp_fla::MainTimeline/MiniHumanAp_fla::frame1() the reply for root-cause of this error...
This is my first post in this forum and I'll try to best explain my problem. I'm working on a AS3(AIR) application, i.e., some text transposer. Let's say I have a dynamic textbox (some previously transposed data), in which I have the following content:
Next to this text box, I have another dynamic text box, where I want to put these numeric values, i.e., to generate an XML tree by clicking a button (calling a function), which have the following structure: